Irresponsible Owners


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23 December 2010
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The CPL in my area often has cats advertised for rehoming that aren't suitable for life in a house and need a rural/farm/yard home, so they are definitely worth a try for anyone looking for a yard cat :)
I've had several lovely cats from rescue centres. Sadly I had to send one there a few months ago first time ever. He had been adopted from another rescue by someone close by who didn't shut him in and had no idea what to do with him. Idiot rescue to let him do there in the first place. He lived rough for several months then appeared on my yard. Fed him up and got him right. He was sweet when he was weak but as he got stronger he and another feral fought ( just about to the death) so he had to go as he was the most likely to get a home. He adored the horses, had clearly come from a stable yard. He would have made a lovely stable ratter for someone.


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18 September 2021
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Today a pr*ck let his Labrador block my path, bark at me, and grab and start tugging at one of my crutches. I’m not visibly injured but I can’t stand still for long or balance without crutches without a sharp increase in pain.

When I yelled at said pr*ck to get his dog, he replied “sorry, he’s still learning” and then took a leisurely stroll to collect the dog. Leisurely stroll in the sense that I could have outpaced him and I can barely walk.

Had to take the bus home because the pain from standing still and trying to resist the dog’s tugging was that bad. But, of course, he was just a young dog so how can I complain…


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24 April 2009
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I had an incident with a dog yesterday which could have ended worse for me than it did but can't really say the owners were irresponsible. My friend & I were going along a bridleway and a couple with a spaniel were coming the other way. They stopped, moved to the side and had the dog on a short lead in a sit. My friend's horse went by, no problem, my little mare went by, dog decided to bark & lunge up at little mare who launched into space! I was lucky to stay on! Poor little mare is as paranoid as hell as it is, this was just what she didn't need! I felt the need to apologise for my swearing and say she was a youngster (she's not really, just rather un-exposed and a bit of a worrier).


20 March 2007
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Had three cocker spaniels fly out of a driveway and into the road at us this evening while the owner was busy rummaging in the back of their van. Leads trailing, so presumably just out of the van and left loose. Mostly noise but one tried to get a bite in. Pup was terrified and tried to climb me like a tree.

On the way home I spot the van's personalised numberplate, realise that the owner was wearing a logo'd top and put two and two together - it's a local professional dog walker. 🙄


20 March 2007
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From a bit of social media stalking they appear to be her own dogs. Last post was about a young puppy coming to them for a positive socialisation walk - my finger was hovering above the comment button. 😤

Pup is just coming through the other side of an intense fear period, I’ve been deliberately road walking to avoid out of control dogs during a fairly critical phase but you can’t escape them anywhere.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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From a bit of social media stalking they appear to be her own dogs. Last post was about a young puppy coming to them for a positive socialisation walk - my finger was hovering above the comment button. 😤

Pup is just coming through the other side of an intense fear period, I’ve been deliberately road walking to avoid out of control dogs during a fairly critical phase but you can’t escape them anywhere.
You should have given them a piece of your mind there.


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28 March 2011
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Bob who was my mums cat is now rodent control officer he’s a definitely a rodent specialist I don’t recall ever seeing him with a bird .
The grey cats (the psychotic siblings ) where house cats into adult hood they are not not good hunters they are quite old now .
A good yard cat means no use of poison and that’s a really good thing foe the environment .

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
West Midlands
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From a bit of social media stalking they appear to be her own dogs. Last post was about a young puppy coming to them for a positive socialisation walk - my finger was hovering above the comment button. 😤

Pup is just coming through the other side of an intense fear period, I’ve been deliberately road walking to avoid out of control dogs during a fairly critical phase but you can’t escape them anywhere.
Mine wouldn't be hovering, I would have to comment.


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31 March 2009
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Had three cocker spaniels fly out of a driveway and into the road at us this evening while the owner was busy rummaging in the back of their van. Leads trailing, so presumably just out of the van and left loose. Mostly noise but one tried to get a bite in. Pup was terrified and tried to climb me like a tree.

On the way home I spot the van's personalised numberplate, realise that the owner was wearing a logo'd top and put two and two together - it's a local professional dog walker. 🙄
A nice negative review on his socials and google me thinks.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Not so much irresponsible as irritating but why do people with ball flingers manage to miss great expanses of open space and fire them right at other people?! Today's first warning was a Labrador thundering up behind us, thankfully the ball stopped short of us.

Aside from that I seem to have found a reasonably quiet walking spot where the dogs we did see, which was quite a few but spread out, seemed very well behaved and far more interested in their own walks than anything else.

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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Group of women out with a small yappy dog. Small dog runs up to horse and clearly lacks in recall department. I stop horse and wait, looking annoyed while dog races about barking at me whilst evading capture. Youngest of the group, maybe mid-20s/30s, says, "Sorry, he's never seen a horse before."

I respond, "Well, there are lots of them in this park." I am a little narky with owners who's dogs have zero recall and who say, "But he's never seen a horse" as an excuse. It is bleeding obvious that the park is heavily used by horse riders because there's lots of poo and tracks. That's right up there with the dog running ahead, out of the sight of its owner, who apologises with, "I didn't see you" or *"I didn't think you would be there."

