My horse is a giant knobber!


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Great will order in 2 tonne of carrots then in prep for you & Shettie.

Now, I don't have a couch dear, as you know, us experts ALWAYS have a different name for things :rolleyes: my preference is 'sofa' (this week) and the current one is a tasteful sludge brown leather which doesnt show the grubby marks when one forgets to change when coming in from ones yard ;)

Other amazing credentials are that I am over 10 yrs old, love chocolate, drink red vino on occasions (lots of occasions actually:D ) and am scarey :eek:


Olympics here we come!



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14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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JT I think there is something in the air atm which is causing an outbreak of knobber in brown horses. :p

oh yes, Ron has taken to waving his head about in a manner indicative of headshaking, but only when A) what you're asking him to do isn't what he wants to do, B) when the wind is in his face and C) when there's jumps around.

He's otherwise lovely.


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4 January 2011
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This may be long ( I have two, brown horse, BH, and Nits so you understand my waffle!)

I had to read this a few times for it to click, first time i read it, it said:

'I have two brown horses and NITS'

Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing, but I absolutely love that your horse is called nits <3


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I took Bob the Knob ,Cob ,out as escort today for a horse that has been backed for less than a week. Cue,the Knobber shying at road markings ,birds, imaginary cats (he hates cats), final straw was his histrionic nervous breakdown over the water sprinklers on the racecourse. Meanwhile young horse is just looking at him as if to say " who is this ginger irish tit"


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I had to read this a few times for it to click, first time i read it, it said:

'I have two brown horses and NITS'

Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing, but I absolutely love that your horse is called nits <3

Yeah, I have imaginative names. Nitty had lice and Brown horse is.... well bay actually but close enough.

They do have real names but no one uses them. And I did have NITS in 2007! Aged 20 something. and I didn't notice until the hairdresser pointed it out. The shame!!!!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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I had to read this a few times for it to click, first time i read it, it said:

'I have two brown horses and NITS'

Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing, but I absolutely love that your horse is called nits <3

Glad that wasn't only me!! I was thinking, good for her having two horses, but did we HAVE to know about the nits?? I can imagine they are annoying and everything but really!?!

And I feel all smug because I had a lovely lesson earlier on my immaculately behaved girly (well... immaculately behaved as long as you don't let her near poles, ask her to bend through the corners instead of crossing her front legs over, ask her to collect, ask her to extend or ask her to stop ;))

Holly Hocks

Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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There really is spring in the air at the moment. The farrier came to shoe my two tonight. The mare wasn't too bad, but was last seen doing laps of the field at flat out gallop, so I think the six week appointment that the farrier has made might be a bit optimistic. The 21 year old gelding who has been shod every few weeks from about the age of 3 has managed to either bruise of break the farrier's apprentice's ribs by doing mini rears continuously and generally being a complete total and utter Knob with a definitive capital "K".
And the apprentice isn't a small person either - he's built like a brick ****house, so he wasn't being a wimp......
21 year old then wouldn't eat his tea, which I had lovingly made, as he just wanted to be out with his buddies, so tonight I've ordered him some yellow over reach boots from ebay (that'll teach him, having the **** taken out of him by his field mates!). He has been told, in no uncertain terms that if this behaviour continues, it will be pink boots next time....


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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There really is spring in the air at the moment. The farrier came to shoe my two tonight. The mare wasn't too bad, but was last seen doing laps of the field at flat out gallop, so I think the six week appointment that the farrier has made might be a bit optimistic. The 21 year old gelding who has been shod every few weeks from about the age of 3 has managed to either bruise of break the farrier's apprentice's ribs by doing mini rears continuously and generally being a complete total and utter Knob with a definitive capital "K".
And the apprentice isn't a small person either - he's built like a brick ****house, so he wasn't being a wimp......
21 year old then wouldn't eat his tea, which I had lovingly made, as he just wanted to be out with his buddies, so tonight I've ordered him some yellow over reach boots from ebay (that'll teach him, having the **** taken out of him by his field mates!). He has been told, in no uncertain terms that if this behaviour continues, it will be pink boots next time....
Threaten him with glitter in his hoof oil:cool:They cant stand it:eek:


Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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well my small horse grey knobber is so much of a knobber hes up for sale, but if anyone wants him on perminent loan to love him forever please let me know :eek: I am being serious.


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
Can I add Shy too - he is being a very big Knobber for his tender years. He's started to put his head down while being led, and just go where he wants to, head down, me having no chance of holding him. He's being very sharp when ridden, and the bucking fits (poss saddle :rolleyes:) have been enormous.

Now the confession - The Knobber has had me off 3 times this week :eek:. Once using the saddle, and twice bareback, thru being extremely skittish. But he is an angel, cos when I'm lying there on the ground, he comes and eats right by my head. More loose schooling, and no more bareback riding for us. Thank god hubby is working from home atm, and comes out with me for walks. And Shy's back's been checked, and a new (ahem treeless) saddle is on order.

