horse just bolted 5 miles down the road


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I think your plan is good I am glad the vet is coming .
Can you get a friend to come when you try more difficult things just for a while . The support of someone esle makes you more confident.
I do think it's worth considering sedalin ( or something the vet thinks is better ) in the circumstances so you can get him in the pen for some fresh air and movement .
No sign of lami today is there ?

But she can't sedate today if she wishes bloods to be taken tomorrow........


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3 January 2011
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I really hope that this horse settles when he becomes more comfortable in his new home with you and gets to know you more, but , tbh the lack of self preservation worries me.
Do you have an instructor or professional that you can ask for an honest opinion on the horse?
Do you know anything about his bloodlines?
the horse world is a small one sometimes, can you ask around and see if you can find out any more about the breeders?
Are you going to get a vet to give him a check over?
Sorry, lots of questions


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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Lizbet, as with all forum you always get cliques and horsey people can be the worse! I have had good advice given to me on here but also people who haven't been very pleasant!
OP I think you were a little naive in purchasing this horse ( I've been there before). I do hope things get sorted soon for you and the horse!


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13 November 2006
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Questions are good!

The turnout pen is only really big enough for 1 horse ( its about double stable size ) and while my guy is pretty good with most horses, i think in a confined space like that i might be asking for trouble. I cant monitor all the time so i need to keep him in the safest place for now. I am checking on him when i can but i also have a job to do. I work from home.

Yes am going to pop next door and speak to them, they are very experienced people especially with unhandled guys. I helped my neighbours rehome around 40 unhandled horses earlier this year after another neighbour had a serious riding accident ( and i mean a really serious one )
I have his breeding details yes, but google doesnt reveal much.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Questions are good!

The turnout pen is only really big enough for 1 horse ( its about double stable size ) and while my guy is pretty good with most horses, i think in a confined space like that i might be asking for trouble. I cant monitor all the time so i need to keep him in the safest place for now. I am checking on him when i can but i also have a job to do. I work from home.

Yes am going to pop next door and speak to them, they are very experienced people especially with unhandled guys. I helped my neighbours rehome around 40 unhandled horses earlier this year after another neighbour had a serious riding accident ( and i mean a really serious one )
I have his breeding details yes, but google doesnt reveal much.

I glad you access to people who sound like they will be spot on to offer help and support.


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19 October 2009
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. I helped my neighbours rehome around 40 unhandled horses earlier this year after another neighbour had a serious riding accident ( and i mean a really serious one )

As a complete aside a friend had four of these horses. You all did an admirable and efficient job of rehoming them :)


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Thank you WelshD! Another HHO'er had a horse from the same place. Hes done amazing job with his guy :) I try to keep in contact with the people who had them ( esp the welsh babies ) and glad to hear they are all doing well in their new homes.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Questions are good!

The turnout pen is only really big enough for 1 horse ( its about double stable size ) and while my guy is pretty good with most horses, i think in a confined space like that i might be asking for trouble. I cant monitor all the time so i need to keep him in the safest place for now. I am checking on him when i can but i also have a job to do. I work from home.

Yes am going to pop next door and speak to them, they are very experienced people especially with unhandled guys. I helped my neighbours rehome around 40 unhandled horses earlier this year after another neighbour had a serious riding accident ( and i mean a really serious one )
I have his breeding details yes, but google doesnt reveal much.

I agree turning them both out in such a small area could be a real problem if things got bad. The other thing can you get your hands on a microchip reader in case he has one?? It could shed some light if he has an implant and been registered. Ask the vet to scan him when he comes.

I have a microchip reader which may or may not work on horses, your vet should carry one. Have you checked also for any tattoo's in his ears, some do brand in strange places. I presume you know if he has any obvious brand??? silly you would have said.

Double check his passport help here


Well-Known Member
2 November 2013
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Lizbet, as with all forum you always get cliques and horsey people can be the worse! I have had good advice given to me on here but also people who haven't been very pleasant!
OP I think you were a little naive in purchasing this horse ( I've been there before). I do hope things get sorted soon for you and the horse!

Some of the people on hear are so nice and knowledgeable.But the are such stupid
kids in a cliques and others jumping in they cant see the point iam trying to make
When you search the forums thier advice does not make sense and it is dangerous
I have to be rude to make a point and they still dont get it
This girl is so over horsed .now they are telling her to get bloodtest omg thankyou


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17 August 2005
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For my pennies worth I would try to take him back and if they won't I would have him PTS. You will lose the purchase price, but it will cost you that to keep him over the winter anyway, especially with jabs, teeth, saddle etc., etc.
Life is too short, I doubt any insurance company would cover you as he has done it before so if he killed/crippled someone by running blind you personally could end up liable for the bill. That is absolutely the worst case scenario but it needs to be borne in mind.
My homebred turned into a fruit loop when he went away to be backed, he had never left home before, but he still had self preservation.


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18 April 2011
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I'm sorry if this has been asked / answered previously - I've not read it all.

Did he have a rug on? Just that I have seen a 'rug runner' who initially was fine in one, then when something startled him totally panicked. He then bolted blindly, and it was terrifying to watch. You can imagine it from their point of view.

He lived without one from then on, and was a fabulous (if occasionally wet and muddy) horse!


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2 November 2013
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if i wanted another horse for myself(which i dont BTW), its the sort of problem that wouldnt put me off,but i wouldnt be paying much for the pleasure of taking it on. If you asking to send him here for training that is an entirely different matter as i do occasionally take in schooling liveries, and of course you can pm me if you wish to discuss that.

people have unpleasant experiences all the time and manage to be rather less dramatic in the solution-horse had a fright, has shown no inclination to repeat this, and should not be PTS just because the OP put him in an unsettling situation too early on and paid the price.

fortunately the OP does seem more mature than you justabob so im sure she can make up her own mind as to who to listen to without you having to guide her with your 100% unhelpful and unrelated comments.

but again, its not like(for eg) a dangerous dog going for people and trying to bite to kill where its very black and white-the dog means business, the horse got loose on the road through no fault of his own-he got a fright and the fencing couldnt hold him, being chased by a car (albeit i do see this was the only option) would make 99% of horse bolt longer and faster so again not sure how this is the main problem, to my mind the biggest problem is that the horse has not been allowed to settle in to the new yard and routine. The ending up loose on the road is just an unfortunate series of mishaps resulting from the above.

if the breeder will not take the horse back, i think the horse at the very least deserves a second chance before the OP sells him on. Get someone with no emotional involvement to help you, strict routine, firm but fair handling, put him in situations you are able to praise him for making the right choices.

if you cant do it, or dont want to , you will find someone to take him on im sure but dont expect them to pay much.

i repeat, this horse does not deserve PTS just because his people let him down.
Someone with commen sense
and not affraid to say what they mean.Babies giving advice and like being told whod rude
Does not deserve to be pts .Send it back learn to handle horses then get one.All stop pts these
horses you mess up.


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28 March 2011
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FWIW I do think Op ought to consider returning this poor horse.
The blood test is to try to ascertain if the horse had been given drugs when Op tried it.
It may be too late now it may not.
If the vendors did dope it Op can return and sue them for the return of the money and costs and she will be very likely to win .
However she's weakened her position by not having a vetting and blood taken prior to purchase .
I do think it's worth looking at this horses eyes as well .
Op needs help to manage this horse until she can return if that is what she decides to do . To do that she needs legal help ( which she's sorting getting ) but the horse exists until then and she needs a method of meeting it's needs while things get sorted out that's what we are trying to support her though.
By the way Op was seriously shaken yesterday I don't think it's a given she's overhorsed herself.


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17 November 2008
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What a terrifying experience for you hope you feel slightly better this morning. I have no experience of this behaviour but there has been excellent sensible advice from some very knowledgeable people on here. How a breeder can sell a horse like this and then completely wash their hands of it is unbelievable, it speaks volumes about them.

I hope you find a solution OP, he does deserve another chance in a controlled environment but it will be hard not to put yourself and others at risk.

Thinking of you in a horrible situation, keep safe and take things slowly. Oh, and ignore the numpties on here, they are a tiny minority,lol.
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Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Some of the people on hear are so nice and knowledgeable.But the are such stupid
kids in a cliques and others jumping in they cant see the point iam trying to make
When you search the forums thier advice does not make sense and it is dangerous
I have to be rude to make a point and they still dont get it
This girl is so over horsed .now they are telling her to get bloodtest omg thankyou

Because blood test can reveal drugs in the system illnesses. Also a vet can diagnose further issues which can cause behaviour problems. All of those if proved the case would not be the horses fault for his behaviour to be so extreme.

So why are you taking the moral high ground and throwing peoples comments back at them as if they are stupid.

Calling people babies in here does not help this situation when most here are probably older than you and had more experience.
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Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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You never have to be rude to make a point.
Unless its a very weak point.

No you don't, but it does happen on here very frequently! There are some people that have their little followers and once one thing gets said all the little sheep follow! People hide behind the Internet to be nasty. But like I also said there are some good knowledgable people on here that are genuine!


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3 September 2012
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I think you can probably count the number of people who aren't 'overhorsed' when it comes to a bolter on one hand.

My auntie is THE most experienced horse person I've ever met. Had horses for years, could manage anything, she'd broken and backed 100+ horses and dealt with rearing, bucking, tanking... the lot. Took on a horse which tore the reins out of her hands and broke her finger, and bolted for 4 miles flat out and ran onto the railway line in front of an express train. That was the end of that. She wasn't overhorsed. The horse was dangerous.

OP has said that she took on the horse as a project and does not want to keep him long term. I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't feel comfortable selling a horse that had done this to someone else; there's a chance it will happen again. I also wouldn't want to get on; the thought of riding something that I've seen lose the plot is terrifying, not to mention the fact that as others have said, he'll probably be uninsurable which negates hacking out, shows, leaving the yard at all etc - liability claims can run into the millions.

There would only be 3 choices for me - 1) take the horse back and leave him with the breeder 2) PTS or 3) give the horse away to someone who is capable of dealing with him.

The latter is appealing but there aren't many people who would want to take on a horse like that for free, if any. There are so many nice horses who don't have this type of problem; it's only really worth paying if the horse is or is going to be something spectacular. OP isn't going to get any benefit from having him brought on and reschooled because she doesn't want to keep him long term; as above - once this is done, can he morally be sold?

That leaves the other two - I know which one I'd be doing, but luckily for me it's not my choice.

I really feel for you OP; I hope that you aren't upset by any of the comments on this thread. It is a forum and of course opinions will be exchanged, but you're living this situation whereas for the rest of us it's an abstract. Hope the dog and your knee are on the mend.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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To make your your point in here or to put your point across. Why don't you

Be more polite and string your sentence with more useful information (google if needs be) which would help OP.
Instead of turning this otherwise advice seeking thread into mud throwing competition.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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Op, legally you have bought from a breeder and horse is not fit for buyers use so therefore you could sue, maybe through a small claims court. If you put in writing that to them it might make them back down and take the horse back!


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Some of the people on hear are so nice and knowledgeable.But the are such stupid
kids in a cliques and others jumping in they cant see the point iam trying to make
When you search the forums thier advice does not make sense and it is dangerous
I have to be rude to make a point and they still dont get it
This girl is so over horsed .now they are telling her to get bloodtest omg thankyou

Perhaps she should keep it in her living room?

How dare you presume that the OP is overhorsed, were you there to see what happened? What advice can you offer? Any? No I thought not, just like you attacked the poor poster who had her horse pts without offering anything practical.

Roofy you are the last one to talk about horse welfare and I thought you had been banned from this forum anyway?

OP I am sorry, you must have been terrified, there is nothing quite as bad as a blind bolter. I too would try to return the horse, but, in the meantime you do seem to have a good plan. Baby steps.


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8 May 2005
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TBH from what I've seen the cliqueyness tends to be mutually admiring groups. If a large group of people on here are telling someone they really ought to consider pts it's generally because it's the right thing to do.
I have known one horse that was extremely dangerous. I don't know why but he would lunge to attack horses in the stable as he was walked past & caused several serious injuries to handlers & bystanders with his erratic & aggressive behaviour. He was 6 & owner had bred him. He had spent his entire life on yards. Once he pulled a handler across a yard to try & attack a baby in a pushchair & broke the ribs of the person who dived to get the pushchair out of the way. This was a horse that never got ridden because it was just not safe to even get on. He was moved to another yard as YO was not prepared to have anyone else injured. Now Lizbet - what is your take on that horse?


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I think the OP needs to think / do the following.

How does she want to pursue this:

small claims court
BHS Legal
sue for wrongly advertised animal
Keep the horse
re train it
persevere with it with risk of this happening again
pass it back to dealer
risk someone else having this issue by sending it back.
Gets some good legal advice

Depending on OP feelings for this horse, will sway what she does:

Does she want to go to the expensive of extensive test to see if there is an underling issue and if there is she will at least have a stronger case should it go to court

Keep a record of anything strange the horse does at what time and what situation it was in and what was the likely cause of the upset, along with photos for evidence.