horse just bolted 5 miles down the road


Well-Known Member
16 May 2011
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Op, firstly good luck. If the horse stays with u check your insurance situation - if it happened again they could say you were aware of the problem & not cover you.
If you send him back, although you may get your money back some other poor soul may get sold the same problem.
Horses get PTS for all sorts of reasons & if you went down this route is it really so bad, the horse doesn't think about its future & there are enough unwanted horses.
To all the critics, really, would you not expect a new horse to be able to stay in a field with a quite companion, its the first thing I've done with any new horse & never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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I wouldn't blame you if you just pts OP, at least that way you know for a fact its not going to happen again, no one's going to get hurt and the horse won't have to go though the fear again.

While I'd be inclined to persevere, especially since when the horse went it wasn't being worked with or restrained, it was just loose to react itself into a total panic, the sellers' attitudes do make me think that if they're that glad to see the back of it for not very much money its probably got some very big problems.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Why would you want to pay for a blood test for a horse it is obvious you dont want to keep
Poor girl take no notice take horse back. Nutters they are

I have never said this about anyone on the forum before but you girl ,are rude and not a positive addition to the forum.
I have never put anyone on user ignore but now I think I understand what that function is for.
Last edited:


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I have never said this about anyone on the forum before but you girl ,are rude and not a positive addition to the forum.
I have never but anyone on user ignore but now I think I understand what that function is for.

It's just such a shame to derail what is an interesting thread (please don't take that the wrong way OP).


Well-Known Member
6 January 2012
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Terrifying experience, the stuff of nightmares. But, I think you'll be lucky to get your money back! It's pretty obvious they've just dumped a problem. Don't stop trying, but don't bank on it. At the moment, it's the shock talking, and while I'm the first to put down animals that are more problem than fun (sorry fluffy peeps!), I really think this guy deserves the benefit of the doubt after a day/few days. For now I'd just bung him somewhere he can stay for a while, a few weeks at least, and do nothing with him. I would even be tempted to give him the winter off and come back to him in spring when he's well used to the new yard, and then pretend he's not broken at all and start from the beginning.

I have an appaloosa too and she was a bit of a nightmare when she first arrived, but a few months on she's a different animal. 'They' say appaloosas have to get to know you and I very much get that impression!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2013
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I have never said this about anyone on the forum before but you girl ,are rude and not a positive addition to the forum.
I have never but anyone on user ignore but now I think I understand what that function is for.
Exactly how you treated me on PTS behaviour problems when i was trying to help maise 06 as newcomer to horse and hound . Attacking my spelling . My opioin My advice .You Lastchaner anymay quirky hairycob loads of them Go bloody read
and get of my back.You are a disgrace babies and dont like it when
its done to you. You should be ashamed of yourseves if this is how
you treat newcomers to horse and hound well i wont put up with it.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Exactly how you treated me on PTS behaviour problems when i was trying to help maise 06 as newcomer to horse and hound . Attacking my spelling . My opioin My advice .You Lastchaner anymay quirky hairycob loads of them Go bloody read
and get of my back.You are a disgrace babies and dont like it when
its done to you. You should be ashamed of yourseves if this is how
you treat newcomers to horse and hound well i wont put up with it.

You find where I had a go at your spelling looking that will keep you busy for a while .
I am highly unlikely to be ashamed of my self as I am not the one name calling and being aggressive .

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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Won't put up with what Lizbet, we've had to put up with your bad manners, swearing and so far we've been very nice to you. So what you going to do click the heels of your red shoes and puff us bad witchs are gone, go and sit down have a hot choccy and think about your attitude.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Digitalangel - i hope your knee is OK and that your horse is settled and calm. :)

PS, is it awful that I wonder what Lizbet's feelings towards ragwort are?


