Immediate General Election


Well-Known Member
13 November 2013
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Because my MP expects me to put up his signage and boards on our land bordered by roads. I am always being asked for donations.


Your MP seems to expect a lot from you. You are in a strong position to extract a definite commitment from this MP. Lay down the law. That is the only way you will get your collateral bonus.

However, this election will still be about one thing only, Brexit. This may seem like a golden opportunity to completely crush and destroy Labour, but regardless of how low they are in the polling at present, there are still many seats where their majority is so massive that they may never be defeated. I see the GE as a finely calculated risk.

The SNP stand only to lose, which is good.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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Despite the fact that most on here hold Ms Sturgeon and the SNP in poor regard, we need to be careful. We need to separate our dislike of the woman from our affection for Scotland and it's peoples. Whilst delighting in her almost inevitable failure, we need to bear in mind that it's the Scots who may well end up bearing the brunt of our glee and that's a step which we should have no truck with.



Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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Despite the fact that most on here hold Ms Sturgeon and the SNP in poor regard, we need to be careful. We need to separate our dislike of the woman from our affection for Scotland and it's peoples. Whilst delighting in her almost inevitable failure, we need to bear in mind that it's the Scots who may well end up bearing the brunt of our glee and that's a step which we should have no truck with.


Alec frankly the SNP are akin to SABOTEURS and we all know what that means on this particular website.

I feel the good and right thinking people of Scotland should be doing more to muzzle Ms Sturgeon and her vain glorious posturing.


Well-Known Member
1 February 2013
British but living in Connecticut USA
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Tempting though it might be, wishing people to fail so that we can gloat and say "I told you so" is rather like shooting yourself in the foot. If the ship sinks then we'll either go down with it or hope that we can find a lifeboat to cling too until something better comes along.
Difficult times.