Youngsters, bad backs, spring grass and a mare in season do not go well together :)


Well-Known Member
6 January 2010
West Midlands
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LOL this thread is so funny....

My horse was not a knobber today but can be.... :eek:

However, when walking back up the drive from turning my horse out I noticed that the trough in the field where the YO horses are was over flowing.... When I got to it I noticed that the ball float was broken. I rang YO and asked her did she know about it and she proceeded to tell me about how her horses had already broken it once that week and she had put a massive rock on the lid (as a temporary measure) it prevent them from doing it again. We have electric gates at our yard that you can ring on your mobile (as long as your number is registered on the gate) to open them. One of the horses rang her from the gate leaving her a voice mail the other day and she also told me about the other morning when the gate alarm sounded at 5am, she panicked, leapt out of bed panicking about who could it be at this hour it must be an emergency - only to discover one of her horses was scratching his head over the fence against the gate post with the button that calls the house..... I nearly cried with laughter!!!


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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LOL this thread is so funny....

My horse was not a knobber today but can be.... :eek:

However, when walking back up the drive from turning my horse out I noticed that the trough in the field where the YO horses are was over flowing.... When I got to it I noticed that the ball float was broken. I rang YO and asked her did she know about it and she proceeded to tell me about how her horses had already broken it once that week and she had put a massive rock on the lid (as a temporary measure) it prevent them from doing it again. We have electric gates at our yard that you can ring on your mobile (as long as your number is registered on the gate) to open them. One of the horses rang her from the gate leaving her a voice mail the other day and she also told me about the other morning when the gate alarm sounded at 5am, she panicked, leapt out of bed panicking about who could it be at this hour it must be an emergency - only to discover one of her horses was scratching his head over the fence against the gate post with the button that calls the house..... I nearly cried with laughter!!!

Am nearly crying reading this. Your YO is breeding a race of SUPER KNOBBERS:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Tears streaming down my face :D:D:D

Dizz was a mini-knob, as befits a laydeee, and led D1 a merry dance today when it was come in and eat your nice dinner time.

Mike007 - loving the mounting block one, that had me snorting enough to wonder if the iPad is waterproof :eek::D:D


Well-Known Member
6 January 2010
West Midlands
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Am nearly crying reading this. Your YO is breeding a race of SUPER KNOBBERS:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

She would agree with all of you - she did say to me that they were all wearing their naughty heads and driving her to distraction! LOL

The only other funny thing that happened to me recently was when I was riding my boy in the afternoon and as we came out from behind the shadow of a large hedge his shadow suddenly appeared infront of him which made him shy so hard he let a MAHOSSIVE fart go as he cat leapt in the air.... I could barely breath for laughing at him..... He was so embarrassed! :eek:


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
farting is Knobber Shy's secret weapon........when running away head down , especially when bucking, and even more so when I'm grooming his back end :eek: On the other hand he's a very clean Knobber, cos he hates to shite in the trailer - you can hear frantic banging beforehand.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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My horse was a complete massive ultimate knobber on friday it took several hours of battling and he still wouldnt load, had several words with my instructor that night and managed to drag her across the yard in a chiffney before admitting defeat and just plodding up the ramp. He then hid behind the poo trailer in the field when I went to see him on Saturday morning and wouldn't look at me :rolleyes: and tried to buck me off on several occasions over stupid things like a circle or not following another horse as it goes out on a hack.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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My horse was a complete massive ultimate knobber on friday it took several hours of battling and he still wouldnt load, had several words with my instructor that night and managed to drag her across the yard in a chiffney before admitting defeat and just plodding up the ramp. He then hid behind the poo trailer in the field when I went to see him on Saturday morning and wouldn't look at me :rolleyes: and tried to buck me off on several occasions over stupid things like a circle or not following another horse as it goes out on a hack.

Er... Pardon me for asking .. but why was your horse trying to drag your instructor across the yard in a chiffiny. is she into bondage or somthing. As for your horse ,he sounds more of a prevert than a Knobber.:D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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My horse was a complete massive ultimate knobber on friday it took several hours of battling and he still wouldnt load, had several words with my instructor that night and managed to drag her across the yard in a chiffney before admitting defeat and just plodding up the ramp.

Ah yes. The knobber that is brown horse has also taken to this. Apart from the fact that between dragging me round the yard and getting on he stood at the bottom of the ramp resting a leg and having a kip which pretty much drove me over the edge

At least I'm not alone anyway. Bleeding animals.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2010
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This thread is great! I have a small spotty knobber who seems to be able to squeeze through or under any fence. I have an old cob who really is top knobber, he's been through three stable doors this winter and will break down the door to then stand knee deep in snow in his stable rug and scream the place down as he wants to go back in stable. Expensive destructive knobber!!!!