horse just bolted 5 miles down the road


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
Board omg iam board no wounder you are old nags and done
42,000post.42,000posts.who the hell has time for that old nags.
No wounder its been 20years and you still cant get shoes on your
horse.Thats why you have to have them all pts with problem.You have
not got time to deal with them.You are all to busy clique on hear.
Bet none of you are going hunting or olympia or just been to hoys
nothing on the competing section none of your names anyway.Well i would
Rather be with my family and horse than talk rubbish with rubbish
On hear what a waste of a week looking at this rubbish.42,000posts
who does that.Brain dead zombies

Are your thoughts as jumbled at your writing?


Well-Known Member
7 December 2008
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Page 2:

oh, i cant leave work theyre not very understanding. but i do feel like i need to, but i cant.

Page 22:

*I am checking on him when i can but i also have a job to do. I work from home.*

Perhaps I spend too much time on here browsing on my mornings when I work late... ;) Perhaps there is a legitimate reason for the above...? But I'm confused.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Sorry I didn't post last night - I was out show jumping.

How dare you have a life :p

Even if OP does work from home it doesnt mean they are easily made free, I remember when I worked from home I was pretty much tied to the laptop and telephone sometimes for up to 15 hours due to colleagues being in other parts of the world. I have more freedom now and less scrutiny than I did then.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2008
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Even if OP does work from home it doesnt mean they are easily made free, I remember when I worked from home I was pretty much tied to the laptop and telephone sometimes for up to 15 hours due to colleagues being in other parts of the world. I have more freedom now and less scrutiny than I did then.

I know (my landlord is a work-from-home and a family member used to) but the implications and tone of both posts were different and just threw me slightly. That's all I'll say, I wasn't bringing it up to be nasty, I was just confused.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I know (my landlord is a work-from-home and a family member used to) but the implications and tone of both posts were different and just threw me slightly. That's all I'll say, I wasn't bringing it up to be nasty, I was just confused.

I think what you are referring to as OP's tone could be put down to the fact she was seriously shocked and stressed after this happened .


Well-Known Member
20 August 2012
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Glad to hear that he was more settled and you are making some progress in the stable with him. Maybe this was a one time thing and he will come good for you. Hope all is well this morning.

As for Lizbet, you are acting very immature. Grow up or go back to school.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Today i turned him out with a buddy and when i went to switch fields with another horse and moved him next to another horse he went crazy.

And here lies your answer. Most knowledgeable horse people will be familiar with the way completely strange horses, when put into an unfamiliar environment, away from their own long term buddies, will bond very quickly and very strongly. It is a prey animals survival instinct. To then move them away before they are secure in their new environment is asking for trouble. Obviously not all horses are going to react the way your new boy did, but I can tell you one thing, my horse of a lifetime that I just had PTS two days ago would have done that when I first got her. No doubt about it whatsoever. So many people told me to get rid. And you know what? She turned out to be the best horse I could ever have wished for. My true soulmate who I will never be able to replace.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
At home
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Lizbet is a previously banned member. Hopefully they'll get board soon...

I am unreasonably excited that I think I have guessed who this new poster is! Usually I don't have a clue.

I also wanted to add to the OP, I have been reading your updates and it's all sounding much more hopeful. I think this horse is lucky to be at yours as you sound like you know what you're doing. In a way I hope you can't send him back as I feel he will do better with you than back at the breeder's.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Yes sorry i do tend to get tied to the laptop and i had meetings all that afternoon and couldnt leave the home/office. its one of the downsides of WFH you do tend to get tied and cant get away! Work really needed me that afternoon due to an important issue and i couldnt bail. Im sorry if it was misleading. Also being a public internet forum and all that, i try not to put out too many private life details and all that ;)

Hes still here.. im still here. have a plan going forward and im still nervous of the risk of if this happens again. Shall see.


3 May 2007
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I reckon you sound like you know what to do, must have been such a shock-I remember seeing mine bomb off and cross the old A1 after coming off. Managed to leg it after him, call someone nearby to help catch him and once we had him back I was physically sick with the shock-I honestly thought he would kill someone.

