Immediate General Election


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18 June 2010
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If Mrs May were to call an immediate General Election, it would be very welcome.

An election that turns on BREXIT and who runs this country, Parliament or the Judiciary would give the Conservative party a majority of at least 60.

Indeed it could be fitted into the calendar just before Christmas. The Fixed Term Parliament Act is neither here nor there and can be easily dealt with.

Then no problem repealing the Hunting Act 2004 with a Conservative majority.


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30 May 2008
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Honestly JM repeal of the hunting act is the least of this countries worries and no government is going to prioritise it. You are still hunting. Get over it and get on with it.


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19 November 2010
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JM the odds of an early election (think Spring 2017 though rather than immediate) have certainly shortened. It is worth remembering this had been mooted several months ago as a way to cement Mrs May's rule and take advantage of JC before he is replaced by somebody possibly more competent...

However if this were to happen it is not certain the Tories would win a 60 seat majority, though I suspect they would increase their current one. Remember this would not be fought on the new, more fair electoral boundaries (which have not yet been through Parliament) and would be on the old system.

While I agree if they were, this may well be to the advantages of hunting I speak in the medium term, I think it is quite clear in the short term there are more pressing issues.

This will only be the case however if we try our hardest to ensure ALL Conservative candidates understand the truth about hunting and are correspondingly supportive. The selection of candidates for winnable seats will be starting in earnest soon, and indeed in some seats has already begun. All country people must really work very hard to ensure these candidates do not believe the myths about hunting and are firmly ' on side'. Unless this is done, frankly, there is little point (from a hunting point of view) in elections, majorities etc.


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18 June 2010
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JM the odds of an early election (think Spring 2017 though rather than immediate) have certainly shortened. It is worth remembering this had been mooted several months ago as a way to cement Mrs May's rule and take advantage of JC before he is replaced by somebody possibly more competent...

However if this were to happen it is not certain the Tories would win a 60 seat majority, though I suspect they would increase their current one. Remember this would not be fought on the new, more fair electoral boundaries (which have not yet been through Parliament) and would be on the old system.

While I agree if they were, this may well be to the advantages of hunting I speak in the medium term, I think it is quite clear in the short term there are more pressing issues.

This will only be the case however if we try our hardest to ensure ALL Conservative candidates understand the truth about hunting and are correspondingly supportive. The selection of candidates for winnable seats will be starting in earnest soon, and indeed in some seats has already begun. All country people must really work very hard to ensure these candidates do not believe the myths about hunting and are firmly ' on side'. Unless this is done, frankly, there is little point (from a hunting point of view) in elections, majorities etc.

Countryman the British people are sick and tired of being told what to do over BREXIT and I have no doubt, boundary changes or not, the Conservative party would have a dramatically increased majority. Especially if the matter also turned on the issue of the Judiciary interfering with Parliament.

It seems that if there are boundary changes, in any event it's a forgone result in favor of the Conservative party.

Also it is time Mrs May stamped her authority on proceedings with a iron fist.

Thus any foreign born vain glorious grand standing traitorous individual, would have the nation's best interests at heart and think twice, before trotting into the Royal Courts of Justice for their own self aggrandisement,

As for Kauto Star's comment above your's.

Totally defeatist "oh we are still hunting" you call that hunting.

My idea of hunting is to a hunting at least a brace and half of foxes and having a nice point on each, with some serious hedges in between.

In the alternative to go out with the Stag Hounds, Tuft a stag for at least two hours and then have a least a five mile point.

The important point, both fox hounds and deer hounds hunt a proper quarry for which they are bred. All this smelly rag business is deplorable and not doing their indigenous scenting attributes any good, so far as long term breeding is concerned. Also their stamina is not required to peak on a proper hunt and thus in turn damaging confirmation.
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Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Countryman the British people are sick and tired of being told what to do over BREXIT and I have no doubt, boundary changes or not, the Conservative party would have a dramatically increased majority. Especially if the matter also turned on the issue of the Judiciary interfering with Parliament.


Fine, but that won't help hunting unless that majority is substantially pro. It should be, but be in no doubt our enemies are working hard to peddle misinformation and change the minds of many of those who would make up that majority.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Fine, but that won't help hunting unless that majority is substantially pro. It should be, but be in no doubt our enemies are working hard to peddle misinformation and change the minds of many of those who would make up that majority.

Come on Countryman, you and I both know what the arrangements are and that in a new Parliament, the SNP are going to be wholly emasculated and will have no say in repeal of the Hunting Act 2004.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Come on Countryman, you and I both know what the arrangements are and that in a new Parliament, the SNP are going to be wholly emasculated and will have no say in repeal of the Hunting Act 2004.

I certainly hope so, But I must admit I see no prospect of a firmer EVEL being introduced in the near future, much as I wish it were otherwise.

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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They will have no say south of the border I think is will hat you meant to say judgemental.

