Hunting is in a spot of bother


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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Fox farms. Foxes are kept in horrendous conditions so that it can be 'harvested' from them. Just another reason why hunting is terribly unethical.

Wow, I hadn't heard this...are these fox farms in the UK? I wondered why there isn't huge publicity about this - is it because they are tucked away on private land or something similar?

The naughty hunts, who are far from being in the small minority that some posters still like to think they are, won't be losing any sleep at the concept of bringing down the blameless pastime of hunting the clean boot as well. They just don't care as long as they get their fix for as long as possible.

The naughty hunts know full well that what they are doing will bring all of hunting with hounds down, and the legal hunts are standing by helplessly, wringing their hands and waiting for the inevitable instead of banding together and standing up to them.

I think this is correct....I also think that over the years the 'naughty' hunts have become naughtier, or at least slightly more open about what they do.
I also think that the 'hunting community' has been seen as a singular entity and it would have been far better for the drag & bloodhounds crowd to distance themselves from the others. They will probably pay the price now.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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whatever people think about fox hunting the fact remains that in this country it is illegal and has been for years, I think most people know that fox hunting is going on under the " smokescreen" of trail hunting. we can all argue round and round in circles, deflect and distract with ridiculous comments about cats etc. Because pet cats kill birds etc that makes fox hunting ok? There are so many acts of cruelty in this world made by man and you could go on forever saying "but what about this, what about that" None of that alters the fact that fox hunting is cruel, illegal and out dated. we know its going on everyday under the guise of trail hunting and in my opinion anyone that goes trail hunting knowing full well its in fact trail hunting is a criminal.
Sabs get blamed for a lot. Yes there are faults on both sides but I admire sabs for bringing this "underground" trail hunting to peoples attention.
Hunts go on land they have no permission to be on, they disrupt traffic, hunt on main roads and even railways, they have even been in churchyards. Killed pets, upset livestock, they churn up bridleways, damage fencing, block gateways, churn up grass verges and upset horses in fields etc.
But they continue. Why? because its a tradition, so was badger baiting, cock fighting and dog fighting. Now all illegal. Yes in some underground way it may go on and maybe some on here would approve of it but if they do that says a lot about them and their mental state..
Its pest control, No it is not. Its been proven that hunts encourage foxes in order to have something to chase.
Its about the ride across country its got nothing to do with the kill, go proper trail or drag hunting then. Maybe not as some of the field are possibly not good enough riders to cope with the faster pace.
There is so much cruelty that goes alongside hunting. The hounds are allowed on roads, get hit by cars, when they get injured or old or dont want to hunt they get a bullet in the head. Horses, canter and gallop on hard tarmac roads, no thought for their legs. riders take out their tempers on their horses. we have all seen the videos.
I would suggest anyone that goes fox hunting has a good long hard think about why they do it.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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It's odd how it only seems to be some animals (coincidently types that are "fun" to hunt) seem to be hunted "for the good of the species".

Perhaps I'll train up a wee pack of dragonflies to ensure that only the best blue bottles survive and get to breed in my garden. That'll be a fun summer project.

The epitome of that is that only male deer were hunted by people on horseback following a pack of hounds. Apparently it was safe and humane to shoot the females without chasing them first, but not the males. Go figure.

ETA it is correct as people have said later that hinds are hunted with hounds by people on horseback, (during later weeks and worse weather) than stags. But for the purposes of number control, I believe that far more hinds are shot without being chased by a pack of hounds, because the hunt descriptions I have read suggest they generally take only one per day after running it to exhaustion until it lies down. I fully accept that I don't know the detail of hunting hinds with hounds. What detail I do know disgusts me.
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Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Just to add that Warwickshire hunt chased and killed a deer yesterday. its been filmed from a distance and sabs were no where near so can not be blamed as they often are for hunts mistakes. Just wonder what all the pro hunters thoughts on this are.
I have had my say on this subject now so I am dropping out of it. The mentality of people that think its ok to go fox hunting because pet cats kill birds has just finished me. My blood pressure cant cope so I am out.


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27 August 2020
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Animals have thrived within their complex ecosystems for thousands of years, it is human meddling and human overpopulation which is causing the demise of many species and the collapse of these ecosystems.

If we humans were wiped out tomorrow, nature would very quickly re-balance itself. We saw a glimpse of this during the first worldwide lockdown when the waters cleared in rivers and wildlife like dolphins appeared, seemingly overnight, due to the lack of human disturbance.

If the pro-hunters are the nature loving environmentalists that some people on here try to make them out to be, maybe they should re-focus their efforts towards re-wilding the countryside and campaigning for the re-introduction of native predators like wolves and lynx (which ironically were wiped out by hunting).


Well-Known Member
14 September 2020
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Just to add that Warwickshire hunt chased and killed a deer yesterday. its been filmed from a distance and sabs were no where near so can not be blamed as they often are for hunts mistakes. Just wonder what all the pro hunters thoughts on this are.
I have had my say on this subject now so I am dropping out of it. The mentality of people that think its ok to go fox hunting because pet cats kill birds has just finished me. My blood pressure cant cope so I am out.
Be encouraged by the fact that so many, if not most , commenters here find chasing a live prey abhorrent.

That one person will go down with the ship and will do anything to keep justifying it to themselves that somehow tearing an animal into pieces is ever acceptable.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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Why aren’t the main hunt bodies condemning individuals like the fox fork stabber? If there is any raptor persecution the shooting organisations step up and release a statement immediately about their stance on it. People convicted lose their right to work.
When you think there was a statement released about the pony bashing, why not the stabbing?


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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My suspicion that the main hunt bodies, apart from generally panicking as they have been since the webinars were first leaked, are pinning their hopes on trying to distance hunting completely from the fox stabber.

Which a lot of us know that they will not be able to do...

Their silence on the issue speaks volumes.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2021
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My suspicion that the main hunt bodies, apart from generally panicking as they have been since the webinars were first leaked, are pinning their hopes on trying to distance hunting completely from the fox stabber.

Which a lot of us know that they will not be able to do...

Their silence on the issue speaks volumes.

Has there genuinely not been anything condemning that yet?


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Has there genuinely not been anything condemning that yet?
Unless anyone can show anything different, the nearest thing to an 'official' comment is this one quoted in the initial ITV report from 6 days ago. Nothing more recent that I'm aware of.

'A local hunt said they have "been made aware of an incident on 4 December which does not involve any of the hunt’s employees and is unrelated to any activities of the hunt who were not out hunting on that day. In light of this [we are] making further enquiries." '

The most recent news item on the Hunting Office website dates from 12 Dec, and includes this statement from the MFHA chairman :rolleyes::-

'As all supporters of hunting know, the infiltration and subsequent misrepresentation of a trail hunting webinar and the prosecution of a Director has been used to try and cause great harm to our way of life.'
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Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Hard to criticise something you see no problems with

I hope that because it is a police matter the hunt are waiting to make sure they release a correct and up to date statement about such a serious offence. I know that the hunt in question are taking this extremely seriously.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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From what I read, the artificial earth in question was rebuilt in 2020 in a woodland 2 miles from East Essex Hunt kennels. It had been monitored since then by concealed cameras.

Clearly somebody was trying to encourage foxes to live in the area.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I hope that because it is a police matter the hunt are waiting to make sure they release a correct and up to date statement about such a serious offence. I know that the hunt in question are taking this extremely seriously.
This is the fox stabbing incident?

They should have issued a statement condemning outright the actions of the fox stabber, before waiting for the details of who knew/how/what/why to emerge (if they ever do).

Of course the hunt are taking it seriously, he's one of them.