Elf On A Shelf
Why is it acceptable for a yard full of men to be rude and crude? Why is it acceptable that only the 'hard' women can be accepted? Modern working life means that anyone who works as they should, achieves their work objectives (be it riding out 6 lots, mucking out etc) should be treated with respect. Anyone on the yard should be treated with respect. The old adage 'rough around the edge' is used too often as an excuse for rude, poorly mannered people. Unfortunately it often also comes with racism and sexism that should be being stamped out, not seen as a badge of honour or a trial anyone should have to get through in order to work in the industry. (and I have no skin in the game beyond challenging theories that previously all male workspaces should be allowed to continue being rude and crude to the detriment of (often) young people.
Who ever said it was just the males who were allowed to be rude and crude?! Us lasses give as good as we get!