Magnet boots . . . . .


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24 November 2005
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It is therefore plausable that in the future an acceptable scientific theory for magnets as a form of therapy may be born. But until I see this I will continue to be skeptical.

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Very true and also my feeling - when an scientifically acceptable theory is developed supporting the use of magnets then I shall stand to be corrected but please forgive me if until then I stand by my personal opinion and possible single mindedness.

I think what we all must remember is that throughout medical history ideas which had been accepted for centuries have been disproved and new ideas have taken years to become accepted - look at the 4 humours: Earth, air, fire and water. For centuries the balance of these 4 fundamental elements was considered to be what determined ones health - if yours were "unblanced" then the treatment was to "rebalance" (Does that make any sense?). There, maybe I'm wrong, maybe science is yet to unearth a new phenomenon? Maybe not? But until I see it for myself and can explain it (and yes, for those who have said "would you use bute etc without understanding how it works?" the answer is no - if it was needed I would still go away and do as much reading on it as possible so I understood just that).

Hmmm, rambling again! Don't you just love a good healthy debate!


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Don't know how magnets work, but know they can work. If I wear my magnetic wristband my hip and shoulder don't ache anymore, if I don't they do end of (both have been broken quite badly in the past). If I put magnetic boots on my mare for an hour or so in the winter, her fetlocks don't fill over night, if I don't they do - Don't leave on overnight, so has nothing to do with support.

'If you don't try nothing will change'


Well-Known Member
16 April 2006
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Its called the placebo effect. They work because you think they do. There's a good argument that says "so who cares - does it matter whether something has a physiological effect if the psychological effect convinces the patient that their symptoms have been allieviated". I'd say no, if people are happy that's fine by me. To see how easily and extensively the human mind can be fooled in this way, visit Derren Brown's website/read hes books/watch his programmes!


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Possibly Placebo effect on humans, however I was quite detemined that it wouldn't work, as was very sceptical, so don't think so in my case. HOWEVER no such thing as a placebo effect in animals, so explain that please.