Well-Known Member
Nobody has told the foxes near us they only kill at night. They quite happily kill by day too. And I'm not prepared to feed old injured foxes, what would you do? Capture it & take it to rolfs animal rescue to see why it couldn't bear weight on one leg? And even putting that aside, its clear from your suggestion of feeding them you have no concept of how animals live & interact. Do you really see the stronger, healthier foxes saying 'no my friend, go & eat your fill, I'm healthy enough to hunt a rabbit for dinner'? It's not farthing wood, its reality. Or should I gain its trust & feed it in my presence? Great idea, then it will start approaching humans for food on housing estates & end up having that trust misplaced when someone objects. However, if its beyond you to comprehend the basic concept I am trying to explain, something my small child can understand, further debate is rather pointless.
I actually know & respect someone who lives by the rule humans have no right to kill animals. She lives by that principle to extremes. She is vegan, uses nothing that is commercially produced, & even refuses any medicines. So I respect her, despite our differing views because she is not a hypocrite. And for the record, she has always found people who buy factory farmed meat in tescos far more cruel than those who hunt. And she is as respectful of my view as I of hers. But, even she agrees with humans taking animals lives to end suffering.
I actually know & respect someone who lives by the rule humans have no right to kill animals. She lives by that principle to extremes. She is vegan, uses nothing that is commercially produced, & even refuses any medicines. So I respect her, despite our differing views because she is not a hypocrite. And for the record, she has always found people who buy factory farmed meat in tescos far more cruel than those who hunt. And she is as respectful of my view as I of hers. But, even she agrees with humans taking animals lives to end suffering.