Many tears Animal Rescue!


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12 January 2007
in bed...mostly!!!
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I think some of the rescue places do take ex-breeding dogs as easy rehomers and use them (this part is important) to FUND THE DOGS WHO ARE DIFFICULT TO REHOME. The Staffies, the Staffy crosses, the Akitas, the dogs who are old and the dogs who aren't pretty and fluffy.

I can't see anything wrong with that. If it wasn't for rescues all these dogs would die. Personally I only have rescue dogs and try to adopt dogs that no one else wants. Our current dog is a Staffie cross. She'd waited 6 months for a home. :( We've had her 5 years now and she is the best dog in the world. :D I wish more people were willing to look beyond the stereotypes the media are giving some breeds of dogs.

As a rescue I will not get into a debate on "a specific rescue" but do agree with the disappointment of some rescue that will only take fluffies/poshies/pedigrees and nothing else (not saying the one in the OP menion does) im not overly familair with it, I personally cannot deny a dog help because it's not cute or any easy homer, a dog is a dog, they all need help, of course keeping an akita or a staffi means a longer rehoming period, we do not maka a profit from rehome I can tell you, but I know some do;) we neuter, chip, vax and we also supply a brand new crate (no extra charge) if I belive it's in the dogs best interest to go out with its crate and continuous help/advice for life. I also put alot of emphasis on trying to make the transition easy for the dog in its new home (spending hours in a home talking to a new owner) esp if this has been a dog we have put alot of training into and make as easy as I can for the new owner/problem free rehome as god knows you would be suprised how many people want a replica of their old dog with no hastle involved.
I take it many tears take all manor of dogs or is it just pedigree/designer type breeding machines of a more popular variety or do they have alot of staffs, akita, rotts, bull dogs etc?


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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yes.. perhaps that is what there is in wales..I was interested that there was only one collie on the list too.. I would have thought there would be a few more of them knocking around.. certainly a local rescue seems to be mostly collies, lurchers and staffs.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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About Us
Many Tears Animal Rescue (MTAR) is a small rescue based in South Wales but has dogs in foster homes throughout the UK. We take in and rehome primarily ex-breeding dogs who are no longer required; those on "death row" in the pounds and those whose owners are no longer able to keep them. MTAR also has a small cattery which enables us to take a small number of cats.

ex-breeders are first on the list


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Check out Quiz & Queeenie obviously ex puppy farm breeding bitches picked up on the Brecon Beacons in wales and ended up in the pound. This rescue is in Somerset and are near me, they regularly go to the pounds in Wales and bring dogs home. They have their share of Staffies and quite a few uglies and they take whatever the pounds have.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
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yes.. perhaps that is what there is in wales..I was interested that there was only one collie on the list too.. I would have thought there would be a few more of them knocking around.. certainly a local rescue seems to be mostly collies, lurchers and staffs.

I am on page 4 of the list of dogs and have seen three collies already - one aged 14 :(

What are you looking at :confused:


Well-Known Member
12 January 2007
in bed...mostly!!!
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More a normal rescue then, the staff looks like a staff not a basset x:D and the little bedlington is obs a x too with a beddy maybe but not a full, never the less (QUIRKY) she is a shaggy lurchery type surely;) (take a look missus):p


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Haha Cayla, Rose would be the first to agree that she is not familar with all breeds and you have to allow for a bit of poetic licence.

Check out Gypsy is she a husky, I dont know much about Huskies but thought it looked more wolfie to me:D


Well-Known Member
12 January 2007
in bed...mostly!!!
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Haha Cayla, Rose would be the first to agree that she is not familar with all breeds and you have to allow for a bit of poetic licence.

