Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
This is the mare who is pretty wonky and has had a number of physical issues? IIRC you have spent a lot of time and effort in trying to get her sound and comfortable, but IMHO she is telling you that being ridden hurts.
She's had enough. This isn't a schooling or rider confidence issue.
Time to retire her.
ETA I've just checked back to make sure I was thinking of the same poster. This mare really has had a number of on going issues. Honestly, please stop riding her, or you will get badly hurt.
I agree with this, provided TP has accidentally missed a "stop" before the "riding".
You wrote this on November 5th
The vet has suggested box rest for 2 months, then 2 months in slightly bigger paddock and the last 2 months in regular paddock as he thinks she is bilaterally lame on the back but slightly worse on the left hind, then see how she is as we can't investigate further.
If that advice had been followed, then your mare would just being coming to the end of 6 months rest and be being reevaluated to see if she is sound to ride. I see that you decided not to box rest, (and I would probably have done the same), but your mare has been being investigated for lameness for well over two years now (that a vet thought should be treated with 6 months rest on restricted movement) and it sounds like she is ready for retirement.
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