HHO's "Bear" project pony...


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Urgh guys what do I do. I really wanted Bog to have surgery with Andy at RCVS, he has a further diagnostic method and is very well regarded for these things. However he wouldn't be able to do him until 10th September at the earliest... I don't think it's fair to extend Boggle's box rest for a further two months waiting for this.

I'm jumping the gun as he has a scan today but very much prepared this is what I'll likely need to do.

Find a surgeon who can do him sooner? :(


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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If he's having surgery anyway would there be any harm in turning him out? Presumably any potential extra damage he does between now and then could be fixed in surgery?

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
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Urgh guys what do I do. I really wanted Bog to have surgery with Andy at RCVS, he has a further diagnostic method and is very well regarded for these things. However he wouldn't be able to do him until 10th September at the earliest... I don't think it's fair to extend Boggle's box rest for a further two months waiting for this.

I'm jumping the gun as he has a scan today but very much prepared this is what I'll likely need to do.

Find a surgeon who can do him sooner? :(
Pete Gallon at Liphook?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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If he's having surgery anyway would there be any harm in turning him out? Presumably any potential extra damage he does between now and then could be fixed in surgery?

I'm not sure.. he technically should still be on small paddock turnout for the original injury but being such a twat jumping fences etc is putting me off that...!

His leg is finally cool and not swollen, am reluctant to reverse that...


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Is today's scan for the original injury, the new one or both? If the scan is good for the original injury (I think the last one was?) I'd be tempted to turn him out.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Is today's scan for the original injury, the new one or both? If the scan is good for the original injury (I think the last one was?) I'd be tempted to turn him out.

Both... but maybe we will find a third thing.. who knows- my expectations are very low :D


Well-Known Member
9 March 2009
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I understand your impatience (I really do) but AFAIK Bog hasn't got a calendar on his wall. :) Whilst he's safe and behaving himself he's not box-walking or anything is he? Just take advantage of the fact he's not a complete idiot on box rest and chill....

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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Haven't heard of Pete.. have you used him before? For what procedure?
He is clinical director there. No, haven't used him myself but 'was' going to when the late L Fuzzy detached the manica and mullered the surrounding ligaments etc. I ended up taking the field rest option 1st tho. Sorry not to be of any more help, hope you get a solution soon x


Well-Known Member
22 November 2013
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Yes I've dropped him an email. I'm sort of hoping he may try and get me in as I know he found Boggle's case... interesting.

That's a positive, he may well be able to fit him in and use him as a case study or something. Fingers crossed for you


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15 March 2016
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It's really only 6 weeks at this point so a bit less than 2 months. I'd hang on for the expert at this point


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1 April 2018
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Best of luck with the scan. I'd also be tempted to set an earlier date. I'd ask for a recommendation. If you don't feel comfortable with anyone else, then wait.

If you do wait, can you construct some sort of "Boggle proof paddock" maybe put the fence higher/a strand of electric up higher? Or is there no such thing as a "Boggle proof paddock" ?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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It's really only 6 weeks at this point so a bit less than 2 months. I'd hang on for the expert at this point

I count it as 7 and a bit...

I dunno, I guess it would depend on whether he can be turned out in that time or not and I suspect I know what the answer is really.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Best of luck with the scan. I'd also be tempted to set an earlier date. I'd ask for a recommendation. If you don't feel comfortable with anyone else, then wait.

If you do wait, can you construct some sort of "Boggle proof paddock" maybe put the fence higher/a strand of electric up higher? Or is there no such thing as a "Boggle proof paddock" ?

Well I thought it was Boggle proof... as he's not a field jumper by nature. It was 5 foot, double fencing... he was chilled when I left at about 8pm that night.

This is Boggle's way of making up his own entertainment now I suppose!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I understand your impatience (I really do) but AFAIK Bog hasn't got a calendar on his wall. :) Whilst he's safe and behaving himself he's not box-walking or anything is he? Just take advantage of the fact he's not a complete idiot on box rest and chill....

