Keira 8888
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
Hope you are all well!
So Prince and I went for a walk up the lane to our sand school today. He was very good but I could tell he was quite perky and definitely striding out with a purpose!
We got to our sand school (it’s a 10 min stroll down the lane) there was another horse in a neighbouring field that was racing up and down and pawing the ground! I later found out it was a stallion.
Prince was very well behaved but his trot seemed very fast! It got faster and faster and I was beginning to get dizzy! He was on the lunge with my instructor so I was giving him no instructions and she was trying to slow him down. He then went into canter (my first canter on him and it felt GLORIOUS!) So I had lost my stirrups a bit at the very fast trot - I WILL improve here (!!) - and when we went into canter I was very unbalanced!
Anyway, he was having such fun he threw in a buck and I went flying off. A magnificent safety roll and I was absolutely fine.
My instructor then lunged him for a long time (with me off him) and he cantered around for ages - in a controlled way - but obviously enjoying it and he looked so fantastic. Properly using his back legs and powering on, it was wonderful to watch!
The stallion in the neighbouring field started to calm down and graze and once he’d been worked on both reins I decided to get back on.
He was much calmer and I practised my rising trot which I think is definitely feeling more fluid and controlled.
My instructor (by instructor I mean my friend who had owned horses for 14 years and is helping us out of the goodness of her heart) said that she thinks he needs more exercise.
This makes sense - he’s a big horse and probably feeling the best he has for a longer time, with good food and turnout.
I won’t let what happened today get me down. I think the stallion going mental in the field next to us sparked P up and because I was on the lunge I didn’t expect it.
I don’t know what my question is here...
Just wanted to share what happened with you all.
No biggie, I wasn’t upset or hurt when I came off. I know there were circumstances that contributed to his excitement
I guess I now need to chew over the fact that he needs more exercise and I can’t always have the luxury of someone with me during the week to do this.
So I’m going to get going properly on my own tomorrow. By that I mean, taking him up to the school on my own and then lunging him and riding him.
It was actually quite enjoyable today seeing him so fired up. I know it means he’s feeling good.
I just need to man up and ride him with confidence.
Sorry for rambling pointless message! Just wanted to share xxx
Hope you are all well!
So Prince and I went for a walk up the lane to our sand school today. He was very good but I could tell he was quite perky and definitely striding out with a purpose!
We got to our sand school (it’s a 10 min stroll down the lane) there was another horse in a neighbouring field that was racing up and down and pawing the ground! I later found out it was a stallion.
Prince was very well behaved but his trot seemed very fast! It got faster and faster and I was beginning to get dizzy! He was on the lunge with my instructor so I was giving him no instructions and she was trying to slow him down. He then went into canter (my first canter on him and it felt GLORIOUS!) So I had lost my stirrups a bit at the very fast trot - I WILL improve here (!!) - and when we went into canter I was very unbalanced!
Anyway, he was having such fun he threw in a buck and I went flying off. A magnificent safety roll and I was absolutely fine.
My instructor then lunged him for a long time (with me off him) and he cantered around for ages - in a controlled way - but obviously enjoying it and he looked so fantastic. Properly using his back legs and powering on, it was wonderful to watch!
The stallion in the neighbouring field started to calm down and graze and once he’d been worked on both reins I decided to get back on.
He was much calmer and I practised my rising trot which I think is definitely feeling more fluid and controlled.
My instructor (by instructor I mean my friend who had owned horses for 14 years and is helping us out of the goodness of her heart) said that she thinks he needs more exercise.
This makes sense - he’s a big horse and probably feeling the best he has for a longer time, with good food and turnout.
I won’t let what happened today get me down. I think the stallion going mental in the field next to us sparked P up and because I was on the lunge I didn’t expect it.
I don’t know what my question is here...
Just wanted to share what happened with you all.
No biggie, I wasn’t upset or hurt when I came off. I know there were circumstances that contributed to his excitement
I guess I now need to chew over the fact that he needs more exercise and I can’t always have the luxury of someone with me during the week to do this.
So I’m going to get going properly on my own tomorrow. By that I mean, taking him up to the school on my own and then lunging him and riding him.
It was actually quite enjoyable today seeing him so fired up. I know it means he’s feeling good.
I just need to man up and ride him with confidence.
Sorry for rambling pointless message! Just wanted to share xxx