HHO's "Bear" project pony...


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22 January 2014
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I’d be surprised if he were sore barefoot, judging by how sunken into the sole the frog is, looks like he’s got a nice depth of sole to start barefoot, despite the shape of the overall foot being dodgy.
The soreness more likely will come from the frog, being thrushy, (copper sulphate is fab) than from the usual issue of thin soles. Cop.sulp. Dries up a frog aswell as kills nasties ime. The long reining ground sounds ideal to work the frog without causing undue pressure.

You reckon? That would be ideal.. seller did say he’s fine out of shoes so hopefully I’ll not have too many issues when I whip them off (on Friday).

Googling copper sulphate no idea where to get it!!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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You reckon? That would be ideal.. seller did say he’s fine out of shoes so hopefully I’ll not have too many issues when I whip them off (on Friday).

Googling copper sulphate no idea where to get it!!

Ebay, around a tenner a kilo. I have a ton of it if you have any problem. Well ok, twenty kilos but it's still ten years supply!


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16 February 2009
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Those feet do look like they are dying to get out of shoes....

I find the different responses interesting too. I know I'm quite relaxed about youngsters in general compared to other people. Just because of the type of equine life I've had I suppose, I've seen so many random behaviours that I struggle to get concerned by much. I just work on the basis that stuff will happen and you deal with it instinctively in the moment and tend to know if you haven't dealt with it completely in the moment and then just work up a plan to readdress it (that's an appallingly written sentence, sorry!). Everything gets straightened out in the end with young-uns. The horses that end up in a bit of a pickle tend to either have owners who don't notice there is a problem, or act disproportionately to the problem (either over the top correction or by becoming terrified of the horse), or where there is an underlying physical problem.
I think this is so true! When I did my two year stint as an SJ groom, this was one of my biggest takeaways. The youngster who would constantly half-rear from excitement when out hacking, or the one who wouldn't pick its feet up, or the one who was dreadful to catch, or even the one who turned itself inside out rearing every time anyone tried to do anything with it for the first month - they ALL settled down eventually with calm handling and consistency.

Also, I feel like Bear and Bog are going to be fast friends. My old Arab hates other horses but for some reason when she first met my sister's Welsh D she took to him straight away - it was like she knew he was part of the family. Now they are absolute best friends and can't be apart (you probably don't want Bear and Bog to be quite that clingy!).


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Bog looks to be very happy with his new toy companion. I suspect once they go out together they will rag each other something rotten and have a wonderful time doing it!
I had copper sulphate off amazon before now


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I am super impressed with the long reining in such an open field. The impulse to canter off into the distance must be huge, so he is very respectful to be so well behaved.

It's a huge open field (about 40 min to hack the entire way around) with a grassy track all around it as half of it is laid to crop. It's super as running parallel to it is a very fast busy road so you can expose them to traffic and noise whilst having a low hedge between you.

So helpful for younguns!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Wasn’t going to post this as it just doesn’t feel like an appropriate time and I’m still having the same mental battle re riding or not, and essentially broke the rules I had already laid down for myself.

But god my spirits are lifted amongst this endless job worry. First hack under saddle (and third time being ridden since being at yard) out hacking around the big field. Didn’t put a foot wrong even when a huge lorry came down the road on the other side of a very low hedge. Wobbly and babyish to begin with but soon got his confidence.

He’s coming on leaps and bounds in every way :) 84424B40-ECBE-44A8-A069-8665F7FC7B5B.jpeg4A19FC57-8FFB-4202-889F-34B2405914D5.jpeg


Well-Known Member
1 April 2018
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Great update!

I long lined my weirdo today who was strangely bold around a huge and fast lorry, Nordic walkers (they have sticks!), bikers (usually not an issue, but it's spring), and just people being out doing Lord knows what. He was spooky walking out of the stable, however. *eye roll* but maybe today is a good day for the equines!

I bet Bear is also getting to know you now and you've become "familiar"...this probably helps! He may turn out to be a solid equine citizen after all ;)


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Great update!

I long lined my weirdo today who was strangely bold around a huge and fast lorry, Nordic walkers (they have sticks!), bikers (usually not an issue, but it's spring), and just people being out doing Lord knows what. He was spooky walking out of the stable, however. *eye roll* but maybe today is a good day for the equines!

I bet Bear is also getting to know you now and you've become "familiar"...this probably helps! He may turn out to be a solid equine citizen after all ;)

Ha! Horses eh.

Yes he’s super sweet with me, still a bit nervy with other people. Was quite funny hacking him when I put my reins in one hand to get my phone out and he stopped and looked around as if to say “errr excuse me, need instruction and focus from you at all times please”.

No Bear, I like to have the odd cigarette when riding, you’ll need to get used to one hand ;)


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23 November 2019
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Lol no, but she was quite far away (social distancing rules!) and on the track bit so a slightly different level. He takes up the leg fairly nicely, I’m 5’7.
View attachment 42819

lol you’re friend is obviously mounted on a 4 legged monster without a head!?

wonderful to hear bear is progressing, he obviously trusts your guidance to be doing so well in such a short time. The vids of him and bog getting to know each other are gorgeous!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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lol you’re friend is obviously mounted on a 4 legged monster without a head!?

wonderful to hear bear is progressing, he obviously trusts your guidance to be doing so well in such a short time. The vids of him and bog getting to know each other are gorgeous!

Maybe the friend is a 4 legged monster?! That is a wacky shadow!


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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Richard maxwell and Tristan Tucker (TRT Method) would be my advice.

Having a horse learn not to panic when there is pressure is a brilliant thing to teach.

My spotty was backed by a lady who follows Buck Brannaman. He learnt to not run away from scary stuff and to stop and have a look at it. Doenst mean he doenst spook, just calms down and thinks about life easier.

Ground work with lots of spooky stuff is good as well as lots of fun.
Getting them to learn lateral work from the ground is also a very good way of getting them to learn where their hooves are and focus on you.



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22 January 2014
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He’s being epic. Proper grown up hack today, he was brave and confident and reacted so well to everything he met. Felt really comfortable on him. Love his trot even with its baby stage too- he moves brilliantly.

Shoes off tomorrow sigh... unless I change my mind at the last minute. I really really really want to keep him shod and continue our hacking to get him properly going but... argh. No need to explain any further.

For now I’ll remember this as I dither about what to do.



Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I for one am glad your posting this! We all need a bit of light relief at the moment and I’m loving the bear updates! He looks absolutely fab, I want Bog to get back into work so I can steal Bear!

Bog is really offended that it’s not him you want to steal!!!!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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That video looks like the best feeling in the world right now!

It really was. Uplifted my spirits so much. But I can’t shake the guilt! I’d probably feel different if it was Boggle but I’m not sure I can carry on justifying hacking an unknown green baby under saddle right now.

I feel (selfishly) like a new woman though!! ?


Well-Known Member
31 August 2007
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Shoes off tomorrow sigh... unless I change my mind at the last minute. I really really really want to keep him shod and continue our hacking to get him properly going but... argh.

Made then phone call a couple of hours ago....shoes coming off tomorrow. She will be fine schooling and going round the field.

Glad he's behaving himself, he was throwing some interesting shapes in the field, and doing a good impression of Bog ?