Katie Price....


Well-Known Member
17 March 2008
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can i just ask why people dont actually like her? because she got her t*ts out for money?

i think there is alot of snobbery surrounding KP and if i knew that in 10 years i would be able to offer my family and myself the lifestyle that KP has (money, cars, horses, etc) i would happily be snapped half naked (not that any1 would really want to see

she has worked herself up to where she is now and everything she owns she has earned herself.... if anything i think that is something to aspire to?

dressage in particular needs the publicity that a well known face will bring.

i agree that as a rider i would prefer to see some1 at the top of their discipline (sp)

please dont shoot me for having an opinion


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24 October 2007
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I agree littlemisslauren. It's not like she's competing, she's only doing a masterclass. Although if she was competing, she would have had to qualify just like everyone else, so don't see what the problem is to be honest?

I actually admire Kate now...(i used to despise Jordan) but she's a shrewd business woman, ok so she got her ta ta's out for money...but good luck to her lol


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
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dressage in particular needs the publicity that a well known face will bring.

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will someone please tell me why the more people involved in a sport or any other group or occupation, regardless of how cr@p or incompetent they are, the better?

Dressage could do with sorting its judges out, it seems to me. That would help.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Leave Kate alone! She has worked damned hard for what she has got, is a great mother, especially to her severly disabled son and she is making the most of what she has created.... If you want oportunities like kate go out and create them for yourself, she has hardly had anything handed on a plate!

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She could be Mother Theresa and I still wouldn't be interested in watching her do a masterclass/demo/whatever at HOYS.


Well-Known Member
4 February 2008
knit your own knickers land
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Tend to agree with you on this one I suppose I have 3 points about the whole Katie Price thing.....

1) why is it good for equestrian sport? I can't see any benefits really. There have always been a ready supply of people especially young girls, who I assume much of her stuff is marketed at, who want to become involved in the sport without the need for Celebs to get involved, unless we are to be besiged by middle aged men asking to see bits of our anatomy we would do best to keep under our jackets.

2) I fail to see how she how she can make the sport more appealing for the general public. If anyone thinks she appears a normal girl, just making her way, against the odds, they are wrong and possibly slightly naieve. She is a well advised, perhaps savvy young woman, who has marketed herself well and will continue to make substantial amounts of cash as other career opportunities deminish for her. Normal like me and you or like families with a child with disabilities - i think not....

3) So she is going to have a flatwork lesson with her instructor at HOYS, well it won't be something I personally want to watch as have never been a fan of watching lessons unless they are doing something I particularly want to know about.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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<font color="blue">She is seen as normal </font> In what way?

I'm sorry but I'm a KP dissenter - I wouldn't go to the end of the street to see her.

Come on the_skewbald and PF - we'd better get out of here before we are lynched.

Anyone remember Oliver Skeet? Thought not.


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1 June 2005
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1) why is it good for equestrian sport?

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At a guess I would say the same as for any sport really - money. More people taking part, affiliating, competing, more people coming to watch etc all brings in more money. Plus if people think that dressage isn't perhaps as 'elitist' as it seems it may encourage more people to give it a go including potentially talented riders.

As for the masterclass - wouldn't be my cup of tea either but master classes involving 'top' trainers one one of their pupils are nothing new - just happens that KP is better known then the average pupil.


Well-Known Member
16 June 2007
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I think to be honest, that most people at hoys will look forward to watching katie have a lesson, i think it will be very interesting, as she currently is a amateur rider and it will be interesting for the more grass roots rider there! I personally would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
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So more money is what we want?

I see. Football is now so edifying and accessible, especially now that most English teams don't actually seem to field any English speakers still at least there is always a new shirt to buy, I suppose so if what you really enjoy is consumerism, yes of course, lots of money. Formula One, thats the thing, every Tom Dick and Jack can take part in that, can't they? Well watch it on the telly obviously while drinking beer.

I seem to remember riding was quite a lot of fun thirty years ago, actually.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
West Country
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<font color="blue">She is seen as normal </font> In what way?

I'm sorry but I'm a KP dissenter - I wouldn't go to the end of the street to see her.

Come on the_skewbald and PF - we'd better get out of here before we are lynched.

Anyone remember Oliver Skeet? Thought not.

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Sadly I do remember Oliver Skeet but with a shudder.