God such shortmindedness the hunting act is he least of this country's problems on this short route to destruction we seem to be stuck on. Between brexit, another Tory in Downing Street sucking the life out of the working class and serious benefits culture I'd imagine implosion is in order. So **** the hunting act at the moment, low on the totem pole to anyone with a shred of common sense.


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14 April 2014
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Blackbeastie, I like yr thinking - although it's THIS Tory I object to - a saner softer one would do me just fine.

The truth is any Govt which suggests repealing the Act is going to have 60% of the population calling them horrid fox-murderers. It ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN.

The current system (sort of) works. Perhaps we should all be grateful that it does and just kick on...?


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30 July 2008
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I don't think she will call a General Election until Brexit has happened, there is too much risk.

If the Liberals ran on a Remain ticket along with SNP then you could find that many people that do not want to Brexit would vote for them. With the Brexit voters being split between Conservatives, UKIP and Labour this could allow the Liberals to win back a fair few of the seats they lost last time around and you could end up with a Labour/Liberal/SNP alliance. This would be an absolute nightmare for the country and could result in a lot of civil unrest.

We cannot afford as a country to have 6 months of campaigning for votes when we have too much else to do.


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1 February 2013
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As I remember there were plenty of Conservative MP's that voted against hunting so I doubt there would be a majority for a repeal even with a majority Tory government
I hunted before the ban and have no problems with it but to be honest I don't think it'll ever come back so you have to make the most of what you're left with and do everything you can to hang on to that
For every one person that recognizes that hunting was a quick effective way to kill a fox and far more humane than snares and the like you'll find thousands that can't get their head around a pack of hounds followed by a group of what they see as elitist riders chasing some cute disney-esque creature to the point of exhaustion and then ripped apart while they all stand around drooling overcome with some macabre sort of bloodlust


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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As I remember there were plenty of Conservative MP's that voted against hunting so I doubt there would be a majority for a repeal even with a majority Tory government
I hunted before the ban and have no problems with it but to be honest I don't think it'll ever come back so you have to make the most of what you're left with and do everything you can to hang on to that
For every one person that recognizes that hunting was a quick effective way to kill a fox and far more humane than snares and the like you'll find thousands that can't get their head around a pack of hounds followed by a group of what they see as elitist riders chasing some cute disney-esque creature to the point of exhaustion and then ripped apart while they all stand around drooling overcome with some macabre sort of bloodlust

JDee, Since you are in CT and assuming you are not offended by the question, did you vote for The Donald or The Sister. Assuming you were allowed to vote.

On the other hand for whom would you have voted?
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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I don't think she will call a General Election until Brexit has happened, there is too much risk.

If the Liberals ran on a Remain ticket along with SNP then you could find that many people that do not want to Brexit would vote for them. With the Brexit voters being split between Conservatives, UKIP and Labour this could allow the Liberals to win back a fair few of the seats they lost last time around and you could end up with a Labour/Liberal/SNP alliance. This would be an absolute nightmare for the country and could result in a lot of civil unrest.

We cannot afford as a country to have 6 months of campaigning for votes when we have too much else to do.

I'm pretty sure an election needs only four weeks notice.


Well-Known Member
1 February 2013
British but living in Connecticut USA
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JDee, Since you are in CT and assuming you are not offended by the question, did you vote for The Donald or The Sister. Assuming you were allowed to vote.

On the other hand for whom would you have voted?

We're here under the "Legal Permanent Resident' status so can't vote - so much for the whole taxation without representation thing that started a war!!!
I would have voted for Clinton - the Trump camp didn't do anything to put me off her with all their melodramatic accusations. He on the other hand is a proven liar, a corrupt businessman who's made whatever money he has (and still no sign of his tax statements) by exploiting whoever he can - he has his goods made in countries like China and most of his employees in his hotels and golf courses are very low paid Latino's and Hispanics because no American will do that sort of work. He's everything that's wrong with this country and yet his sheeple still believe he wants to change things. The man's power crazy and unhinged and now he's the most powerful man in the world - Scary huh?


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7 November 2008
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I just wish people would stop getting excited by this prospect im afraid if the act was repealed it would be very short lived and the backlash on a change of government would finish off what we have at the moment forever. Why make it into a political tennis match ,there is no political will within the conservative party to repeal it so it wont happen and I suspect the consequence of raising it again would cause damage. Sometimes you have tio live with what you have and be thankful it wasnt worse. It sure as hell could have been.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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I just wish people would stop getting excited by this prospect im afraid if the act was repealed it would be very short lived and the backlash on a change of government would finish off what we have at the moment forever. Why make it into a political tennis match ,there is no political will within the conservative party to repeal it so it wont happen and I suspect the consequence of raising it again would cause damage. Sometimes you have tio live with what you have and be thankful it wasnt worse. It sure as hell could have been.

