Katie Price riding


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12 March 2010
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Let her wear what she wants, it may not be to all tastes but who cares, and she rides a damn sight better than I do, so I won't comment!!


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5 April 2007
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Personally, I think she is fab.
We all have something to improve on don't we? I know I do.
If we all had that sort of money we undoubtedly would buy nice horses and get the best people to teach us etc. The thing is though, she's learning? I don't understand that if she is learning she is clearly interested in the sport which does more good than bad surely? We all started off the same so I can't knock her. Not only that, she is a successful business woman, and I think the range she sells at derby house is great! She has some fab horses and even if she doesn't ride all of them herself she works bloody hard to fit her horses in with everything else she does, and 3 kids! Also, in the pictures of her hacking the black horse..wasn't she riding on her own land or her yards land? If she was on her own land and on no roads I don't see the big deal with riding without hi viz if she knows there is nothing in her way (bikes etc). I don't really think people can knock her if they don't know the full story! Fair play to her I say.


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1 July 2009
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Also, in the pictures of her hacking the black horse..wasn't she riding on her own land or her yards land? If she was on her own land and on no roads I don't see the big deal with riding without hi viz if she knows there is nothing in her way (bikes etc). .

As far as I am aware she was riding over a golf course with bridlepaths? (Please correct me if I am wrong) in which cause it is courtesy to wear hi viz so other riders can see you, golfers can see you, and the air ambulance can see you if you fall off!


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2 November 2008
god only knows
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Have to say she rides better than me :)

I've probably been out with my horses in worse clothing for sure - although her own range is absolutely rank.

And I don't think she gives one hoot what the press say about her and truly believes that all press is good press.

Personally I think she's a total munter - but each to their own I guess.


Well-Known Member
12 April 2009
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I am not a fan of hers,but I am not a perfect rider, I dont have perfect horses and dont go out hacking dressed to kill.
Would you like to be followed by the press everytime you go out for a hack?
there are a lot of very judgemental people around I am sure if any of us were photographed while out hacking someone could find faults with something. Live and let live.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
in a bin hehe
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Your all just jealous. She has the money to buy all these gorgeous well schooled horses, your telling me that you wouldn't if you had all the money? I didn't think so. She isn't a bad rider at all! You wouldn't pick on someone this bad if they posted a video of themself on this forum who wasn't a celebrity so why are you doing it to her? It's out of order!
How can you comment on the tack? You have never riden the horse and don't know what it's like.
How do you know this isn't a new horse? Yes it looks overweight but shes riding it, hardly pushing it really hard, trying to loose the weight?
People don't know the situation so can't comment!
I really like her, she is doing well for herself!


Well-Known Member
10 September 2009
she is just another person trying to enjoy her hobby. I don't understand why people are so quick to shoot her down. I'm not saying i like her or i don't like her - am a happy medium.

In the pic/story, she is only just going for a hack on a sunny morning - just like what we all enjoy with our own horses. Allbeit, katie stylee (lol) but the paparazzi are just unable to say a nice word about her and have to disect and rip apart everything she does, i.e what she is wearing.

Sorry to hijack thread :) but it upset me to read things about her that are 9 times out of 10, completely critical and judgemental (not this post - the article!). If it was one of us, could you imagine how that would feel :( she is just doing her thing, her way.

I would expect that if i had as much money as her, i would want to have lovely dressage horses that can prance about an arena better than i could ride them!

On topic - she is still a rider who's learning, as we all are, as we learn something new from our horses and riding everyday :) tack looks good, definately agree with some hi viz needed though :)

totally agree!!!!


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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me too.... leave Katie Price alone. It smacks too much of sour grapes and you lot are MUCH better than than. I have one reason for disliking her... no one with thighs that thin should be photographed riding... its so unfair on the rest of us plumper mortals!!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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OMG Please listen to you all :(
Talk about a saucer of milk for table 2!
She's a normal person out for a ride, oh and she's got a hat on too! :p
Kate x

HAHA that was pretty much the only thing that jumped out as odd :p
We all know hi viz is good(even on your own land,it makes it easier for everyone to spot you which in the event of a bad fall,could mean you get found and treated faster) but I know very few who truely put it on every time they hack out.