Check out Gypsy is she a husky, I dont know much about Huskies but thought it looked more wolfie to me:D

Wow, doesnt she just, def husky in her but she looks like a mini wolf:eek::)
The puppy staffs are gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
25 December 2009
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What a shame that a post from someone excited about giving up their time to help at a dog rescue site has turned into a place to bash Many Tears and other rescues that accept ex-puppy farm dogs. I volunteered for MT and saw at first hand their hard work and dedication. I saw the volunteers, after a long day of cleaning up and feeding the ones that were already in their kennels, return in the wee small hours, exhausted from travelling miles late at night to go and collect dogs and puppies, - all done because of an anonymous phone call to say the animals would be turned out on the mountains or shot if no one came to collect them - handed over from someone unrecognisable in a dark lane with their vehicle hidden out of sight. Thank God that there are such people about who care for animals.
Your anger at puppy farming and the 'waste' dogs that they produce should be turned to the Welsh funding that allows these awful places to continue with grants for 'farming'. Stop the funding and it might limit the farming of dogs. Stop the rescue of the ex-breeding puppy farm dogs and the many puppies who they chuck out because they are lame or deformed in some small way, and what happens - dogs dying of starvation on the hills, puppies tied in plastic bags and dumped in a layby to suffocate to death, or left on the verge to dodge the traffic. Shame on you.


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Why dont you read all the posts, the link I provided also takes puppy farm breeding bitches and they also take the deformed, blind,deaf etc . No one was slagging off Many Tears or the Op just stating a few things which is openly discussed on the internet.

I oppose Puppy farming, I have written to my Mp and signed numerous petitions to try and get it stopped.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2007
in bed...mostly!!!
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I would not say people where bashing anything, alot of it was interest, and aksing the OP to come back on and share her experience but also just making observations. No shame on me, I only asked a few questions:confused:
Some people may genuinely think it encourages discarding of x breeders making it so easy to pass them off, its an "opinion" and everyone is entitled to one. Hell I disagree with my mother at times and its her rescue im part of:p


Well-Known Member
25 December 2009
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Why dont you read all the posts, the link I provided also takes puppy farm breeding bitches and they also take the deformed, blind,deaf etc . No one was slagging off Many Tears or the Op just stating a few things which is openly discussed on the internet.

I oppose Puppy farming, I have written to my Mp and signed numerous petitions to try and get it stopped.

Strangely enough I had read all the posts but thank you for your advice. And just so you know, I have also reread them all. And I would still say the same. The link you provided to another rescue centre shows that they do indeed take deformed, blind, deaf dogs. But so do Many Tears and their good fundraising is for the purpose of helping such dogs to see top experts and have much needed surgery. No one can do such work without fundraising.
Your response to someone who was excited about her impending visit to go and help at MT, infact the first reply to her post, wasn't any form of congratulations but a suggestion that because they take puppy farm breeding bitches it implies that they have a relationship with the breeders. Your second post to her was that you just wanted to give the background on MT. Specious and unproven connections and hardly supportive. And then there was the post ( not from you) that suggested that that by taking puppy farm throw outs they help this awful trade to carry on. And another says that they are supporting puppy farms ( presumably by trying to save unwanted dogs from being discarded on roads etc) and are not trying to close them down. MT has regularly canvassed local councils, members of parliament, DEFRA and others to try to stop puppy farming. And they have signed petitions as you have done. But as I stated before, until the funding is stopped the trade will go on. So it seems that the dog lovers here fall into two distinct groups - rescue and rehome it if needs it, or dont touch it with a barge pole if it comes from a puppy farm.


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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I didnt in any of my posts say not to touch any puppy farm dogs with a barge pole, I dont know whether you dont understand or are being argumentive either way it dosnt matter because I know what I said. Both of my current dogs are rescue, admittedly not puppy farmed but I would have had them anyway regardless if they have been. Im sure a lot of people on here also have puppy farmed rescue dogs and no one has a problem with that . At the end of the day a dog is a dog regardless of where they come from.


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19 May 2012
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I've looked at the MT site on and off over a few years and it is so obvious what type of dogs are in 'fashion'. At the moment there are lots of poodle crosses bit I thought that there were more ex breeding dogs than there used to be. Has something changed? Someone mentioned funding. Surely it's not possible to get Govt funding to run puppy mills?


