Well-Known Member
The stats from the new injury are something like 80% return to full work. If he hasn’t re torn his original injury with the immense amount of twatting around in the field he’s currently doing (which makes me want to sob, frankly) I would say his chances for that one must be pretty good too. At this point however I have ZERO expectations.
Honestly I don’t mind. Of course I love the eventing and hunting but I’d already ruled out hunting him again. At this point as long as he’s around and I see him every day and he can hack about I’d be delighted with that! Not sure how much of a relaxing happy hacker he’d be though! If he comes sound enough to be happy in the field without it bothering him too much then that’s Money well spent too in my opinion
But I can’t put him in the field if he’s going to have flare ups of being 4/10 lame for the rest of his life. So even if the op just brings him field sound and comfortable then that’s got to be worth considering, at least? I can’t just wait and see as the build up of scar tissue will make it impossible to then fix in a year or so.
My back is basically up against a wall.
This horse has done everything I’ve ever asked of him and more. He’s saved my arse out hunting so many times, and other people’s and he’s done nothing but try his absolute best for me out competing. If all my 3.5-4K gets me is him being comfortable in the field then I am very happy to spend the money to give him that.
It's really hard and I am really hesitant to comment in all honesty but if this were my horse (and I have no insurance and would be quite reluctant to spend that sort of money tbh!!) I would go for the op. Boggle is young, his earlier injury appears to have healed well which is great, the stats for the success of the op are excellent (in equine terms), you love riding him and that would be your preference. IF the op is successful as could be expected Boggle could return to a really decent level of work which would be fantastic and is at least a strong possibility in that scenario. The GA is a worry and I would not usually consider a GA - especially for colic or for a horse over about 10 y/o but we all have different feelings about that. If he can't be ridden after the op he may well be field sound and have a retirement that is comfortable at the very least. Without the op you may not be able to be confident that he is comfortable over any period of time. I would personally struggle with retiring such a young horse , potentially for many years, especially if I was not confident he was comfortable and heartbreaking though it would be (I know, I have had to do this for a young horse whose injury could not resolve) if that were the case I would let him go after having had a lovely time for a while but I can understand how difficult a decision that might be. But the op would give you and him more options and more time. If the very worst happened during the GA or in recovery, I would feel that I had been doing my very best to get the right outcome. I think the chances of disaster during the GA under these circs are small enough to justify what could be an excellent outcome. It seems, from the research you have done that the op provides the statistically best option for him.
The cost is not absolutely vast and never-ending and if you leave him be, he could go on re-injuring that injury which in itself will cost you in emotional and possibly financial terms too. There are no certainties with horses sadly and they cannot tell us whether another few months of box rest is too much, or whether they will behave when turned out. I would also be planning to do as much as possible to mitigate him being a twerp when released from box rest - is mild sedation possible?
None of this however is from the perspective of your emotional position, nor your fear of the GA or multiple other things that only you can mentally square up. You really have to be as comfortable as possible with whatever decision you make and you know Boggle best.