Well-Known Member
what about those expert witness` es
The link I posted seemed to suggest that only new farriers had to do CPD?I rather assumed that liking the farrier meant you like the work they do!
Farriers are required to do CPD and my farrier is happy to chat about the CPD sessions he does and meets with the vets to discuss cases etc. and that is definitely one of the things I “like” about him.
Not so sure about this. When I asked my own good farrier whether crap big cheese farrier is any good, he cautiously replied ‘He can be.‘ And indeed, big cheese has won prestigious awards for his work.Farriers are not intentionally bad at their job so berating them may not secure improvements.
Ha! I sort of asked a while back (fortunately not to one that does my horse's hooves) and was basically told 'I've been doing it 30 years there's nothing more anyone can teach me'.
There's some fascinating stuff going on with 3D printing of horse shoes with a guy in Australia where he really is designing the shoe - with heel support - to help the horse in front of him. I'm sure boots could be designed that way too. Perhaps in years to come they won't rock up with a forge, but a 3D printer and an x-ray machine.
This is one thing I'm worrying about when I move, finding a decent farrier, I've been stalking on FB and some in the area I'm moving to leave slot to be desired, so wish my farrier now would be able to carry on with mine but moving 3 hours away it's a no go!
My farrier has just bought a 3D printer and is starting to experiment
That all sounds impressive.I am a full member of the Equine Podiatry Association UK. All our members have to do a minimum of 40 hours CPD each year and are insured. The EPA are our regulatory body and we adhere to the National Occupational Standards for Barefoot Trimming. If (God forbid) a complaint was made, the EPA would take it very seriously
When i decided to switch careers i initially wanted to be a farrier. I thought that as they had 4 years training and barefoot trimmers learnt off YouTube and lame every horse (as a farrier once told me) then farriery was the thing for me. I started researching the training and stumbled across Equine Podiatry Training Ltd. I was quite surprised to find that their course appeared to be more in depth than the farriery courses so i emailed a few farriers and a few EPs to get advice. Every single EP replied saying the course was the hardest but best thing they ever did. Not a single farrier replied.
I decided to take the gamble, took out a carrer development loan and did the EPT ltd course over 2 years. It was the best thing i have ever done. I already have post graduate diplomas, but the EPT course was more challenging than university!
I am a full member of the Equine Podiatry Association UK. All our members have to do a minimum of 40 hours CPD each year and are insured. The EPA are our regulatory body and we adhere to the National Occupational Standards for Barefoot Trimming. If (God forbid) a complaint was made, the EPA would take it very seriously.
And yet when I tried to give a home to an elderly WHW pony with sweetitch, they categorically would NOT accept my application because I used an EPA trimmer, even one with years of experience and who instructs. It had to be a registered farrier.
just on the subject of CPD. Obviously I think it's a good thing, but to be meaningful it has to be something the individual takes seriously rather than a box ticking exercise. I know BHS a couple of local instructors who attend something to tick off their CPD but come home proudly announcing they didn't learn anything. CPD box ticked, but didn't really do what it was supposed to in terms of ongoing learning and development
One of their reasons will be that anyone who isn't a qualified WCF farrier is not recognised by any insurance company.
We have good and bad as well as in between, farriers, vets, coaches and yard owners etc.
As already mentioned, it's worth owners learning at least what a good foot should look like.
Tiddly, that's dreadful!
Isn’t it .This thread is massively depressing reading I have to say!
Yes, he said a few other things about what he would improve about the worshipful company, including the syllabus, regular mandatory training to keep up to date as well as overhauling the complaints process.
All the newly qualified farriers have to do a certain amount of CPD per year - it's quite a few seminars a year - i think they brought that in about 4 years ago.