Introducing Lindeza (lin-day-za)


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
London but horse is in Herts
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Yep, I think that's a goodun'. I wish you all the luck in the world with her, it'll be interesting to see how you get on with her.

*Pedantic note - it's pronounced "Lin-day-tha" (but only if you're in Spain - you call her what you like).

She looks lovely and call her whatever you like.

But as half Spanish it would be Lindetha in the centre of spain/castellano) but Lindessa in Andalucia and Extramadura.

The second example here is good for a castellano pronunciation. Ignore the first, it's US.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I've already sorted the left fore, by the way. It looks like at some point a few months ago she hurt the heel because it's growing out a crack and the long toe on that one foot is a result of not properly weight bearing on that heel. I was really pleased to find a reason why it was different from the other three. She was happy to put it on a stand and let me rasp it and it looks the same as the other now. She has typical small feet for the breed and they are like rocks.



Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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She looks lovely and call her whatever you like.

But as half Spanish it would be Lindetha in the centre of spain/castellano) but Lindessa in Andalucia and Extramadura.

The second example here is good for a castellano pronunciation. Ignore the first, it's US.

Ah, well they said she's Andalusian. I quite like the dayza pronunciation, as a name but who knows, she may name herself Daisy by next week ?


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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She is absolutely gorgeous.

Please keep us updated with many photos, although I shall be green with envy every time I look at them!


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
London but horse is in Herts
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Ah, well she's Andalusian. I quite like the dayza pronunciation, as a name but who knows, she may name herself Daisy by next week ?

So it would be Dessa in Andalucian, I like Daisy. In Spain I would have edged towards Linda but not an English Linda.

And if you do any competing welcome to the world of commentators struggling. I had a Saint Francois and they always pronunced Saint the english way despite it clearly being french and couldn't manage Francois at all. With my surname being difficult, we'd normally be starting on the jump off before they got to the end. Current horse has a english name but part of it is Valour which for some reason every venue round here pronounces as Velour as in a velvet like material.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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I'm more likely to buy a carrot stick ?


In which case we need Papa Frita!!

I think Daisy would be a fab stable name. Mine is nothing like his real name, I didn’t know it for a week!

How long was it between starting to look and finding her?


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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So it would be Dessa in Andalucian, I like Daisy. In Spain I would have edged towards Linda but not an English Linda.

And if you do any competing welcome to the world of commentators struggling. I had a Saint Francois and they always pronunced Saint the english way despite it clearly being french and couldn't manage Francois at all. With my surname being difficult, we'd normally be starting on the jump off before they got to the end. Current horse has a english name but part of it is Valour which for some reason every venue round here pronounces as Velour as in a velvet like material.

one of my warmbloods was called Vulgaeus Majistralis. That was fun!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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In which case we need Papa Frita!!

I think Daisy would be a fab stable name. Mine is nothing like his real name, I didn’t know it for a week!

How long was it between starting to look and finding her?

That's a difficult question to answer because what I was looking for changed three times during the search as Muffin's situation changed, and when I found her I'd given up looking and only contacted them for a loan horse. And she hadn't been put up for sale because they hadn't finished backing her. She was sat on for me after I bought her.



Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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She is absolutely beautiful I hope you have lots of fun with her, look forward to seeing a lot more photos with her, I'm definitely requesting a thread like Adorable Alice's Ted one so we can follow your adventures with her

You could almost write a book about how you came to find her it definitely sounds like fate.

Are you going to get the TB x co as well? I followed but didnt feel qualified to post on your search thread that you were possibly going to get a 3rd to bring on and sell or are you just going to focus on Lindeza for now? If I can recall she was the bay with white socks and blaze and looked really sweet.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Are you going to get the TB x co as well? I followed but didnt feel qualified to post on your search thread that you were possibly going to get a 3rd to bring on and sell or are you just going to focus on Lindeza for now? If I can recall she was the bay with white socks and blaze and looked really sweet.

No I have my hands full now with two young horses. Ludo is of course way ahead of her in his training, but he is still a backward five year old who I am taking slowly waiting for him to mature into his lanky frame. And she's two years older but has done absolutely nothing. The stopgap was to sell when I found a PRE but she found me before I could buy one ?