GSD Woman
Well-Known Member
My friend's first Tibetan Mastiff was often attacked usually by Akitas and we put that down to the fact that her tail curled over her back.
I would put it down to Akitas being Akitas. Unless very well trained and controlled can be aggressive towards other dogs. A pair of them tore up a cat on her own stoop. Cat ended up dying. I remember crying then and I'm tearing up now.
One time when I was walking Freddie and Rudy Freddie suddenly disappeared. This is so not typical of her. She is usually totally tuned in to her tennis ball. She had gone up to a big pit bull sitting next his owner on a log in the woods. She did come back when called. The man did tell me his dog was fine as long as the other dog didn't act dominant. Since Freddie is so not challenging all was well. Then another man came walking down the path coming towards us. He had some trouble getting his dogs back on lead but managed it. They were freaking out trying to get to my dogs, now on lead and on a sit stay, and the pit bull.