Well-Known Member
During the week he is full livery and so fits in with the yard routine which suits him fine, in winter (Oct to March for us) he is out between 8/9 and in between 2/3 so can be up to 7 hours or as little as 4/5 if the weather is really grim or if they have the farrier. I’d say averaged out it’s about 6 hours. He’s ridden 5 days a week and if they’ve been in longer than usual I would always ride lunge or something on that day. On weekends I’m DIY and tend to go earlier so I ride and he goes out anywhere between 7-9 and then either I’ll bring in or they will at similar times as weekdays. If it’s dry and sunny they often can still be out just before it goes dark. Really depends. He is on limited grazing as he gets fat off fresh air and I was putting hay out but then he didn’t move so defeated the object of turnout so now he has extra hay to come into and mooches about picking at the grass whilst he’s out. In summer it’s unlimited, we can do 24/7 if we like but I swap round to overnight turnout which is usually bring in 8/9 of a morning and I turn out after I’ve ridden which can be 6/7ish of an evening.