Well-Known Member
I agree with just doing the op as soon as possible. At least, IMO, if you do the op you know that you tried the best option. It could go well, and if/when you do the op, I really wish the best for you and Bog.
I know the heat is concerning in the one leg, but if they're both a bit swollen, could it be the weather and lack of activity? I've noticed if my guy does more standing around than usual and it's particularly hot and humid (Idk your current weather) he stocks up a bit.
So he can’t have an op for a minimum of two more weeks anyway as he had a steroid injection. The legs seem sort of windgally?
I came down this am to find them both bloody in together! He’s trying to kill me with stress!!!Boggle is so respectful of fencing but it looks like he must have jumped. They are both immensely proud of themselves. I guess that answers whether they could ever be in a field together, they are definitely firm friends this morning.
Ignore Bear twisted muzzle I’m just relieved Boggle didn’t remove it that’s one silver lining.
Part of me just wants to ignore vet advice, shove him in field with Bear and look again in a month.