Is there anyone on HHO who disagrees with foxhunting?


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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I have never like the idea of chasing a fox hunting .

1. chasing a scared animal then letting the dogs rip it to shreds
2. Horses jumping anything in their way ( seen horses jumping a ditch which had farm machinery the other side ) I wont go into detail of what happened.

I like drag hunting

the thrill of the hunt with the dogs
rest bites for horses to catch their breath
safe obstacles for horses.

IMO you would not know the difference if you joined *A* hunt in the middle of the pack once the hunt had started. and no one told you if it was a real hunt or drag. IMO you would not know.

Mock hunting is a gr8 introduction to hunting

steady no dogs to wind horses up smaller jumps
good for young or beginners

You want a good day
jump some jumps
the thrill of the dogs and horns and huntsman
and the feeling of greatness being on your horse as part of the hunt knowing what you jump is as safe as it can be.

coming home safe with your horse safe having had a good day.

Now I know accidents happen at anytime. But I like the feeling of knowing what lies ahead is known to be safe rather that the unknown.

I'm sorry to be nit picking, but they are hounds, not dogs.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I'm sorry to be nit picking, but they are hounds, not dogs.

hounds - dogs -canines does it really matter .??:rolleyes:
we all know their * really name * Tho I decided to say dogs in one post . Not really necessary to correct me .

I think that a lot of folks who have both foxhunted and dragged/bloodhounded would disagree with you re. safety.

For example :-

Re: confused - different hunts/hound exercise/hunt rides


"Farmers Bloodhounds - splutter, splutter. I watched once and thought it was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. OMG the height of the fences and the speed! I could see what the secretary meant when she said don't come out on your 4 year old. I was pleased I had my feet on the ground. "

They are entitled to disagree I dont care if they do. I still think the jumps on a drag hunt are safer than fox hunting when you have no clue what you are jumping as you don't stay on a set course, you go where the fox goes jump what ever is in the way . In all my days of drag hunting I have never seen a horse land on broken machinery- wire-or other dangers .There were accidents yes that happens but nothing through fault of the organizers To many articles of this happening in fox hunting , these happened on real hunts which some of the liveries went on in the 1980's.

I am not going to get into a heated discussion about it
This is what I believe and heard about .
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Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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You clearly would never make a detective would you?!!! I haven't been on HHO for very long and I have never seen any past threads relating to this issue. It was merely a thought that popped into my head one evening and I thought I would ask. Once again, I am deeply sorry that my simple and unbiased question on a public forum appears to have touched a very raw nerve with you. Next time I dare to post a thread on HHO I will be sure to PM you first to ensure it is acceptable for you.:rolleyes:

Yes Moonin I am more than aware you have not "been on HHO" for very long But in my opinion that does not excuse your behaviour in this matter.

Your Thread posed the question "Is there anyone on HHO who disagrees with foxhunting?" with an immediate follow up that contained no explaination or background to why this biased question was being posed. (btw an UNBIASED question would be "What do posters think about Foxhunting?). Considering that the Hunting Act constrained legal fox hunting to the annals of history in 2004, I find that the BIASED nature of your question deeply troubling. Most posters when posting a question give a little background as to the nature of the question - in this thread there was none.

If It was as you later claimed "merely a thought that popped into my head one evening and I thought I would ask", did the knowledge that such practices had already been legislated against not make you pause and consider why you would need to ask such a question? Indeed that the Hunting Act was controversial and came about as a result of horrendous political machinations appears to be news to you.

When asked why the question was posted in the H&H forum devoted to such issue (ie the Hunting Forum) you clearly stated that you wouldn't do so as that Forum would be biased! You then also claimed that you "have never seen any past threads relating to this issue" How do you match this with your concurrent claim of having detailed knowledge of the Hunting Forum being "biased? The search facility of H&H as indicated would give you an indepth view of related issues and discussions to date.

The H&H Forum contains a Hunting Forum dedicated to (legal) hunting in its present form. The H&H posters who regularly post there do so with the same validity as any other member of the H&H forum.

If for example I was violently against for example Competition riding I would not take it on myself to post the question "Is there anyone on HHO who disagrees with competing?" in the NL and potentially help whip up a pogrom where regular competition posters who did reply would be lambasted for their interest because of the biased nature of the thread. As far as I am aware incitment to hatred remains an illegal activity.

On another thread you claimed that various posters were attacking you because you had "started the thread about how many people on HHO disagree with hunting." Well guess what - Not that many do disagree with hunting here (see JFTDs poll on foxhunting posted as an alternative to your biased post). This is a forum and posters will not always be either helpful and sympathetic to what you post especially where a poster denigrates the interests of other Forum members. Where someone challenges what you said, believe it or not this is what is known as a difference of opinion - not an attack. Differences of opinion are to be welcomed however whilst I accept you don't like foxhunting as it used to be undertaken, I would ask once again what is your motive for posting such a biased question? After you had attempted to whip up a veritable flame war - would the next step perhaps be to call on the FC to banish those nasty hunters to the flames perhaps? Then of course you could have the forum suited to your own devices whatever they are...
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Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Yes Moonin I am more than aware you have not "been on HHO" for very long But in my opinion that does not excuse your behaviour in this matter.

Your Thread posed the question "Is there anyone on HHO who disagrees with foxhunting?" with an immediate follow up that contained no explaination or background to why this biased question was being posed. (btw an UNBIASED question would be "What do posters think about Foxhunting?). Considering that the Hunting Act constrained legal fox hunting to the annals of history in 2004, I find that the BIASED nature of your question deeply troubling. Most posters when posting a question give a little background as to the nature of the question - in this thread there was none.