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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If I were OP I think I would be trying to find out where either Princ33sSp4rkle or Lizbet lived & working out how best to get the horse to them.

if i wanted another horse for myself(which i dont BTW), its the sort of problem that wouldnt put me off,but i wouldnt be paying much for the pleasure of taking it on. If you asking to send him here for training that is an entirely different matter as i do occasionally take in schooling liveries, and of course you can pm me if you wish to discuss that.

Prince33Sp4rkle, please drop the unpleasant, superior, dismissive tone. I fail to see how this is helping the OP after a very unpleasant experience.

people have unpleasant experiences all the time and manage to be rather less dramatic in the solution-horse had a fright, has shown no inclination to repeat this, and should not be PTS just because the OP put him in an unsettling situation too early on and paid the price.

Oh she would have put another rug on. Take no notice OP.

fortunately the OP does seem more mature than you justabob so im sure she can make up her own mind as to who to listen to without you having to guide her with your 100% unhelpful and unrelated comments.

Well yes, a horse potentially killing a bunch of people in a car, or cars. That's rather a big deal in my book.

but again, its not like(for eg) a dangerous dog going for people and trying to bite to kill where its very black and white-the dog means business, the horse got loose on the road through no fault of his own-he got a fright and the fencing couldnt hold him, being chased by a car (albeit i do see this was the only option) would make 99% of horse bolt longer and faster so again not sure how this is the main problem, to my mind the biggest problem is that the horse has not been allowed to settle in to the new yard and routine. The ending up loose on the road is just an unfortunate series of mishaps resulting from the above.

if the breeder will not take the horse back, i think the horse at the very least deserves a second chance before the OP sells him on. Get someone with no emotional involvement to help you, strict routine, firm but fair handling, put him in situations you are able to praise him for making the right choices.

if you cant do it, or dont want to , you will find someone to take him on im sure but dont expect them to pay much.

i repeat, this horse does not deserve PTS just because his people let him down.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Agree with Amymay, there are some nutters posting this week and it's making my eyes hurt trying to read their posts. Hope the OP's knee and dog ok this morning, and that the horse is ok as well.

Good morning, knee is purple and stiff but nothing that some painkillers cant sort out. Had the worst nights sleep ever, kept waking up with a fright. Is expected though. Doggy is OK, hes a pug and has a hard head.

The horse is quite riled this morning ( again expected ) I have left him in with hay and water, he tried a bit to barge the door, and also turned his bum to me again when i went to refill water. Ive left his buddy opposite him in a pen so he is close by and my other horse is in on box rest next door to him. Went about everything nicely and calmly am hoping he will settle a bit so i can do some handling in the box with him. No big questions just a bit of a pat and a groom. Just waiting on the farmer to get back to me about fixing the fencing.


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
What about trying that Magic Calmer - the wormer type syringe, and then add the powder to the feed ? You have to look after your knee, and can't be doing with a difficult horse atm. x


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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While I'd be inclined to persevere, especially since when the horse went it wasn't being worked with or restrained, it was just loose to react itself into a total panic, the sellers' attitudes do make me think that if they're that glad to see the back of it for not very much money its probably got some very big problems.

To me, going into a blind bolt from a field makes it more of a danger than if it did this while being worked. At least if the horse did it while being worked, you could put the horse out to grass and let it settle, and build up a bond. Bolting from a field is the very worst situation and it leaves OP in the worst possible position. I would imagine extended stabling could make the horse more stressed and reactive. I would be threatening legal action and returning the horse. And printing off the Facebook evidence of the breeder mentioning bolting, even if the horse wasn't specified.

Any reputable breeder would not want a bad name over this and would take the horse back. They are in a position to be able handle the horse more in an environment that it is familiar and then bring it out to see new sights and sounds. This is the only way the horse has a chance

maree t

Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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I hope you are ok today OP. I hope this poor horse is settling in a bit better and you can see a way forward, whichever way you feel is best to go.
Can you get some very experienced help in to advise over the next couple of days to try and help you both ? .
As for the attitude by HHO to new posters it all depends on their attitude and behaviour doesnt it :)


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Good morning, knee is purple and stiff but nothing that some painkillers cant sort out. Had the worst nights sleep ever, kept waking up with a fright. Is expected though. Doggy is OK, hes a pug and has a hard head.

