Well-Known Member
Yeah, that was my thing, what other things or parts of the body can hypermobility affect? I can think about my own body, but I don't live in my horses body, so I just have to be attentive.There aren't many top horses that aren't either actually hypermobile or showing a significant degree of this type of instability.
Slow work, in hand, and some ridden though personally I think loading with a rider is much more compromise to them than most vets seem to. I don't think hill work is a deal breaker once you're working on and observing posture/TS lift, let him find his own balance with no outline requests...all you can do is give him the tools for success as it were. Also bear in mind that I believe having hypermobility affects not just MSK stuff but organs etc too, so I'd just want to be aware, and broadly on top of, without worrying myself to death.
It's been interesting because I haven't made any specific outline requests per say, but he's found a very nice and correct outline. I think that's due to the work done on the ground.