Introducing Lindeza (lin-day-za)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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By popular request, introducing my new PRE mare Alto Lindeza, pronounced lin-day-za (correction, in Portuguese), meaning beautiful in Spanish and Portuguese. At the moment she is called Deza for short, but we will see if that sticks, it's early days.

For those who didn't follow a thread I set up to try and find a third horse, the story is almost unbelievable. I started that thread because I was toying with the idea of getting a young third horse to take over from my thoroughbred Muffin when he was older. After that thread had been running a while I got a disastrous set of x rays on Muffin's neck and back, the heat made his arthritis much worse (all on another thread if you want the detail) and I had to change my search to a serious need for a companion for Ludo so I could have Muffin put to sleep.

With the valiant attempts of a host of HHOers to find me a horse in an insanely hot market where they were selling unseen within hours of being advertised, I made an offer on a four year old little tb x cob who wasn't too far away, planning to buy her unseen as her yard remains in lockdown to strangers for another month. My offer was ignored, after thinking the deal was almost done, and I assumed the owner was offended by me offering £300 below her asking price.

So I contacted all the charities and a local trekking centre to try to find a loan of a horse for the summer to bridge the gap between finding a new horse and losing Muffin. At this point I firmed up that if i was going to lose a horse I loved that I would finally buy what I have wanted for a long time, a PRE. I arranged with a lovely HHOer that she would source me one when she was next in Spain.

Then the trekking centre contacted me to agree a loan of one of their furloughed horses, and said 'you wouldn't like to buy one would you?'. I replied that I would, but that I had decided only to buy a PRE. 'Well we have two home bred graded PRE mares for sale. I nearly fell off the chair.

The following morning, Saturday, we went to see the younger one of the two. I was reeling, stressed out by Muffin, and quite honestly I'd probably have bought her if she had three legs. I just about recognised that she was a good horse, and there was no obvious reason to turn her down.

On Sunday I got a message from the owner of the tb x cob accepting my offer and apologising for having missed my message. If she hadn't, I would have bought that and never have contacted the trekking centre. Talk about 'things that are meant to be are meant to be'!

I picked her up yesterday afternoon, after briefly sitting on her for the first time. She is seven years old and has just been backed. The breeders prefer to wait until they are mature to back them. This time I realised quite what a stunning and lovely mare she is.

This morning I loved her even more, and when we had a little ride including her first trot under saddle, I burst into tears. She has a mouth like butter, rounds up by instinct, carries so much weight on her back end purely by how she is built, and incredibly sensitive. She stops on a sixpence if I stop my hips from moving with her.

What a topsy turvy way to find the horse of my dreams. And by the way, Spanish horse owners, now I understand why you say riding one is like no other horse. It's true.

She is beautiful looking, has the kindest eye, and is gentle and a little insecure. She's in the eighth biggest gullet plate WOW do, but is exactly the right width for my hips. Ludo loves her and shared his food bowl with her tonight, showing her that minerals in grass nuts were OK.

So here she is, Deza.





She looks fabulous and so does your spotted gentleman! Very best of luck with her - it will be interesting to hear updates :)


Chocolatier and Greyhound lover
29 August 2007
Vale of Belvoir
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Oh wow gorgeous.
I've had part Lippi's and they were great mares. I'd love a Spanish or Portuguese horse.
Stunning. Hope she makes you very happy


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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I've got something similar only in red and blue that someone gave me. I quite like it but it does make my tb look like a failed polo pony.

Apparently they're Argentinian where they speak Spanish - I couldn't find a Spanish headcollar to wind YCBM up so that's the nearest thing!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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She looks fabulous and so does your spotted gentleman!

Ah, he deserves an update of his own one day. The picture does him no justice. He is awesome to ride, he has the biggest paces and is so elastic he could star in the Incredibles. He's too stretchy for his own good, so I am going very slowly with him, but he's a natural at both lateral work and lengthening, adjustable, trainable, desperate to please. He's a joy.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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She is lovely. i got my current horse by fate, I had viewed a horse, liked him, he ticked all the sensible boxes (but wasn’t head over heels about him, but I was being sensible) made an offer and got him vetted....which he failed before he even left the stable.
A forum friend said why not look at the horse her YO has for sale, he was about a hand bigger than I wanted and I initially said no, but my friend said he was a poppet, try him and if you don’t like him then you at least know not to budge on my size requirement.
So I’m very glad the first horse failed the vet, otherwise I’d have a horse that was ‘meh, ok’ rather than my boy who is fantastic.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2017
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I missed all those threads - such a pity as I bet I could have found you an elderly grey with awful feet on the Isle of Wight to look at.

She's really beautiful. I'm so pleased you found her after all the heartache with Muffin. Look forward to loads of pics and updates.

PS Can't believe you won't get her a Spanish bridley thingy with tassles on. If you like I could hot glue some diamantes on for ultimate dizzle-dazzle?


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I missed all those threads - such a pity as I bet I could have found you an elderly grey with awful feet on the Isle of Wight to look at.


PS Can't believe you won't get her a Spanish bridley thingy with tassles on. If you like I could hot glue some diamantes on for ultimate dizzle-dazzle?