The horse is quite riled this morning ( again expected ) I have left him in with hay and water, he tried a bit to barge the door, and also turned his bum to me again when i went to refill water. Ive left his buddy opposite him in a pen so he is close by and my other horse is in on box rest next door to him. Went about everything nicely and calmly am hoping he will settle a bit so i can do some handling in the box with him. No big questions just a bit of a pat and a groom. Just waiting on the farmer to get back to me about fixing the fencing.

Good lass,
Don't worry about the bum turning stay safe and be aware but he sounds like he's not not very humanised .
Which in itself is concerning as he's supposed to be Backed and ridden away.
Years ago I worked on a lot with just broken Irish horses they often did bum swinging for a while until they calmed down.
I hope the bun fight is not upsetting you .


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13 November 2006
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Hes not interested in hard feed basically. NOt even just plain chaff which i offered him this morning. I also have valerien and also syringe calmers to hand. If hes handleable in the stable i will try to get one down his gob as he needs worming anyway.

I too wonder if the stabling for long periods will stress him out. But at the moment its the safest way to keep him contained. Once hes calm i will try upgrading him to the turnout pen. Let him take it all at his own pace. But this morning, he doesnt want to know me. Its okay im not taking it personally LOL.

I have help, i have an amazing group of people around me. I also have some amazing neighbours who i am going to speak to later on.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2009
Wherever I lay my hat.
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Amymay....she increasingly reminds me of RWJ. But dont think actually her, just similar little expressions.

OP, hope you're feeling better today.
Having sat on a true bolter, I can honestly say I can't remember many more frightening things in my life. Mine did work out though...will write it all out when I have a bit of time later :)


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Good morning, knee is purple and stiff but nothing that some painkillers cant sort out. Had the worst nights sleep ever, kept waking up with a fright. Is expected though. Doggy is OK, hes a pug and has a hard head.

The horse is quite riled this morning ( again expected ) I have left him in with hay and water, he tried a bit to barge the door, and also turned his bum to me again when i went to refill water. Ive left his buddy opposite him in a pen so he is close by and my other horse is in on box rest next door to him. Went about everything nicely and calmly am hoping he will settle a bit so i can do some handling in the box with him. No big questions just a bit of a pat and a groom. Just waiting on the farmer to get back to me about fixing the fencing.

So is the plan to leave him in all day? Are you getting the vet up to run some bloods?


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Also, note i am on the yard on my own a LOT ( something i also told the seller hence needing something safe ) so i am not going to go in all guns blazing, i am going to wait until i am not alone to do a lot of this. If this makes me a wimp so be it, but i dont think its sensible to be handling this horse alone. In any case im letting him dictate the pace of how things go. In the meantime, working and speaking to home insurance people.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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The plan is to let him dictate the pace. I would like to be able to handle him, and him to be accepting of me in the stable. no big questions, just accept and be calm. I would like to try to move him to the pen ( and put the buddy back in his stable, not take him away ) but he could jump/go through 4ft post and rail if upset so want to make sure hes a bit more settled first.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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The plan is to let him dictate the pace. I would like to be able to handle him, and him to be accepting of me in the stable. no big questions, just accept and be calm. I would like to try to move him to the pen ( and put the buddy back in his stable, not take him away ) but he could jump/go through 4ft post and rail if upset so want to make sure hes a bit more settled first.

Why can't he go in the pen with his buddy?

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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I'd be sending the horse straight back to breeder if it were me..I wouldnt be bothering with vets etc, just causing myself more worry, stress and bills!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think your plan is good I am glad the vet is coming .
Can you get a friend to come when you try more difficult things just for a while . The support of someone esle makes you more confident.
I do think it's worth considering sedalin ( or something the vet thinks is better ) in the circumstances so you can get him in the pen for some fresh air and movement .
No sign of lami today is there ?