As an aside, I started rugging one of my natives in a fly rug this summer, he's a youngster. He was fine in his box but in the field, although he coped with the elastic tail loop fine, the fillet strap occasionally tapping the back of his legs caused him to randomly bomb off-even when he was just grazing! It was a desensitisation issue, I took that one off and worked with him a bit until it didnt freak him out. Just a hole in his education through not being as well handled in that respect as he could be.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Board omg iam board no wounder you are old nags and done
42,000post.42,000posts.who the hell has time for that old nags.
No wounder its been 20years and you still cant get shoes on your
horse.Thats why you have to have them all pts with problem.You have
not got time to deal with them.You are all to busy clique on hear.
Bet none of you are going hunting or olympia or just been to hoys
nothing on the competing section none of your names anyway.Well i would
Rather be with my family and horse than talk rubbish with rubbish
On hear what a waste of a week looking at this rubbish.42,000posts
who does that.Brain dead zombies

By what right have you got to call me an old nag and a brain dead zombie?

Reporting you. I am so sick of posters like you who cannot even TRY to have a balanced argument, it's just all insults.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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And here lies your answer. Most knowledgeable horse people will be familiar with the way completely strange horses, when put into an unfamiliar environment, away from their own long term buddies, will bond very quickly and very strongly. It is a prey animals survival instinct. To then move them away before they are secure in their new environment is asking for trouble. Obviously not all horses are going to react the way your new boy did, but I can tell you one thing, my horse of a lifetime that I just had PTS two days ago would have done that when I first got her. No doubt about it whatsoever. So many people told me to get rid. And you know what? She turned out to be the best horse I could ever have wished for. My true soulmate who I will never be able to replace.

I can assure you digitalangel is a very knowledgable horse person and the moving to a new paddock sounds a lot more than it actually is. This was simply a case of moving him from one side of the electric tape to the other, thats how close the next paddock was (Its obviously easy for me to visualize as I livery at this private yard so thought I would step in to clear that up)
I'm sorry to hear about your horse being PTS.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
South of France
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If you decide to turn him out again get another person to help you, leave him and one other horse (ideally the horse that will end up next to him) until last and turn out together. Then reverse the process for brining in, i.e. get someone to help you bring him in first with his 'friend', but make sure you catch him first and the other person with the other horse stays close to you rather than walking off in the distance. This has worked for me in the past, although I hope it doesn't make things worse for you, you never know with horses!


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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The last horse i bought reared vertical the first time i tried to get on him in his new home - he took time to settle but i got help and took him back to baby basics and he was fine after a few weeks - i bought from a dealer who was very shocked and offered to take im back straight away but i decided i would give him the benefit of the doubt. I sold him being completely honest in that he was slightly cold-backed and would need time to settle in a new home. I had a 3 year old fresh off the boat from Holland that ran me into fences and had me off more times that i can count. He wasnt great with electric either but he was running to horses, not away from them. i bought him as a project and sold him on 6 months later to an amazing home. So its not like i havent worked through these types of issues before. I have also in the past over-horsed myself and cut my losses and sold the mare on after 9 months of trying and we just didnt click. That was a while ago now though. I also mentioned before i had a horse that would bolt when being led, but again, not through fencing and always had some self-preservation. I worked through her issues too and while never completely cured her behavior did improve. I swapped her for my old girl. My old boy ( in my sig ) had a year out of work and was a nightmare to start again with. Again i realised when i needed help, and got some help with him and he turned out completely fine. My PSD boy when i first moved to my current place also reared vertical the first time i asked him to hack. I sat it and had him walk on with someone on the floor to give him confidence. I later found out this behavior was more likely pain related and is now being dealt with.

Please don't take this the wrong way OP, but could it be you? I've just read the whole thread & the paragraph above really stood out for me, you do seem to have had much more than your fair share of problems when buying horses. Are you attracted to difficult, quirky horses? Or maybe you feel nervous around a new one when they first arrive & they pick up on this?

I hate getting new horses, it's always the most problematic time while everyone adjusts to the newcomer, but over the last 25 years i've bought 25-30 horses as well as having other's for loan or in to sell, & i've not had anything like the problems you've experienced with yours.

I think it's a good idea that you are having your vet out to check the horse, better to know if there is some physical problem.

Best of luck with him, i hope that you both stay safe.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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hes just barged through the stable door. thankfully didnt go anywhere but now have broken stable door. Hes quite agitated this morning. His buddy is next to him. hes just taken the top bolt off.

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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I'd have him returned to breeder or shot..he is a danger to himself and others! and will be a drain on your finances replacing stable doors, fences etc god knows what else he will take out!