Introducing Zach


Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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Big lad Zach is home. He got a glowing report from the lovely ladies he went to and he’ll be missed there for sure. He will probably go back again in the spring to be restarted once he’s had a winter break and matured some more. We’ve had a handful of solo hacks at home so far that have been drama free and delightful, he just sometimes takes a minute to leave the yard by himself - absolutely nothing dramatic, just a planting of feet and you have to wait for him to sigh and think about it before moving off.

The plan is to do some short hacks 2-3 times a week and do a few in hand sessions in the field over poles etc for the next few months, then he’ll have the whole of the winter off before restarting next spring. He’s a very good boy and although he is handsome with a lot of presence, he seems to be going through another growth spurt and looking rather funny and out of proportion again. His head is ginormous ?


Little man Ernie isn’t doing too bad either. He went to his first pony party a few weeks ago and managed to bag a 1st in the inhand cobs class bless him. He was extremely well behaved except for the incessant calling and waving his manhood about a bit ?? As soon as we get some cooler weather and less flies the poor lad is in for a shock ✂️



Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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OOh I love Zach, he looks a real poppet, and Ernie is soooo cute! Brilliant update BTomkins! So glad things have worked out for you.

Thank you I am very happy with my unplanned DD purchases! I keep thinking I need to sell some but how on earth can I when they’re all so fab! I’m sure once the winter and mud hits I’ll be cursing myself ?

They are both gorgeous ?

Thank you, they’re certainly both blossoming and watching their transformations from when they first arrived is such a pleasure.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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I thought I recognised your big lad. I know who you sent him to for backing.

Glad he seems to be doing really well I hope you have lots of fun with him (and your little cob)!

He had a fab time there and it was prefect for him. Lovely lady.

Thank you, hopefully many fun times to come although I may need a bigger box as he bent the ramp on my 3.5 unloading quietly ?


Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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Time for an end of year update as big boy Zach went to his first ever show last weekend.

I had been mildly panicking that I would be doing my best waterskiing impression hanging on for dear life whilst going round the ring. Zach is a real poppet and rarely puts a hoof out of place but he’s so damn big that if he decided he wanted to go I doubt I would have any choice in the matter.

Because of this I didn’t really think to practise trotting in hand. With the others I trot them in from the field regularly so they’re used to it but I don’t want Zach thinking he can barge his way in so I’ve always been extra strict about his manners. It was a last minute decision to go and with a complete lack of preparation I thought if we just chilled in the car park and took everything in that was ok. Last chance to enter a youngstock class and all that…

Well, more fool me ? He ended up doing his best snail impression and wouldn’t shift! Absolutely no inclination to trot when it was our turn, despite much flapping and flustering from me. Thankfully, it was a very low key and friendly show and the judge had great fun chasing after us with his cane to help us move ?

He was so so well behaved and stood like a rock in the line up and was very careful with his (giant dinner plate) feet that the fact we placed low did not matter one bit.

I’ve learnt my lesson for next time and we will have a good practise in the spring before the next one. Trust the horse more and sack the handler!!

I stopped riding him about 6 weeks ago and he will have the rest of the winter off to hopefully start up again in spring as a 4 year old. All 3 babies have done me proud this year. I really should sell at least one but I just can’t right now, they’re all so special in their own way to me ?

Here he is in all his winter woolly glory.





Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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He is absolutely gorgeous. Just wonderful. If he’s the one you end up selling, message me!

Trust me you don’t want the mucking out, he has elephant poohs ? I think your elegant ladies might enjoy eyeing up the handsome hunk he is though!

I’m sure I’ll make it known if he’s seriously for sale, I’ll see how spring goes and how much time I have for them all :)

The first pic is a framer! He is a gorgeous boy with such a pretty face and kind eye.

I have ordered a framed version of that one! Thank you, his eye is what drew me to him in the first place. I think he’s a kind old soul.

What a handsome and kind looking chap! Well. done. :)

Thank you although we didn’t actually place well at all ?

He really does look fabulous!

Thank you! He’s a big gorgeous lump.

Lovely pics. Parties are learning curves and good experience for them.

And me it would seem! Many more planned next year.

If you do decide to sell him, I'm calling dibs ? He's just perfect

Haha I’ll let him know although his head is big enough already!

He’s absolutely gorgeous and a superstar

Thank you he really is, he’s such a special boy.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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I think the time may have come to start thinking about Zach finding a new home. As much as I adore him and may well still keep him, realistically there are more reasons to sell than keep.

It’s a real heart/head situation and I swing from one decision to the other daily. I just really really don’t want to do anything I regret long term.

I have 4 at the moment and maybe it’s just the tail end of winter getting to me but it’s a lot to keep on top of and I feel like he’s such a friendly oaf he would love more one to one attention and to be someone’s everything. I already have my heart horse who is in his prime and two other youngsters to bring on.

I’m off to Norfolk on holiday this week but when I’m back I’ll start re-backing him after the winter just being a big young horse living out and playing with his mate. I think I’ll see how I feel and go from there. I’m guessing he’d be more saleable with a little work put in to get him going so I have a least a few weeks to have a serious think about it all.

Picture of Zach still in his winter scruffs enjoying some fresh grass in the new summer field with his mate Ernie.


In other news my little filly went out to her second show and was a superstar, she placed 1st out of 8 in her class even in her winter woolies 🤩 Gosh I wish I could spend all day every day at the yard with these horses, any tips on how to win the lottery?? 🤣



Well-Known Member
7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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Update time.

He’s still here and I’m pleased he is 😊 I wrote out his advert a few times but when push came to shove I just couldn’t post it. I don’t think I’ll find another like him easily.

I’ve had a ridiculously busy year and with four horses to keep ticking over I haven’t achieved much with him, but then he’s a big lad and only four so I keep telling myself there’s no rush.

The rebacking in April couldn’t have gone smoother. It was like he’d had no time off and was just a sensible lad from the get go. Since then we have just done some nice slow hacking throughout the summer, both in company and alone. He is verrrry slightly less confident alone which I guess is to be expected, but is totally happy first or last in company. He’s been fab in traffic and has just about come across everything now from motorbikes, to cycle races, to combines without so much as a glance.

However, because life gets in the way, I’ve been very start/stop with him and I haven’t done any ‘proper’ schooling as the school I have access to down the road is rather on the small side and I think I’d get four strides of trot and reach the end 🫣

So in a few weeks time he’s being sent to boot camp at a yard ten minutes down the road from me. They have a huge indoor and outdoor school, cross country course and lovely hacking. My plans are for him to get some basic schooling and polework and continue with his hacking as much as possible. I will be having lessons on him whilst there and I’m so excited!

I will of course post some updates now that he’ll be doing something a little more worthy to write about.

Picture of him in his rave/hacking gear 🤣

