My horse is a giant knobber!


Well-Known Member
27 March 2008
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I've got a grey one spent a fortune having her backed........ unrideable! bites, kicks if in range.......not sure if its the thoroughbred or the arab part thats the worse?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2011
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I've got a coloured knobber (ooer sounds a bit odd!) That constantly insists on crapping in his feed bucket, so I bought one of those that hang off a bracket, but he loves that even more because he now doesn't have to aim, just parks his arse in it then craps, no missing!! Wouldn't mind if he did it all in there, would save mucking out but no, just one then the rest everywhere else!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
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I have a small brown knobber and a large brown knobber (lucky girl eh).

Small knobber discovered that flexitubs filled with water will move, wobble and splash about if he paws at them. Cue water every where and him blowing bubbles in the bucket.

Large knobber likes to squeeze into the same stable as other knobber, undo door bolts (or lock me in!!), suck the handle of the spade or my knuckles if possible.

Muppets, the pair of them :)

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
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I spent much of a long morning waiting for a load of knobbers to be delivered.....

I even swept out the hay barn, the 3 spare empty stables and re-scrubbed water buckets etc........

...........nothing arrived :(

So I went out on the biggest Fuzzy for a damned good ride, and tho it practiced the art of airs above the ground on occasions, we had a jolly time :D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I spent much of a long morning waiting for a load of knobbers to be delivered.....

I even swept out the hay barn, the 3 spare empty stables and re-scrubbed water buckets etc........

...........nothing arrived :(

So I went out on the biggest Fuzzy for a damned good ride, and tho it practiced the art of airs above the ground on occasions, we had a jolly time :D

I did say mine was for collection only due to his knobber tendency of not getting on the lorry!

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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I did say mine was for collection only due to his knobber tendency of not getting on the lorry!

pfft.... minor irritations eh? ;)

Tried holding his leadrope out of the window of your jeep/car etc as you go along? Am sure this will wear him out, tho be careful of sudden turns (his and yours!)

If all else fails:
Hack him over, am sure the motorway network will wear him a little before you get to me :)
And of course HHO'ers across the UK will help you out with snack-packs to keep you going :D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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If all else fails:
Hack him over, am sure the motorway network will wear him a little before you get to me :)
And of course HHO'ers across the UK will help you out with snack-packs to keep you going :D

I think it's feet might wear to bleeding stubs. It doesn't have shoes on either as it is also a knobber for the farrier and therefore as it doesn't seem to need them I don't bother.


Paddy Irish

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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I've got a coloured knobber (ooer sounds a bit odd!) That constantly insists on crapping in his feed bucket, so I bought one of those that hang off a bracket, but he loves that even more because he now doesn't have to aim, just parks his arse in it then craps, no missing!! Wouldn't mind if he did it all in there, would save mucking out but no, just one then the rest everywhere else!

cut out the hassle and tie the bucket to knobbers arse , hey presto! :D:D


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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I would like to put forward the eejit mare on our yard who today when I was catching her decided to barge me with a shoulder and kick out whenever it met my elbow. She also bronced most of the half mile walk at any hose we passed who happened to be within a two mile radius. First time I have handled her and I just remember thinking o coudnt afford for her to get away from me because there was no way I was going to attempt to recapture her when she was being so handy with her hind legs!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I've got a grey one spent a fortune having her backed........ unrideable! QUOTE]


ID/TB 11yr old idiot! Lovely most of the time to handle on the, doesn't bite or kick but is prone to random bouts of totally unprovoked lunacy.

Decided last week that the farrier who she has know for 6 years had come to murder her. Jumped everytime he came near her silly mare.

Am convinced she has a screw loose bless her!!

Anyone who wants 16 +hands of lovable but utterly useless horse to love and pander to please PM with your planned collection date!!:D:D


Well-Known Member
30 June 2008
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Oh my this has made me laugh... thank you everyone...

I cannot comment for my mare is generally far too ladylike for that type of behaviour but my two old boys would've given all of yours a run for your money!!



Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
It's very hard to take a Knobber seriously when he insists on charging around the field like a knobber - with a grazing muzzle bucket on. NOT his best look. What WAS he thinking :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
25 July 2009
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have a sodder of a knobber who comes with a cobber of a vets bill... roll up roll up!

ooooh and hes a brown one two.... i will start to (attempt) to put on the travel boots, this may take a few hours but then your welcome!!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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hehe another knober moment today...
put him back out after riding him and he goes off to find his mate (who was round the corner where he went to look). Off he toddles all brave in a I'm off to find my mate I know hes here I just saw him as I wandered past. He then sees his mate and spins on the spot and goes to run away but realises its his mate who he is going to find so looks all smug, his mate then canters all of one stride to see him they then stand noses touching and wander off next to each other when he then decides his mate is terrifying and he needs to run all of 4 canter strides away then realises it his mate :rolleyes: and they follow each other round untill I left :rolleyes:

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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My big ginger Irish knobber has decided that mirrors are the work of the devil, cos one has appeared at the end of the drive next to our yard, and there's some big huge ginger Irish knobber thing that lives in it, and he's far too sensible to go anywhere near anything that contains a big huge ginger Irish knobber :rolleyes: He had a good sideways spook at it, then just stood snorting and sniffing at the big huge ginger irish knobber who lives in the mirror... had to be escorted past the big huge ginger irish knobber that lives in the mirror by the pretty little coloured mare who he adores. She's four, and we're supposed to be her nanny horse when passing scary things.

Obviously she isn't bothered by big huge ginger Irish knobbers because she lives with one :D

God forbid we ever get arena mirrors!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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After today, I feel I really must nominate my horse as top knobber. Today we did loading practice in our shiny new trailer. Horse spent 15 minutes walking beautifully into the trailer, went for a little ride round the yard (bit stampy but OK), quite happily stood in the trailer, walked nicely out of the trailer.

Then my instructor happened to arrive. Now he had AN AUDIENCE. He proceeded to prance down the ramp, drag me across the yard because he spotted an (empty) bucket, and then sprint round me in very tiny circles when I attempted to take him back to his stable.

I did try to tell my instructor how good he had been before, but based on his little performance I think she thinks he is just a big prancy, flouncy, rude andalusian knobber!