If It was as you later claimed "merely a thought that popped into my head one evening and I thought I would ask", did the knowledge that such practices had already been legislated against not make you pause and consider why you would need to ask such a question? Indeed that the Hunting Act was controversial and came about as a result of horrendous political machinations appears to be news to you.

When asked why the question was posted in the H&H forum devoted to such issue (ie the Hunting Forum) you clearly stated that you wouldn't do so as that Forum would be biased! You then also claimed that you "have never seen any past threads relating to this issue" How do you match this with your concurrent claim of having detailed knowledge of the Hunting Forum being "biased? The search facility of H&H as indicated would give you an indepth view of related issues and discussions to date.

The H&H Forum contains a Hunting Forum dedicated to (legal) hunting in its present form. The H&H posters who regularly post there do so with the same validity as any other member of the H&H forum.

If for example I was violently against for example Competition riding I would not take it on myself to post the question "Is there anyone on HHO who disagrees with competing?" in the NL and potentially help whip up a pogrom where regular competition posters who did reply would be lambasted for their interest because of the biased nature of the thread. As far as I am aware incitment to hatred remains an illegal activity.

On another thread you claimed that various posters were attacking you because you had "started the thread about how many people on HHO disagree with hunting." Well guess what - Not that many do disagree with hunting here (see JFTDs poll on foxhunting posted as an alternative to your biased post). This is a forum and posters will not always be either helpful and sympathetic to what you post especially where a poster denigrates the interests of other Forum members. Where someone challenges what you said, believe it or not this is what is known as a difference of opinion - not an attack. Differences of opinion are to be welcomed however whilst I accept you don't like foxhunting as it used to be undertaken, I would ask once again what is your motive for posting such a biased question? After you had attempted to whip up a veritable flame war - would the next step perhaps be to call on the FC to banish those nasty hunters to the flames perhaps? Then of course you could have the forum suited to your own devices whatever they are...

Jeez you REALLY need to get a grip! I am not explaining myself to you any further. Go away. Pain in the buttocks!


Well-Known Member
7 October 2011
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On a tangent, although it was this thread that I thought about when I read this article. (I'll get to my point in a moment!)

As humans are considered to be Super-predatory due to the use of the tools brought about by the evolution of the opposable thumb and arguably higher intelligence we have probably slowed or even stopped evolution in its natural form. Should we not assume as a species and race to take on the responsibility to encourage evolution accross all areas in which we have interfered and hindered natural progression?

As previously mentioned in this thread...

A fox (and a badger) 's natural predators are the lynx, bear, wolf and golden eagle. The three former are no longer native to the UK because of humans, the golden eagle is rare to Scotland and responsible for a very small amount of predation control.
...the fox used to be prey for the wolves that used to inhabit Britain until our ancesters ruined the natural balance. The fox can no longer evolve through the predator-prey relationship and the wolf was removed from the food chain through a decision made by man.

The hunting of a pack of animals, as mentioned in the article and as seen in both land and sea, Lions, killer wales etc is natural.

I came to the conclusion that fox hunts genuinely conserve fox and produce a more healthy fox population, but that this also, either deliberately or just as a side effect, creates a younger, fitter, healthier fox population in the area, to run further and faster
it stands to reason that any selective pressure of that nature would have beneficial effects on the survival skills of a population..... ......since it is relatively well established scientifically - and even in inuit legend the wolf was introduced to the world to improve the caribou

So should we not promote natural order, encourage species to evolve where we have interfered by fencing in stock and protecting, by using tools to improve our abilities etc but ensure that the future and slow natural evolution of all animals big and small is maintained alongside our exisitance however artifical or simulated this may be (hunting foxes with hounds rather than wolves)? Or should we take a static photo of the current evolution of all animals now, put them in zoo's and continue to cultivate and harvest them and only allow our own races progression?

Nature isn't always pretty, should we expect it to be?

A little bit waffley.... sorry (hope it makes sense?)


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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It is my opinion that London is awash with foxes,therefore there is a real need for a hunt in the metrop. My suggestion is an opening meet in Parliament Square ,moving on to draw around the Surpentine and then Hyde Park. Should get some nifty runs ,best make it a Sunday if possible though..less traffic. Pardon? What hunt ban??:D:D


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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I disagree with the way of killing, ive heard stories that before the ban, they would catch foxes and put them in cages, then when the hounds were near, let the fox go infront of them and let the chase begin. That. Is. Sick.
Why cant they shoot it? At least it doesnt have to run for its life with its heart pounding.

I understand that they can be a pest, but chasing it to its death is not the way to do it.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
half way over
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I have stopped hunting since the ban as I no longer feel the fox has a sporting chance of escaping the day, foxes are now shot to lay the trail for a days hunting. Back in my day we chased many foxes but caught very few, they sat on the hillside laughing watching the hunt go past:D:D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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I disagree with the way of killing, ive heard stories that before the ban, they would catch foxes and put them in cages, then when the hounds were near, let the fox go infront of them and let the chase begin. That. Is. Sick.
Why cant they shoot it? At least it doesnt have to run for its life with its heart pounding.

I understand that they can be a pest, but chasing it to its death is not the way to do it.

PETA and SHARK are a good source of those kind of reports. I would take everything I see or read of their propaganda with a massive dose of salt, facts get doctored and turned around to suit their purpose. I am not getting into whether the cage thing is fact or fiction, sadly, probably fact although I am loathe to admit it.:(:eek:

A little bit of trivia here: Did you know that PETA put down 90% of the animals they 'rescue' and that they are also against the keeping of horses as domestic animals, and, also against household pets. I know this how? Because I have a friend who used to be involved at a high level with them, so, whatever they say, I have it from the horses mouth as it were.