Hello Dolly....

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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So it's been pretty fast but we were tipped off about a pony who was coming up for sale so went to try her. Katie loved her. Vetting was fine and today we picked her up.....

Meet Dolly. A 14.2 Connemara. Very sweet, calm, willing and genuine.



Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Thank-you. It has been very quick - but someone told me about her before she came onto the market and sent me some videos. She looked and sounded perfect so Katie agreed to go and see her before she was more widely advertised. And she loved her immediately. Funnily enough Katie has always been very choosy about ponies. We viewed so many when looking for the girls' first pony and Izzy wanted them all! Even the real horrors!! But Katie was always unsure until she found absolutely the right one and it was never very clear to me who 'the right one' was going to be: Oscar bucked during the viewing but she adored him anyway - bucking and all. Took her 6 months to learn to ride him but she never gave up and never regretted it. Ginny was grumpy at the viewing but she adored her too and that never changed whatever problems Ginny threw at her. She has had a rough few months so I am very happy for her.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Well Dolly has had an eventful first couple of weeks with us....

Day zero she was ridden at her own yard then boxed home to ours and kept in overnight in the barn with her fieldmates.

Day 1 she was turned out alone but could interact with her field mates over a fence. Then we popped Jenny in with her for half a day and after that she was out with the herd and has neither got into nor caused any mither at all.

On Day 1 she did some ground work and was then ridden on her own in the arena in daylight for a few minutes and did not bat at eye-lid at anything. Since then she has been ridden under flood lights, taken to pony club, ridden alone and in company and hacked out and has not put a hoof wrong in any situation.

She is an absolute poppet: very people oriented, very willing, very chilled. She comes in under head torch light down a spooky track as if she has lived here forever. She snorted briefly at the pig but otherwise has ignored him. She has accepted large, noisy farm machinery etc. She is incredibly friendly. She is forever trying to rest her head on or against you. If you muck out around her you soon get used as a head rest or feel her breath on your neck. She is like a labrador - always wanting to be close or to be stroked. Katie is making up for lost cuddle time and loving it! But she is well mannered too - not bargy or demanding.

Apart from being a bit green - ie legs a bit all over the place - , you'd never know she was only 4. She is really, really lovely. We are all a bit smitten with her tbh.


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7 September 2004
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If she has that attitude and is jumping like that photo shows, with a child, as a 4yo I predict you will have the most awesome PC pony on your hands.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Can't believe it's only 6 months since this awesome pony came into our lives. Feels like she has been with us forever! She is simply the sweetest, kindest most willing and genuine pony ever. I thought we would never find another one as lovely as Jenny but Dolly is every bit as angelic.

A few photos of her highlights so far....




Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Just got a random FB message from Dolly's breeder! She is from the Duntally stud in Ireland.

They sold her as a foal and she then went to Puck Fair a year later and they lost touch with her, but have traced us now. Power of social media!. She has a half sister a year older living less than an hour away who was sold at the same time as her. We plan to meet up at Eland Lodge 'on the other side'. It . is lovely to know her full history

This is their sire:


Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Long overdue update about the lovely Dolly. Can't believe how lucky we were to stumble on such an awesome pony. Proud of the the job Katie has done in producing her too. She has been very committed.

She ended up eventing 4 times this season. Clear SJ at Frickley but a couple of green stops XC, then a pole but clear twice XC and 2 double clears. She is on or ahead of time usually too. So really just need to crack the dressage. She produces nice work at home but gets a bit scatty at events.

Here are a few insta edits if anyone is interested! It might be a few more months till I get round to updating again so have a few all at once!
