Well-Known Member
Do LACS ever listen? the McCartneys
Do LACS ever listen?
I have in the past made an art form out of making statements to highly prejudiced people. It's amazing how it is completely impossible to get them to even recognise what you are saying.
I've been accussed of enjoying killing deer hundreds of times when I've never killed a deer in my life and explain that frequently.
I don't agree with terrierwork. As a 'sport' it's despicable. However, there may be uses for it in a minority of instances but these are not consistant with the current practices of hunting with hounds.
No. I don't think people should hunt foxes at all, shooting OR hunting with hounds. If someone decides to go shooting then the most responsible thing to do is to take dogs to ensure the death of the animal. It's the lesser of two evils in my opinion.
Flush to guns if poss.
Dick, Wishfull and Bluebell? It's like a b*stardised Enid Blyton story!!.....and I'd love to meet the effeminate terrierboy who named his dogs that, haha
Didn't I already say flush to guns? If not possible then terriers. However, this is a secondary measure for shooting purposes and only would be used in a minority of cases which is different to intentionally inflicting death by dogs as is the case in fox hunting or terrier work on it's own. Remember I'm not pro shooting so I don't agree with any of this, I'm just giving my opinion in a hypothetical worst-case scenario....
.....and I never liked Dick anyway
U never seen a fox or terrier hurt as a result of terrier work?