Well-Known Member
I’m afraid I wouldn’t put an older known arthritic horse on an extended period of box rest for an unknown cause I’m afraid.
Why have they suggested the box rest?
IME box rest isn’t great for older/creaky horses, they stiffen up. I’d do it for a younger/fitter horse.
I'm not the OP, but this reminded me...
There are 2 types of people in this world: the type that turn away and see what happens, and the type that put them in the box and see what happens.
I've personally seen better results with the latter approach, your experiences may vary.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t put an older known arthritic horse on an extended period of box rest for an unknown cause I’m afraid.
I also don't see the point in box rest for a horse that is looking stiff before exercise, I have a horse with mild hock arthritis and I try to keep him out as much as possible, he can look stiff when first ridden but after 5 ten or 10 minutes looks much better, his fed boswellia on a high dose 20g a day and msm and I think it really helps.