No he's chilled on box rest but he does get progressively more agitated as the days go by to hand walk. It was sort of OK last time because the walking was being ramped up so much, by the end he was doing well over an hour a day. I don't really see leaving him in a box for a further 7/8 weeks to then re start another long stint as an option tbh, it also makes rehab so much harder going into november with lack of daylight etc and work.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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No he's chilled on box rest but he does get progressively more agitated as the days go by to hand walk. It was sort of OK last time because the walking was being ramped up so much, by the end he was doing well over an hour a day. I don't really see leaving him in a box for a further 7/8 weeks to then re start another long stint as an option tbh, it also makes rehab so much harder going into november with lack of daylight etc and work.

I'm with you on this and I'd be looking to try and get the surgery done sooner to be honest.

Although I'm still hoping for a happy scan! ?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Thanks all. Will update after the scan. If it's good I almost wonder if that will be worse as we are then going to likely have the ups and downs of whether the injury will truly recover or not. I'm really hoping for a clear cut answer if I'm honest.

This is making me physically sick with worry and panic today. I thought I was made of stronger stuff!!!!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Thanks all. Will update after the scan. If it's good I almost wonder if that will be worse as we are then going to likely have the ups and downs of whether the injury will truly recover or not. I'm really hoping for a clear cut answer if I'm honest.

This is making me physically sick with worry and panic today. I thought I was made of stronger stuff!!!!

Horses have a way of inducing that. You're not alone. I rarely cry about anything - never if it's a problem OH or I have and hardly ever about the dog but the second there's something wrong with the horses I'm a blubbering wreck. One of Archie's melanomas burst a while back. It looked so sore and as it was in his tail and he was swishing it to get rid of the flies, he was flinging blood all over his beautiful white coat. He looked like he'd been repeatedly slashed with a knife. I cried for 2 hours solid. The girls at the yard just left me there in the end, nobody could do anything to get me to stop!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Omg. What a rollercoaster. We trotted up and flexed- 3/10 lame after flex ion on BOTH hinds. Scanned both legs. Vet was so happy with original bad leg, original injury looked still really good (despite field hopping) and no sign of the second “thing”. Really couldn’t find it. He feels confident it was an adhesion or even a bit of odeama, which fits with what the surgeon said- ultra sound is so difficult to exactly diagnose something like that as it essentially just shows a “thing”.

And this fits. I said to both vet and my friend weeks ago that Boggle was getting increasingly annoyed at having his back legs picked up. And it ties in with him going back in the box or even in the field and the walk work significant dropping off.

So we are now thinking whatever the new thing was has settled and quickly, and what we are faced with now is potentially some box rest/lack of work related hock spavin. It must be very minor given it didn’t show whatsoever in the work up when he was in full work. So we are going to nerve block and pray both legs block to the hocks rather than lower down and take it from there.

It’s obviously not ideal to have spavin in an 8 year old but equally this was not on show at all in full work, and when he was trotted up mid May whilst in decent walk work was also not apparent. So in the last 6 weeks of small pen field rest then box rest it does make sense.

I hope I’m not kidding myself but either way vet feels we are far away from anything surgical (as long as surgeon agrees) and I feel a black cloud has been lifted. Hopefully by end of day Friday we will have a more definite idea.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Whole new world opens up now! Fingers and toes crossed for great outcome at the end of the week.

I really hope so. Maybe I’m being silly to be happy about the prospect of him having some hock spavin, but I honestly think that’s the best outcome I could hope for at the minute.

Anything other than surgery and more box rest.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Really pleased that surgery isn't needed and you are slowly edging closer to finding out whats been going on. ?

Like you say though, what a roller coaster!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Flipping heck!

You know what I said about him ending up famous in a medical text book?

Yeah, well, good thing he doesn’t need to do anything ever other than be a happy chap! :)

This horse could so easily have ended up in a super competitive home because of his big heart. And I think he’d be even more broken than he seems at the moment.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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I think he and bbp could have a book written on their medical complications. I haven’t commented much on here but I know just what a roller coaster it is when you love a complicated horse this much. I really hope you get a good outcome with him.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2013
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Oh wow.... fingers crossed for Friday for sure (although not wishing him ill... but kind of wishing for the better outcome that you want)