How very provincial


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
Does anyone know where May stands on hunting? My impression is rather that she elbowed out most of the MPs/cabinet members who were sympathetic to it, and she doesn't strike me as the type to care for it. She's trying to rework the Tories as the party of the working man and woman and (yes, I know hunting is more diverse than people think) I don't think legalisation would be "on brand" for that.
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Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Does anyone know where May stands on hunting? My impression is rather that she elbowed out most of the MPs/cabinet members who were sympathetic to it, and she doesn't strike me as the type to care for it. She's trying to rework the Tories as the party of the working man and woman and (yes, I know hunting is more diverse than people think) I don't think legalisation would be "on brand" for that.

Without wishing to restart this thread, which had died of natural causes, you are mistaken - she is Pro, thankfully, as are almost all of the cabinet and parliamentary party. I agree she perhaps lacks the personal empathy DC had with hunting though.


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18 June 2010
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Without wishing to restart this thread, which had died of natural causes, you are mistaken - she is Pro, thankfully, as are almost all of the cabinet and parliamentary party. I agree she perhaps lacks the personal empathy DC had with hunting though.

Countryman this thread has not died of "natural causes". It has died of weakness. Whilst I am right behind Theresa May she has exhibited a remarkable lack of judgment and incredible weakness. When a Prime Minister is handed the job on a plate, they would be prudent to call a general election, not having fought the campaign as the incumbent.

Look at what befell Jim Callaghan, John Major and Gordon Brown, all fell at the last fence by not calling an election.

Forget Boundary Changes and the Fixed Term Parliament Act. The latter could have been easily expunged.


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30 May 2008
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well even if that is the case JM, hunting is not going to be on the agenda. In todays climate it simply isn't important. You are still hunting, people are still gainfully employed and numbers going out have increased since the ban.
No-one with any sense is going to poke the hornets nest that is repeal. Its not a vote winner.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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well even if that is the case JM, hunting is not going to be on the agenda. In todays climate it simply isn't important. You are still hunting, people are still gainfully employed and numbers going out have increased since the ban.
No-one with any sense is going to poke the hornets nest that is repeal. Its not a vote winner.

Hunting, seriously nothing was further from my mind.

No, the immediate point is, that where I taking a Judgemental view in and upon the decision of the Supreme Court, either way Mrs May has to call an election.

If the Supreme court rule against the government, Mrs May is in a right old muddle, with a very modest majority and a number of awkward Conservative members. With the issue of BREXIT being a dominant feature, leading up to the end of march assuming she can keep to her time table.

Then there is the matter of the House of Lords who will almost certainly delay matters.

Also the Irish sticking their oar into the equation.

The way out of this mess is for an immediate election, which, if Mrs May called it now, in my Judgemental, their lordships in the Supreme Court may have to reserve their judgement, until after the election, for fear of undue influence of parliament and the electorate.

That said, I confidently predict that the British people will vote for Mrs May, if the main platform argument is BREXIT and give her a landslide victory. Possibly bigger that Lady Thatcher's, because the majority, especially the majority who voted for BREXIT are about as p..sed off as I have ever known my fellow Britons, with the variety of folking trying to stop and or slow up BREXIT.

Then with a resounding majority Mrs May can steamroller any vote and her timetable on BREXIT through the Commons, assuming that is necessary if the Supreme Court find in favor of the Claimant.

In the circumstances the Fixed Term Parliament Act can be kicked into the long grass.

As for the Parliamentary Boundary Changes, that will just have to be a temporary casualty of the position.

So Countryman, if you are reading this post, I suggest you have a quiet word in the ear of your chums in the H of C and tell them, they need to heed the words of maturer counsel in my Judgemental.

As for the hunting (shhhhh) once we have a landslide majority...........


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7 November 2008
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However as I said all along I still predict there will be no Brexit. Already we are hearing cabinet members stepping back talking of interim deals and staying part of the single market. Anybody with any degree of sanity knows that there is nothing to gain from staying part of the single market and lots to lose as you end up contributing to Brussels but have no say over their regulations and I certainly did not vote for that. If we are going to contribute we have to have a say!!!

I dont know what it is with those saying we have to stay part of the single market? They assume its a one way street! Somebody put it very well last week if we have to contribute to stay in what are they going to pay to have access to our market as they send more to us. Is this really trade Tariffs by another name. If we stand strong they will back down even as stubborn as they can be they wont bite off their noses.

To your point of a february election Why? Winter elections are notoriously very unpredictable and the way people have recently voted around the world nothing is a certainty. At the moment The only Mandate we have for Brexit is the referendum and thats not binding all we need is an inconclusive election and the whole thing just sinks into a bigger mire. The media in some quarters are so biased im not sure they live in the same country. I used to listen to radio 5live all the time and now switch it off they are obsessed with staying in the single market and are so twisted in their reporting.