Anyway, this young woman looks a bit sheepish and says, "I know! I told them he should be on a lead," with a glare towards her companions. Parents? Eventually, they catch it, and it has a bit of a writhing, barking frenzy as I ride past.

*On the subject of the latter....Irresponsible horse riders? I was out with Hermosa the other week. We were descending the narrow-ish trail (it's like a meter wide) leading onto the carpark, a slight hill with a slight curve. I saw a group of approximately five riders entering the trail from the carpark, coming towards me. They were from a different yard and not a speck of hi-viz amongst them, which is par for the course for that yard. I thought, "Whatever, she passes horses just fine." Then they started cantering. Sounded like the charge of the Rohirrim. I thought, "Oh, sh1t." Hermosa, to her great credit, responding by freezing and standing stock still. I yelled, "Horse! Stop! Stop!!" A couple repetitions of this later, they clattered chaotically back to walk in front of me.

They said, "Oh, sorry, we didn't think there would be another horse there!" Given the park is next to the biggest livery yard in the area, with aforesaid ample evidence of frequent equestrian use, I am not sure what planet they were on to think that.

As we continued on our way, I commented to OH, "I guess they didn't see us." He said, "If you could see them, they should have been able to see you." Not to mention that I was decked out like a Christmas tree in hi-viz.
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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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We’ve put ‘please keep dogs on leads’ signs up all over the farm (public footpath), yet I encountered 2 off lead dogs when I was riding through the yard on Saturday. Owners looked shocked to see a horse (really? :rolleyes: ) and scrabbled to put dogs on leads- a bully type and a retriever- telling me to ‘wait there’ while they fumbled out trying to grab the things.
I’ve also had 2 off lead dogs appear at the bottom of my barn this weekend, frightening my cat.
So many dog owners are so arrogant and entitled.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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We used to have a woman, thankfully not seen recently, who used to walk the footpath across our field with a young GR. Lovely dog but always off lead and with next to no recall. My young one went across to say hello before coming back then hers followed and would not return to her. Fortunately the sheep were at the other end of the field. We asked her to keep her dog on a lead on our land. She got very argumentative about this and actually said 'yours aren't on leads'. I pointed out it was our field and our sheep and our dogs are trained with sheep. She got very huffy and didn't learn as we saw her another time still with the dog loose. Makes me so cross.


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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Katie Price taking the irresponsible owner of the decade award. Her most recent GSD has been killed on the road outside her house, bringing her total of dead pets to 7. Several have died on the same road.

Could this be for publicity or due to munchausens? It doesn’t make sense that all of these are repeated ‘accidents’.

I don’t know the dog but he looked like a great dog in photos and rather like my lovely old boy, who was also very dark as a young dog.

The woman is an absolute menace.

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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Katie Price taking the irresponsible owner of the decade award. Her most recent GSD has been killed on the road outside her house, bringing her total of dead pets to 7. Several have died on the same road.

Could this be for publicity or due to munchausens? It doesn’t make sense that all of these are repeated ‘accidents’.

I don’t know the dog but he looked like a great dog in photos and rather like my lovely old boy, who was also very dark as a young dog.

The woman is an absolute menace.

I don't know whether to be furious or to cry.

Eons ago I knew a woman a woman who had an electric fence to help keep her dogs on her back property. When she would get home she would let them run in the front where there was no fencing. I can't remember how many dogs that she lost.


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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I wonder why KP doesn't just get some decent fencing? It's not that difficult
I mean, why would you not, if your beloved (supposedly) animals keep getting killed?
For most people one dead dog would be enough
Perhaps because she gets social media likes, attention and sympathy? If she can get her body remade and have so much free stuff I’m sure there is a fencing company in Essex that would have done it for free for the publicity.

I’m not in it, but I wonder if the vacuous world of celebrity attracts and feeds munchausens personality disorders? KP has already confirmed that she has mental illness publicly.


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20 November 2006
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'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I don't think she is well. And she's away down the road of having so much money that she can just buy another one.

Having said all of that, there were users on here who used to disturb me at the rate they lost or sold on dogs and horses, they haven't been posting for a long time but seemed to live quite a chaotic lifestyle, that's if they weren't trolling, only with less money and exposure than Katie Price.


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15 August 2010
West Sussex
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I’m not far away from where she lives, and several local Facebook lost pet pages posted appeals for information on the owner when the dog was found. The posts have since been removed, presumably at the request of her ‘people’.
I don’t think it’s for publicity, I think she’s genuinely abysmal at looking after anything.


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11 February 2018
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**just coming back to the topic again but the cats around here certainly do not 'learn'. No cats were harmed, just my arms when the leash went PING**

Could you ask your landlord if they could enclose your rear garden with a 2m fence then your dogs could go out unrestrained to mooch about, lie in the sun, play.

If you feel it necessary, fit a coyote roller to keep animals in/out.
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