My mare is dead


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I'm so sorry :-( I went through similar 6 weeks ago so totally understand how you are feeling and what you are going through. It always feels so much harder when it was unexpected but you did the right thing by being brave enough to make the difficult decision.
Thinking of you xxx


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. It's brought back memories of my other halfs horse who we lost to colic just over three years ago - he was a 5 year old PRE and the first 'real' horse I rode (I started learning on a riding school). My other half was utterly devastated as I imagine you are too.

I wrote this poem that day, although I've never been able to read it out loud without choking up a little, please allow me to share it with you.

From purest Andalusian lines
A paragon of natural grace
As clever as you were refined
Calm playfulness upon your face.
A horse is named but once a year
Supreme amongst his equine kin
No steed victorious from here
‘Gainst you could ever hope to win.
Renown and fame were beckoning but
Malady struck before your prime
Just like a thief within your gut
it stole away your health and time.
With stoic strength steadfast you stood
But failed by Mankinds feeble wit
‘Gainst cruel scourge physicians could
offer no cure, only respite.
Tearfully ‘neath Autumn skies
We bade farewell with loves blessings
Like Pegasus your soul now flies
through Heaven on angelic wings.
I hope to ride you when I dream
And meet once more at my lifes end
In Edens pastures lush and green
Until that day, Goodbye dear friend.

My deepest sympathies. :(

Thank you for sharing such a personal poem.

It's beautiful


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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So sorry, for you and everyone else here who has lost their best friend. Like you I lost both of mine, my collie and my mare, within a few weeks of each other. I got them at the same time and had them 16 wonderful years before they both died. Don't shut yourself out from others wanting you to love them though, that's my advice. My little lad was my saviour when I lost the other two, I cried into his mane constantly.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2008
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Although I had not posted on your other thread... I was following your girl's progress.
I am SO sorry it ended like this...
Best wishes