As for her riding ability,of course she wont be going to an olympics any time soon(it's either a PR spin or a delusion,decide which fits :p ) and she clearly is not the best rider in the world but she does seem to have a lot of regular lessons so will improve over time.
She is doing nothing odd at all.We all buy the best horses/training/care we can,her budget is just a fair bit bigger :p
9 July 2010
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Personally i think she could have worn some form of hi-vis. she's always riding without a hat or hi-vis on and that's a bad example to set many riders!
even if im riding in broad day light with others i will always be seen with a hi-vis on. purley for saftey! i think bringing katie price into the equestrian world has put a shame on all of us.Especialy those of us that have worked to get to the leel we are at & how far our horses have come on...
- i do have a biased point of view because i HATE katie price riding, i think she just sits on a horse, stabs it with spurs& gobs it. All her horses are ready made for her& if she was THAT much of an amazing rider if you were doing dressage especialy on a horse like hers NO WAY would you need spurs.

but everyone is to there own opinion :)

Mavis Cluttergusset

Well-Known Member
22 February 2009
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If she wasn't a 'name' and she had posted a pic on here all she would have received by way of response would have been 'awwww stunning'. She maybe would have got one or two moaning about her tack choice (although why that is anyone elses business is beyond me!) and the odd few bemoaning a lack of hi-viz (and to be honest, if I were riding out off road, the last thing on my mind would be air ambulances) and one response about the horses weight, or any other trivial matter to be nit-picked. In fact there would probably also be one die-hard moaner who made the effort to trawl through all the old posts she had made until they dragged up something else that pointed to her inability to ride/care for her horse.

What's wrong with a lady enjoying a ride out on a horse? I think she has balls to continue riding. I know I don't post pics of me riding on here much anymore because I can't be bothered to justify every last detail; I can only imagine how unpleasant it must feel to have that negativity multiplied a thousand times with the media on her back!

Mavis Cluttergusset

Well-Known Member
22 February 2009
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- i do have a biased point of view because i HATE katie price riding, i think she just sits on a horse, stabs it with spurs& gobs it. All her horses are ready made for her& if she was THAT much of an amazing rider if you were doing dressage especialy on a horse like hers NO WAY would you need spurs.

but everyone is to there own opinion :)

Really? So what do you think spurs are for, then? Why do you imagine all the top riders use them? Is the wearing of spurs a sure-fire indicator of your lack of riding ability?

I have no affinity for Katie Price, she is too orange for me. But I fail to understand where all the negativity comes from. I do like her boots though. :)


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9 May 2003
East Sussex
the horse that's being ridden by the other girl, is the one she did her first dressage test on isn't it? The blaze looks exactly the same.

I watched a programme about her years ago, before she was really all over everything where she had to go and work in a yard and not wear any make up or anything and not let people know who she was. If I remember correctly she was a good rider then and they were pleased with her. Then she told them who she was!!


Well-Known Member
23 July 2010
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I don't think she looks too bad.
I don't feel sorry for her in regards to comments on her riding as she does bring it on herself saying such bigheaded things.
The vid of her test was pretty shocking I must admit!
I have no problem with her as such, she is just in a world of her own!


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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OMG Please listen to you all :(
Talk about a saucer of milk for table 2!
She's a normal person out for a ride, oh and she's got a hat on too! :p
Kate x

This. Thank God I haven't posted any photos of ME out hacking, don't think I could take it...



Well-Known Member
18 December 2008
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- i do have a biased point of view because i HATE katie price riding, i think she just sits on a horse, stabs it with spurs& gobs it. All her horses are ready made for her& if she was THAT much of an amazing rider if you were doing dressage especialy on a horse like hers NO WAY would you need spurs.

but everyone is to there own opinion :)

Hmmmm, maybe we should let the FEI and BD know that they need to change the rules re spurs being mandatory at Grand Prix/ international level!

