Late night vibes needed


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Fingers crossed here for the best outcome. What on earth was your vet shilly-shallying about?

The initial presentation on Saturday evening was confusing for her; Red is an Irish Terrier and they can get a very, very unusual form of bladder stones that are not particularly visible on standard vet imaging/with standard vet knowledge. I did discuss that with her on Saturday but as she couldn't see anything of the kind we were discussing I don't think she could have done much more. She just didn't know at that point that a specific form of imaging and specialist knowledge would be needed just to identify what she was looking at (cystine III stones can be tricky to view on standard vet scanners). She read up on the subject on Sunday and agreed to buy my lad some time so she could do more research and consult with others. She did do that consultation and also asked me to ask the breed society for their experience which I did. The vet also sent her scanned images of Red's bladder to Cambridge University Vet hospital for someone else to view and interpret. She kept me absolutely up to date today with this process and was delighted to ring me to say that she had had a definitive diagnosis and that we could plan surgery tomorrow.

I don't think she was deliberately shilly-shallying - especially as it was a weekend where some of the experts she needed to talk to were potentially unavailable. I just think it is very unfortunate that whilst I made her aware of the potential diagnosis she had never come across it previously, had no knowledge of how to read the scans etc. I don't blame her but I do wish things were a bit different at this point.

When my vet rang me today she told me she has never been so glad to be wrong and would do everything she could to save my boy. I am sure she wishes she had known what she didn't, as I do, but I trust her and couldn't have asked her for better I don't think. The best knowledge of the condition, as usual, lies within the passionate knowledge of owners/the breed society. I am so grateful for that today and to my vet who I know will be working to keep my boy going.


Well-Known Member
21 October 2021
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So glad they were able to confirm stones and give you some sort of hope, despite the need for emergency surgery. I really hope the surgery goes well, sending positive thoughts ? x


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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Just catching up. What a traumatic time ?. I’ll keep everything possible crossed for your lovely boy and hope there’s positive news soon xxx


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Vet has just rung to say a very long and difficult surgery has been successful. I am hoping to go and collect Red for the night a bit later. Surgery was difficult in part due to Red hiding his bladder away under his pelvis and due to his bladder containing a 'huge' number of stones. Horrible, horrible Irish Terrier androgen dependent cystine type III stones!!! It was clear earlier this evening that he was really really struggling and vet says he looks happier even after surgery than he did beforehand. Castration was simple thankfully and that will stop any new stones. Gawd. I have barely eaten or slept for 2 days and vet telling me my little brillo pad friend was ok has left me very shaky. We have a way to go yet with recovery but a big hurdle has been cleared I think.

Thank you to everyone's kind thoughts and vibes - I cannot tell you how much it has meant that you all cared enough about Red to post and it has really helped me to stay positive when I have been so anxious. Really, truly, a huge thank you!! I will update with a post op report. Smiling for the first time since Saturday afternoon. :)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Superb news, thrilled for you both.
Try and have a bit to eat if you can and get some sleep Palo, red needs you to look after yourself so you can look after him. Xx

Indeed. Thank you. :) OH cooked tea and kept the fire in so that we can both snuggle up in the warm (me and dog lol!!) I will be able to sleep as vet has been very reassuring and I will know he is there and getting better rather than worse hopefully.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I’m really glad to hear you got answers and were able to give treatment. Hope he isn’t feeling too “ruff” and heals quickly.


Well-Known Member
2 May 2011
Made it to Wales
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Oh wow what a saga, I've a tear in my eye reading your update. I'm so glad your vet got some advice and neither of you gave up. Hope you and Red are getting some well earned sleep and that he's home soon and on the mend.


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Oh wow, I've only just seen this. Poor red :(. So so glad that the surgical option was found and he has pulled through it ok. Sending vibes for a good recovery xx


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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I've only just read this and I'm so glad it was seeming more positive last night. Well done to you and your vet for not giving up and I hope he's had a good night and is doing well this morning.