I think we'd better make a run for it. Can most people at HOYS really want to watch her have a lesson? I'd rather watch paint dry. As long as it wasn't <font color="pink"> PINK </font>


Well-Known Member
1 June 2005
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Sorry, here was me thinking that equestrianism needed money for little things such as competition venues, judges, prize money and all the other facilities (or lack of) that the competition riders on this forum grumble about from time to time


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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I remember Oliver Skeet...with his dreadlocks
Whatever happened to him?? lol

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Someone finally noticed that even with good horses, he was still no more competitive than the average riding club person.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
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Cannily cross threading, I have just posted this on the 'Pick a Pony Joyriders' thread in New Lounge. The thread is about a woman who came to try a horse who simply could not ride.

QR: This is what I mean (see: sundry other threads) when I say I don't see how 'more people with more money' in 'equestrianism' is necessarily a good thing.
Seems to me this is your classic person who might like to see Katie Price at HOYS, has plently of money, watched the Olympics, has been told by a grasping riding school or yard owner that she is a good rider, and has absolutely no intention of learning a fat lot more.
If, as was suggested on the KP thread, more money is the holy grail and will pay our judges our prize money and to build us facilities, they you will have to put up with people like this. You (not 'you' horseygirl28, I mean 'one' but don't want to sound like Princess Anne
)can't have it all ways, and this is why I would be far happier with a minority sport populated by people who give a damn.

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Well-Known Member
1 June 2005
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There have always been people in the horse world with more money than sense - this is nothing new and is not something that can be blamed on the likes of KP. Again, there have always been people with an over-inflated sense of their own ability and there are plenty of horse owners out there already who think they know it all and refuse to learn any more.
Yes, having more people in equestrianism does mean that there will be more of these types of people, but there will also be more people who 'give a damn'.


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12 May 2007
West Country
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Well, you're entitled to your opinion, Sunflower, and I'm entitled to mine.
I can see the sense of your post, but my personal opinion (and it extends beyond equestrianism, to the youth movement I'm involved in, and other spheres) is that the assumption that the chief aim of everything is to be the biggest, and to increase its turnover, is flawed.
There is some truth in your argument, but I would not be persuaded by it, and I sense the reverse is true, so pointless continuing really.
21 August 2008
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Im afraid I have to disagree with most of you. Just because of the fact she used to be a page 3 model etc etc it seems that no one cn accept her for the real Katy Price that she is as apposed to "jordan". Yeah she has a lot of bad press but she is hard workin business woman who has earm every penny that she has got. It ok saying she is trying to re-invent herself but maybe she is just taking one of her hobbies further, i personally cant see anything wrong with that. I wish i was going to HOYS to watch now ! I think she is the type of person that the equestrian world needs to prove that its for everyone and anyone can have a go and be succeddful regardless of money. Good Luck to her I say


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
West Country
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I think she is the type of person that the equestrian world needs to prove that its for everyone and anyone can have a go and be succeddful regardless of money. Good Luck to her I say

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Reagrdless of MONEY? She has shedloads of the stuff.
My parents were both born in council houses in the first quarter of the twentieth century, my father to a single mother. I lived in Coventry til the age of 12, and when I was ten I wrote to Glenda Spooner of the Ponies of Britain to say when I grew up I wanted to work with problem horses. She wrote me the most scathing reply (presumably because my address did not fit the bill) and told me I'd be jolly lucky to qualify to ride anything. I passed my BHSAI to spite that woman, and I when I was exercising Olympic horses on the Fairgrounds of Florida, not a day passed that I didn't think of her.
I now live in a rented house in the country, and have adapted my lifestyle (ie given up the notion of owning property, or indeed new clothes!) so that we can still have horses around us, and my children can ride.
I have done all this without posing naked for anyone, and I fail to see how her example proves that you can do anything at all without money. It proves that you can get what you want if you don't care how you get it.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2008
unfortunately in the horse world money speaks volumes. ktie price has worked bloody hard to earn her dollar and good on her for doing so.

riding isnt just a fad of hers, she has ridden since her youth and has always maintined her love for horses throughout fame and fortune and the fact that she can now afford a half decent horse and the training to boot.

her being at HOYS is probably bout raiing the profile of equestrianism x


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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I think to be honest, that most people at hoys will look forward to watching katie have a lesson, i think it will be very interesting, as she currently is a amateur rider and it will be interesting for the more grass roots rider there! I personally would love to see it.