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23 March 2009
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There is a local woman who is a fosterer for MT and brings in her charges for grooming. This she pays for from her own pocket. However, these dogs will have come to her with;

-immediate health concerns dealt with (surgery for mammary strips, eyes treated, skin problems treated, lumps removed, bad teeth removed and dentals done and of course, spayed/neutered)

- immediate grooming concerns dealth with

The fosterer then takes the dog in to her home and treats as one of her pack - socialises them, they go for walks, they go to groomers/vets etc. Some of these dogs have never been on a lead, in a home, in a car. By the time they go to a new home, they're well on the way to becoming nice family pets. I find them easier by far to groom than many of the home raised spoiled pets that I've encountered (though while my clients do a good job, sometimes they are well meaning but do let the little darlings away with murder - this doesn't seem to be the case with these dogs which are so keen to please).

I coudln't say whether this fosterer is unique or if she is trained by MT to do what she does. But as a representative of the rescue (whether it's a business or not) I think they do a great job. I have my own issues with their rehoming policy, but that's only because I find them a little unyielding in their terms of who is eligible to be a "good home", bypassing many that would be slightly out of their norm.

Other than that, I can't find fault with them from what I've personally seen.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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I take it many tears take all manor of dogs or is it just pedigree/designer type breeding machines of a more popular variety or do they have alot of staffs, akita, rotts, bull dogs etc?
I've checked in and out of the MT website over a number of years and this is something that has bothered me. I also regularly check in to Limerick Animal Rescue's website and often dogs from LAW end up with MT - but mostly only the cuter ones. There were a couple of dogs a few months ago on LAW's website that i really liked the look of, they'd come in together after their owner died and LAW actually said how good it would be if they were rehomed together. The cuter one ended up with MT, and has been rehomed - but the other one is still on the LAW website.

They also have a very strict rehoming policy. I enquired about a dog but as I work and use a dog walker some days and my parents on the other days, I was told that me, my dog walker and my parents would all have to be home checked first which just seemed a bit over the top.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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There is a local woman who is a fosterer for MT and brings in her charges for grooming. This she pays for from her own pocket. However, these dogs will have come to her with;

-immediate health concerns dealt with (surgery for mammary strips, eyes treated, skin problems treated, lumps removed, bad teeth removed and dentals done and of course, spayed/neutered)

- immediate grooming concerns dealth with

The fosterer then takes the dog in to her home and treats as one of her pack - socialises them, they go for walks, they go to groomers/vets etc. Some of these dogs have never been on a lead, in a home, in a car. By the time they go to a new home, they're well on the way to becoming nice family pets. I find them easier by far to groom than many of the home raised spoiled pets that I've encountered (though while my clients do a good job, sometimes they are well meaning but do let the little darlings away with murder - this doesn't seem to be the case with these dogs which are so keen to please).

I coudln't say whether this fosterer is unique or if she is trained by MT to do what she does. But as a representative of the rescue (whether it's a business or not) I think they do a great job. I have my own issues with their rehoming policy, but that's only because I find them a little unyielding in their terms of who is eligible to be a "good home", bypassing many that would be slightly out of their norm.

Other than that, I can't find fault with them from what I've personally seen.

From the sound of it they all do a wonderful job,if they got on a pedestal about puppy farms a lot of poor little dogs would die a grisley death.So why carp?Any volunteers ,if capable and prepared to really work,are great people in my opinion.I hope your stay will leave you with that lovely glowing buzz feeling of having done some real good!


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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If MTs is so good could any one tell me why they are not a registered charity?thanks

Estimates are floating around as to the money that is coming in each year and if this were a registered charity the amounts would have to be made public.
Many small rescues & breed rescues run under the charity limit (c £4,000 turnover per annum) but when turnovers are probably well in excess of £100,000 it does make you wonder why the advantages of charitable status have not been sought?

Oh yes - accounts would have to be made public.....


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
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Estimates are floating around as to the money that is coming in each year and if this were a registered charity the amounts would have to be made public.
Many small rescues & breed rescues run under the charity limit (c £4,000 turnover per annum) but when turnovers are probably well in excess of £100,000 it does make you wonder why the advantages of charitable status have not been sought?

Oh yes - accounts would have to be made public.....

What are the estimates for the outgoings each year?