Well-Known Member
Why does this not shock me in the slightest ??I think this happened more than you would think, don't know why I believed it had stopped.
I had my old pony PTS in an abbatoir, before anyone jumps down my throat, the livery yard didn't want him done at home as it was also a riding school, and the pony travelled fine, plus I arranged that he would be PTS on the house lawn with me present.
A friend had taken one there before, but on arrival was told they had finished for the day, but they had a stable for him, the stable was beautiful. Big bed, big net... She left him and was told it was done the next day.
I told them I would not be leaving the pony, he MUST be done while I was there, but on arrival they told me the same. I announced that I would just transport him back home then, and suddenly they could do him after all. It was as good as a PTS can be. He thought he was on his way to a show, he was happy, the lawn was nice, the end quick, I stayed until I was convinced he was gone.
A few years later, a friend bought a wonderful looking horse, that soon went lame. She went back through the passport to previous owner, and contacted them. Guess what? They had gone to the same abattoir, been shown the marvellous stable, which was just 'for overnight' and had left him there.
Thank goodness I had remained firm. By hook or by crook, I was going to be there at the end. Especially thankful as it was an abattoir that was years later featured for cruelty!
I guess the abattoir could have claimed that they 'bought' the horses? They did pay. I think I got £40 for the pony.
I have PTS since, on our own lawn by the vet. One of the marvels of having your own place and being able to make your own decisions.