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ITA! Was just about to type that.

I loved the Anky masterclass as Olympia at xmas but, as a prelim/novice DR rider myself, it wasn't exactly something I could take away and try, it was more inspirational and beautiful to watch.
I'd actually like to see someone at KP's level too.

I like KP she seems normal and fun. If I had her opportunities I'd do the exact same (well not pink velour!)
Her range is probably aimed at the tween market and when I was 12 I would have wanted it all


Well-Known Member
16 June 2007
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Whats wrong with posing naked? Its only the human body after all, lets face it, there will always be a market for porn and its better its done legally! Fair play, i wouldnt have the bottle to do it

the watcher

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4 November 2004
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I think dressage is unusual, most equestrian pursuits require people to claw their way up the grades by their fingernails making all kinds of sacrifices on the way in order to be taken seriously. Dressage is one area where a person of moderate talent and determination can come to the sport fairly late and still do reasonably well given good training and an obliging horse. In fact there is one woman at quite a high level whose name I forget who was formerly a model who took it up and swore she wouldn't compete until she could wear tails - and managed to do so, but without a decade of mucking out behind her.

So good luck to Katie, although I could take her a good deal more seriously without the loathsome pink products and the publicity while she is working her way through the grades


Well-Known Member
4 May 2008
Right well its the first time I have logged on since yesterday...

LMAO how is KP good for dressage and this post made me laugh

Carpal \'Tunnel

Being snobby about her is exactly why its good for Equestrian to have a Katie Price. She is seen as normal and if she likes horses then it can hardly be posh and anyone could have access to them.
The fact that she has chosen dressage which is perceived as a dull sport with posh people in top hats is all the better. If 100 more people come to HOYs who would not normally then fantastic and even better if they spend money and learn to ride.


Number one dressage is not perceived as a dull sport.
I also dont agree that only posh people have horses lol the gypys near me have about 30 of them...
It could attract the wrong crowd such as lots of little girls wanting pony's getting them and not having a clue how to look after them or simply get bored of them...

I also didnt mean that she didnt qualify I meant there's better acts to put on then her... She is just simply an average rider who people dont want to see at HOYS and she seems to only have a handful of fans in the horse world.

As for her parenting who cares there's a lot of people who have diabled children and get no recognition.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2005
Shropshire & Dubai
I think dressage is unusual, most equestrian pursuits require people to claw their way up the grades by their fingernails making all kinds of sacrifices on the way in order to be taken seriously. Dressage is one area where a person of moderate talent and determination can come to the sport fairly late and still do reasonably well given good training and an obliging horse. In fact there is one woman at quite a high level whose name I forget who was formerly a model who took it up and swore she wouldn't compete until she could wear tails - and managed to do so, but without a decade of mucking out behind her.

So good luck to Katie, although I could take her a good deal more seriously without the loathsome pink products and the publicity while she is working her way through the grades

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You are thinking about Anni MacDonald Hall, her husband won her first horse in a poker game, it was a GP dressage horse, so she decided to keep it and learn to ride it.

Good on them I say!!!!!

Whether you have to clawed your way up or buy your way up, at the end of the day its still the same hard work getting there and staying there.

There is no such thing as good or bad publicity, its all just publicity and when funding is non existent, publicity always helps.


Well-Known Member
10 March 2007
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I just had a thought, if she made a small donation of say £1 for every nasty velour tracksuit she sells to say the ILPH, she'd do a lot more to endear herself to the horse loving public than by poncing round under the lights at HOYS with her top trainer, flashy horse and sparkly white breeches.

Promoting the sport? More like promoting herself, and making a quick buck from every strarry eyed little girl who wants to have a pony and chuck away her pocket money.

Come on Katie, if you put all this effort into stopping live exports I might actually be impressed.......


Well-Known Member
5 April 2008
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I just had a thought, if she made a small donation of say £1 for every nasty velour tracksuit she sells to say the ILPH, she'd do a lot more to endear herself to the horse loving public than by poncing round under the lights at HOYS with her top trainer, flashy horse and sparkly white breeches.

Promoting the sport? More like promoting herself, and making a quick buck from every strarry eyed little girl who wants to have a pony and chuck away her pocket money.

Come on Katie, if you put all this effort into stopping live exports I might actually be impressed.......

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Good point.