Well-Known Member
Thou shalt get enraged about something that in real lifeth thou would not even notice or at worst ignoreth because thou hast drunk copious red wine ist tired and should have retired to thou bed earlier.
Just love a girl on girl mud wrestling contest
Thou shalt get enraged about something that in real lifeth thou would not even notice or at worst ignoreth because thou hast drunk copious red wine ist tired and should have retired to thou bed earlier.
Thou shall bring popcorn to the more heated threads
Thou shall ne'er admit to riding thy horse in anything more than a loose ring french link hollow mouth happy mouth snaffle (more preferably thou shall divinely infer to thy horse the direction and speed thou desirest to travel)
Thou shall absolutely ne'er admit to having anything to do with the 'veterinary profession' as this instantly deems thou to be a money grabbing heretic and infidel.
Or a Welsh Sec D or an ArabThou shalt not buy an Andalusian and admiteth to being a Novice for surely thy will be struck down and endeth up with a lunatic that should be putteth to sleep.
Thou shalt not buy a foal for thou shalt surely ruineth it.
Or a Welsh Sec D or an Arab
Change that to: Thou shall covert Colleen_Miss_Toms signature because it is a heinous crime not to worship at the altar of Jensen AcklesThou shalt not covert Colleen_Miss_Toms signature and create a pool of drool on ones keyboard