Well-Known Member
I've been reading this with interest - let me get this straight? The MFHA chairman, who was in the post when the ban came in, is now unashamedly expressing delight at a situation that could bring hunting further into disrespect?
Would this be the same MFHA who presided over the 're-branding' EGM of the huntwhoshallnotbenamed? Rather than bring about a united front there a blow was dealt that left that hunt bleeding at one edge, all apparently at the suggestion of the MFHA. It would seem if your hunt needs to call an EGM, the last people you would want there for any reason are senior officials from the MFHA. Which begs me to ask, is the association fit for purpose?
The MFHA, from what I witnessed on Sunday were totally behind the demise of Julian Barnfield. Charles Frampton clearly 'fits' the bill. One chap at the meeting asked if the chairman and committee had asked about the legal ramifications regarding their actions. The chairman just stood there mumbling and scratching his head, 'til he admitted he hadn't done anything about the legals!
If you have children keen on hunting, would any of you send them into hunt service? Hunt staff are being treated as totally disposable people - shameful !!
Move into the 21 century MFHA - or resign - you are making matters for all hunt supporters far far worse!!