Would also love to see the evidence of the stabbing and gobbing, have seen the videos. Whilst she isnt a world beater, she is a decent rider. And if you look at the latest pics you will see she is sitting in a lovely classical position.
There is no shame in having your horses schooled for you, particularly if you work full time and are a mother of 3!!!
Also, if I had her money, I would totally be buying very high class, talented and expensive horses! Why would you drive a ford focus if you could easily afford a ferrari!


Well-Known Member
9 May 2003
East Sussex
Just to add that riding a Grand Prix horse is bloody difficult and you certainly don't just sit there and let the horse do it all for you! In fact I'd say that it was harder than riding a normal horse.
When I first started riding Chagall he did nothing but passage for a week as I was too stiff and tight on him. My boss made sure I could ride him properly before we were allowed to do any "party tricks" and it was a good 6 or 7 months before I could ride him well enough to be able to ride through a GP test. It's hard work and I was riding him every day!
So for Katie Price to be basically struggling to do a prelim and then a few months later be able to do a demonstration at HOYS is a very good achievement. Hats off to her and her trainer :)


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Just to add that riding a Grand Prix horse is bloody difficult and you certainly don't just sit there and let the horse do it all for you! In fact I'd say that it was harder than riding a normal horse.

Hear, hear !


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19 August 2005
West Yorkshire
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'So for Katie Price to be basically struggling to do a prelim and then a few months later be able to do a demonstration at HOYS is a very good achievement. Hats off to her and her trainer'

Spending time with her horses must be a blessed relief for her. I realize that she has very much created the world of mayhem, tabloids and twaddle she lives in for the cash, but, there you go.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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'So for Katie Price to be basically struggling to do a prelim and then a few months later be able to do a demonstration at HOYS is a very good achievement. Hats off to her and her trainer'

Spending time with her horses must be a blessed relief for her. I realize that she has very much created the world of mayhem, tabloids and twaddle she lives in for the cash, but, there you go.

awww bless her, to chavs everwhere she is royalty truly the chavs chav..


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12 March 2010
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Bloody hell, isnt everyone bored yet of slagging off Katie Price?? There have been so many pathetic threads like this over the last couple of months.
Yes she may have expensive horses and very talented horses and trainers at that....so what.
She enjoys her hobby, she is capable of riding the horses as someone earlier has said, its not like she is pictured every few mins falling off left right and centre....so what if she isnt the best rider in the world. I doubt anyone on this forum is a perfect rider....there may be some very good riders on here....but no one is perfect and can all still improve. She has lessons, she has good horses so why not just let her enjoy her hobby in peace.

Thank god there were no paparazi around when i rode out this morning, in 13 year old jods that were second hand when i got them, a whinnie the pooh hoodie, a pair of ***** all over half chaps on my thoroughbred....who is a tiny bit heavier than she should be(....but i dont consider that a bad thing going into winter) who has evented to intermediate level and is probably far too good for me.....but hey....i enjoy her and we have a whale of a time hacking out and pootling about in the school etc.
You lot would have had a field day if you had seen it.

But like katie price....i was happy, my horse was happy and healthy and we both had an enjoyable ride....only i was lucky enough to be able to do it in piece without half of britain slagging me off.

Rant over!


Well-Known Member
25 May 2003
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The horse she is riding if I'm correct is her horse from when she was a child, so I believe it is quite old?? Therefore looking overweight coming into winter doesnt matter.
IMO it doesnt matter what she is wearing, she is only enjoying her horses just like the rest of us do, jesus the girl cannot do anything!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2010
head in the clouds
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I dont really care what she wearing, or doing. All I really think is that her jacket looks bloody uncomfortable!!

I dont like her, but you can bet your bottom dollar, that if I had her money, I would buy really nice horses, they dont know they are being ' wasted' as long as you can ride them, and have fun


Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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Everyone is so mean towards her... I don't think anyone really has the right to judge anybody unless you personally know them. All we know is what the paps write which tbf is normally a load of tripe! Oh and slating the horse aswell because it doesn't look grand prix level.... who cares! Maybe she brought it as a pet? Something just for hacking and enjoying. Some people do own horses just as pets and not just machines for competing :cool: