Irresponsible Owners


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13 March 2009
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Talking of irresponsible owners… there was a dog loose on the XC course at Badminton today
I walked the course on Saturday, there was a couple with a yellow lab, walked across the course crossing and towards me with the dog off lead the whole time, running around, but checking back in with them. I was trying to avoid them as my boy has been attacked by a yellow lab, so they are not his favourite dogs to interact with. I suggested they put it on a lead, so the guy called the dog to heel and then released it again once they were past me, apparently the on lead rules did not apply to them. Absolutely clueless !!

Unfortunately, there were also a few riders walking the course with their dogs off lead, so that is not great at encouraging the public to follow the rules.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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The original video has been edited from 1.15 min to 0.59. The missing 16 seconds show the Police trying to convince the man to give up his dogs.

Almost as if someone has edited the video to make the Police look bad.
Watched a 2 min video (DM website) of the police trying to have that conversation with the man. I wish it hadn't escalated into such a distressing situation but if the dogs had attacked a woman, the police surely couldn't have said "oh cool nevermind you crack on mate". It's probably an unpopular opinion but as someone scared to walk my own dog because of dogs and owners like this, I would quite frankly feel relieved there are two less dangerous dogs on the streets of my neighbourhood.

Yesterday spotted a big bully thing towing it's owner down pavement towards us. I usually step off the pavement for any other oncoming dogs anyway but fully crossed the road for this one. Owner called out to ask if mine was a boy or girl. I shouted girl across the road but kept on walking on the other side of the street, 'oh that's okay it's just the boys he has a problem with'. I mean at least he was sort of proactive about it but wtf?! Put a muzzle on the sodding thing if you know it's going to go for other dogs!

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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Watched a 2 min video (DM website) of the police trying to have that conversation with the man. I wish it hadn't escalated into such a distressing situation but if the dogs had attacked a woman, the police surely couldn't have said "oh cool nevermind you crack on mate". It's probably an unpopular opinion but as someone scared to walk my own dog because of dogs and owners like this, I would quite frankly feel relieved there are two less dangerous dogs on the streets of my neighbourhood.
Have to say I also am glad that there are two dangerous dogs less and hopefully a message gone out to owners of such dogs that there will be repercussions for using them as a threat.


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17 July 2012
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What I saw has shown dog owner deliberately running (at least one) of his dogs at the police,after he'd been asked to give them up. But horrible situation has given me a genuine question for dog people, don't think it's too off topic.
When big ferocious dogs are barking at you like that and their tails are wagging, why are the tails wagging. People always said it was a friendly trait, dog with waggiest tail etc, so is this just not true.


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18 September 2021
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When big ferocious dogs are barking at you like that and their tails are wagging, why are the tails wagging. People always said it was a friendly trait, dog with waggiest tail etc, so is this just not true.
If the tail's up high and wagging, that's a high arousal state: means anything from excitement to aggression.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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I cannot understand why you would want to take dogs into shops , perhaps it’s because I’ve got 3 so wouldn’t have a hand free to pick up shopping but if I’m popping in to a shop and have my dogs with me they are quite happy to sit in the car. I only leave them in the car if I can keep an eye on the car from the shop and never in the heat ..


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15 August 2010
West Sussex
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Just watched the full video… what a horrific thing to see as a dog lover, especially when the second dog didn’t die straight away and tried to run after its owner…

But… if those dogs had gone on to seriously injure or even kill somebody at a later date, how many of those people screaming police brutality, would then be abusing the police for not dispatching them when they had a chance..


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Horrible muggy day, my fit 3yo with a tight coat was blowing out her arse on a walk approx 2.5 miles in total.

Some woman with a miniscule cockerpoo puppy that could hardly walk the length of itself, did almost the same distance. Stopping to take copious amounts of pictures, for Insta, I'm assuming 🙄


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20 November 2006
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A friend and I were walking our 2 GSDs in a local forest, we kept to the main ride through so we could see what was going on around us and on straight bits they were off lead. Met a couple of people with dogs, all dogs called back and put on lead, ditto a group of walkers and a cyclist. Then we heard barking behind us and turned round to see a dog charging towards us, owners way back Called ours and put them on lead and carried on walking and the damn dog kept coming. My friend shouted to them to call their dog back which eventually they did and in all fairness it did return to them, but why on earth didn't they call it when it first headed for us barking ?
On a good note, at one stage a rider on a horse appeared from nowhere out of a side path, literally popped out in front of the dogs. We called them back and they both returned straight away and sat while the horse went past, what was nice was that the lady on the horse commented on how well behaved they were. I suspect she had a bit of a panic when she came face to face with 2 large GSDs, so it was good to show that not all dog owners are idiots.


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17 September 2022
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A rescue nearby is pleading for a foster home for a dog with cancer who is diagnosed as only living for a few months. The rescue will pay for medication and vet bills.
The criteria for the dog is no pets or children and can be reactive with other dogs. Not only is the dog ill, but he will have to adjust to a new lifestyle after being in kennels a long time.

They have also put up a post wanting donations to pay for his medication.

If he was my dog and I couldn't afford the medication, I'd have no choice but to put him to sleep. Even if I had the money, I'd probably do it. Dogs deserve dignity and not to be kept alive for the sake of the owner or as a publicity stunt for the rescue.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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Watched a 2 min video (DM website) of the police trying to have that conversation with the man. I wish it hadn't escalated into such a distressing situation but if the dogs had attacked a woman, the police surely couldn't have said "oh cool nevermind you crack on mate". It's probably an unpopular opinion but as someone scared to walk my own dog because of dogs and owners like this, I would quite frankly feel relieved there are two less dangerous dogs on the streets of my neighbourhood.

Yesterday spotted a big bully thing towing it's owner down pavement towards us. I usually step off the pavement for any other oncoming dogs anyway but fully crossed the road for this one. Owner called out to ask if mine was a boy or girl. I shouted girl across the road but kept on walking on the other side of the street, 'oh that's okay it's just the boys he has a problem with'. I mean at least he was sort of proactive about it but wtf?! Put a muzzle on the sodding thing if you know it's going to go for other dogs!

It's about time all large bull breeds were muzzled by law when in public, as others have said it's the fact their bite is soo powerful and they don't let go which is the issue - I would go a step further and say all should be neutered too, that way the breed could be allowed to die out natrually.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2021
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It's about time all large bull breeds were muzzled by law when in public, as others have said it's the fact their bite is soo powerful and they don't let go which is the issue - I would go a step further and say all should be neutered too, that way the breed could be allowed to die out natrually.
Am I reading this wrong or do you seriously want every single bull breed, a type that has been around for centuries, to die out?

I'm lost for words. Not only is this a brilliant way to further drive breeding underground and dramatically increase the percentage of poorly bred and therefore potentially dangerous bull breeds, but also what happened to promoting genetic diversity? Not to mention the sheer selfishness to think that just because you dislike a breed, everyone who cares for that type should be prevented from having them.

Christ, I hope you're never in a position to write legislation.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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It's about time all large bull breeds were muzzled by law when in public, as others have said it's the fact their bite is soo powerful and they don't let go which is the issue - I would go a step further and say all should be neutered too, that way the breed could be allowed to die out natrually.

This is what the DDA was designed to do with pit bulls, they weren't supposed to be bred after 1991. That didn't exactly work, just lots of dodgy breeding and dogs of supposedly different crosses, which was why innocent dogs were seized just because they looked a certain way.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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Am I reading this wrong or do you seriously want every single bull breed, a type that has been around for centuries, to die out?

I'm lost for words. Not only is this a brilliant way to further drive breeding underground and dramatically increase the percentage of poorly bred and therefore potentially dangerous bull breeds, but also what happened to promoting genetic diversity? Not to mention the sheer selfishness to think that just because you dislike a breed, everyone who cares for that type should be prevented from having them.

Christ, I hope you're never in a position to write legislation.
I mean American bullies - should have made that clear, I have no issue with staffs, EBT (I like those!) or the mastiff type in general but AB XL's are a mutant breed being bred bigger, stonger and more aggressive with each generation it seems...


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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The problem with banning any breed or type is that the sort of owner and breeder who wants an aggressive, strong dog will just selectively breed and train another breed/type of dog to fill the gap left by the banned breed. Unless all dogs larger than, say, a KCC were banned then there would still be dogs around who could be trained/bred to kill a human. And terriers would still be a risk around small children. I agree that greater bite strength means that XL bullies and similar types are more likely to be able to kill than other breeds, but it is definitely the humans who are a problem, and they would just find a way around any breed banning (or just continue to breed/own the banned breed).

As it's the owners/breeders who are the problem then for a start I think that if you own a dog that kills or seriously injures a human (and potentially another domestic animal from cats upwards) then you should be banned from keeping dogs again, with the length of the ban depending on the situation, with the death of a human meaning the dog owner is banned for life. Maybe it would also be a good idea to sanction breeders if more than x number of dogs that they bred (maybe three or more?) cause serious harm. If you breed three dogs that seriously harm or kill humans then either you are selling puppies to the wrong people and/or you are breeding a line with a serious aggression problem.


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23 January 2023
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The problem with banning any breed or type is that the sort of owner and breeder who wants an aggressive, strong dog will just selectively breed and train another breed/type of dog to fill the gap left by the banned breed. Unless all dogs larger than, say, a KCC were banned then there would still be dogs around who could be trained/bred to kill a human. And terriers would still be a risk around small children. I agree that greater bite strength means that XL bullies and similar types are more likely to be able to kill than other breeds, but it is definitely the humans who are a problem, and they would just find a way around any breed banning (or just continue to breed/own the banned breed).

As it's the owners/breeders who are the problem then for a start I think that if you own a dog that kills or seriously injures a human (and potentially another domestic animal from cats upwards) then you should be banned from keeping dogs again, with the length of the ban depending on the situation, with the death of a human meaning the dog owner is banned for life. Maybe it would also be a good idea to sanction breeders if more than x number of dogs that they bred (maybe three or more?) cause serious harm. If you breed three dogs that seriously harm or kill humans then either you are selling puppies to the wrong people and/or you are breeding a line with a serious aggression problem.
Can we also add to ban breeders that are selling dogs so badly put together they are incompatible to life ( looking at you French bulldogs and pugs). Breeders generally need to have a higher standard.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2019
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Our delightful neighbour breeds XL Bullies which are usually left in his garden for most of the day barking, howling and fighting each other.

Saw him when I was walking back from the park today - his male dog took the top off an old brick wall and nearly pulled him over going for a cat 😬 (needless to say he didn’t knock on the door of the house to apologise)


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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The problem with banning any breed or type is that the sort of owner and breeder who wa
As it's the owners/breeders who are the problem then for a start I think that if you own a dog that kills or seriously injures a human (and potentially another domestic animal from cats upwards) then you should be banned from keeping dogs again, with the length of the ban depending on the situation, with the death of a human meaning the dog owner is banned for life. Maybe it would also be a good idea to sanction breeders if more than x number of dogs that they bred (maybe three or more?) cause serious harm. If you breed three dogs that seriously harm or kill humans then either you are selling puppies to the wrong people and/or you are breeding a line with a serious aggression problem.
I think that anyone whose dog injures or kills a person should be treated as if they caused the death or injuries just as if they had used a knife as the weapon rather than a dog.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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I saw a post by the Southend dog trainer the other day ranting about the banned breeds and saying it’s the humans who need banning especially the breeders who breed just for money and not temperament and then sell them to f…ing idiots… I don’t know anything about him as a trainer but he was talking good sense. I think he is right we need to look at other things rather than the breed only


Well-Known Member
18 September 2021
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I mean American bullies - should have made that clear, I have no issue with staffs, EBT (I like those!) or the mastiff type in general but AB XL's are a mutant breed being bred bigger, stonger and more aggressive with each generation it seems...
Apologises for misunderstanding your post (and for the heated response).

I don't think that XL bullies as a breed are growing more aggressive with every generation though. Imo, it's primarily the dodgy breeders' pandemic puppies/lines to blame. There are good breeders out there; it's just that their dogs don't make the news, so people forget that normal bullies that don't start trouble exist. To be honest, based on the breeders I follow, I haven't seen much of an increase in size either, just an increase in flatter muzzles which is more of a concern to me.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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I think that anyone whose dog injures or kills a person should be treated as if they caused the death or injuries just as if they had used a knife as the weapon rather than a dog.

I agree. I have just realised that my post wasn't clear, I certainly didn't mean that if a dog kills a person the owner should just be banned from keeping dogs, but that the ban should be on top of the appropriate sentence for causing the death of another person. I think that bringing in bans (of varying lengths) for injuries to people/other animals might at least get the dogs removed from the type of stupid owner who may go on to be responsible for a fatal dog attack.

Although - having seen how people sidestep ownership bans following prosecutions for cruelty - the ban would have to include handling of dog,s and not just ownership, to avoid them still having a dog but claiming it's owned by a friend/relative.


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13 October 2009
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17 September 2007
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its just another scam ad rather than a puppy farm. Theres so many of them about now. 10 get deleted and another 20 pop up. Some even start their own groups up now so they look legitimate.
This, puppy farms don’t advertise like that. I’ve no idea why people make scam ads but they do and they are ridiculously easy to spot.