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Good thing too, I would be miffed if we didn't.
Ihw, IMHO too that's how it should be, with meets published up front. I don't understand why hunts should be nervous of being monitored, unless they have something to hide. In fact, they should welcome monitors, to show that they are adhering to the law.
The new breed of hunt monitors are savvy. They video and photograph from areas where they are not trespassing like the road or a right of way. They do not interfere with or harrass the hunt, they simply collect photographic and video material which could be used as evidence if needed. They are nothing like the hunt sabs who do indeed do all sorts of illegal, violent and unpleasant things.
If a particular hunt is trail hunting legally, why on earth would they be afraid of being monitored? You'd think they'd welcome the chance to demonstrate they are indeed 'trail hunting' and not setting out to hunt as per pre ban.
Maybe this is a simplistic and naive view :rolleyes3:.
ETA I believe that monitors do not mask themselves. More brownie points for them.
I once by chance came across a monitor's website, they are so well organised its quite unbelievable,
it was all about the law regarding PRoW etc <written for them by lawyers> what they can and cannot do,
how to go about gaining useful footage, its was quite fascinating how well briefed they were, even who to contact and what to do if you were arrested
Sorry, Spacefaer, but the attitude that it is impossible to card every landowner so that some horse owners will be missed is simply not good enough. I had words with a master who said he couldn't be expected to notify everyone with 'an acre and a pony'. Well, he could, if only he got organised. IIts
We used to have a brilliant local hunt supporter who made it her business to welcome all new people moving into the area, and enquire if they wished to receive a meet card. Plus she would phone round all of us a few days before hounds were expected. However, she got so demoralised after repeatedly being kept out of the loop by the relevant joint master that she gave it up in the end.
Asking 'nicely' round here gets you nowhere now, unless you are in the inner circle.
Fiagai, there's always been the weird animal rights protesters who don't want people own any animal as a pet. We will have to disagree about most 'monitors' coming under that category, though. From what I understand, most would be delighted if all hunts changed from trail to drag hunting.
Abuse from hunt sabs, not from hunt monitors, I presume? Sabs/monitors are as different from each other as trail hunting is from drag hunting, though plenty of folk seem to get muddled with both categories :rolleyes3:.
Sabs have been about for donkey's years, they used to bus them out from Exeter University back when I was hunting in Devon in the 70s.
Fiagai, there's always been the weird animal rights protesters who don't want people own any animal as a pet. We will have to disagree about most 'monitors' coming under that category, though. From what I understand, most would be delighted if all hunts changed from trail to drag hunting.
Our 2 biggest local hunts have completely closed the books to new supporters
I've made enquiries to no avail so I can only assume they are flying under the radar of the ban and hunting illegally
I'm moving onto bloodhounding for the ease of planning in advance and so on
Both my vet and farrier hunt with one
When I asked quietly if there was a kill it was denied but my previous invitations dried up after that
Our 2 biggest local hunts have completely closed the books to new supporters
I've made enquiries to no avail so I can only assume they are flying under the radar of the ban and hunting illegally
I'm moving onto bloodhounding for the ease of planning in advance and so on
There's an interesting article in the current edition of H&H about meet cards. Wonder if the writer was prompted to cover the topic by this thread! Apologies if the print comes up small.
Ahh, not quite...
You were wise to go home. The same pack (I'm guessing) fetched up here after midday, complete with several car loads of balaclava wearing sabs right onto them. It all got very heated and there was lots of shouting, though I think it fell short of actual fisticuffs. At least 3 police cars turned up. A car load of sabs got lost and ran through a friend's garden while she was at home, which was alarming, as she knew nothing about the hunt and hadn't got a clue what all these balaclava wearing people were doing in her garden.
It's the first time I've seen any sabs anywhere. Scary.
She's making light of it, but it was horrible at the time. They made off before she could call the police. She's nothing at all to do with the hunt.
These are a couple of brief videos from a pro hunt fb page of the same group of sabs elsewhere on the same day. That's their black discovery in the background. The two lead aggressors are bare faced, the rest wore balaclavas. No wonder my friend was scared. This is all very close to where I live, ride and walk the dog.
This sort of thing is normally posted on the hunting board, but IMHO it's relevant as it spilled over into normal daily life for neutral folk here in the countryside. I believe that later on fighting did break out between pros and antis, and people were taken to hospital.
The fact that the whipper in from the same pack had been filmed in close up two days beforehand on a hunting day in woodland putting the corpse of a recently dead fox into a black bin bag didn't help to calm the situation.
Advance warning is needed for all. As I said in the earlier thread, if you've nothing to hide, why would you mind being monitored? Though Saturday's sabs were just out for a fight.
Because more and more monitors/sabs are coming out and harassing and threatening people partaking, people hosting and even people with no actual links just perceived ones.
Historically pubs have frequently hosted meets and they are no finding their business trashed on social media, as are any hosts whose business is identifiable from their name. Quite often hosts and land owners are now asking the hunts not to publish meets or to make it secure in order to reduce the likelihood of this harassment.
Some pony clubs and their committees have found themselves targeted by hunt monitors/sabs despite the only link to the hunt being through an historic naming of the branch.
You say people shouldn't mind being monitored if they are doing nothing wrong, so you wouldn't mind if someone followed you round ?
Say you go to the butchers and it is picketed by a group of vegans campaigning to stop eating meat. They take it further, they call you a murderer, they follow you out of the butchers to your home, they find out your name, they post it all over social media, they bad mouth your business, you have your young children with you. How long before you stop frequenting that butcher ?
So you really wonder why hunts are being secretive about meets and controlling who gets the meet cards ?
Thank you, DiNozzo, that's exactly what I mean.
The antis already know when the meets are on, quite how they get their info I don't know. It's just most of us non hunt connected country dwellers who don't. One set of neighbours was stranded on Saturday out in a field opposite us whilst walking their dogs, caught in between the hunt and the antis. They were rescued by other neighbours who took them in. I'm sure that they would not have chosen to walk their dogs then if they knew the hunt was coming.
The video of the dead fox being bagged up and carried off by the whipper in was always going to be inflammatory. I did wonder if there would be some bother as a result on Saturday. There certainly was, as my innocent friends and neighbours found out for themselves.
But the only way of trying to mitigate against the antis finding out is by restricting the issue of meet cards.
By issuing meet cards to anyone who asks or who lives in the location the information is not controlled and the probability of sabs/monitors finding out is increased. Obviously the landowners whose land they are going over will know as they will have given permission, so if your hunt isn't communicating meet dates but you have neighbours who allow hunting over their land then maybe ask them to let you know ?
It is not ideal but you can't really blame them