My next equine project horse


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Haven't posted on this thread before but have been following it avidly for a while.

AA, you write with real flair and I definitely agree that there is a book waiting to come out of this. There are the different strands of the tales you tell and it mixes great humour and the darker side of life, which you convey so well. You also allude to your job and might there be more material there too?

I am a good girl about going to breast screening, but you have given me the kick up the backside I needed about going for the smear tests. What's a few minutes of inconvenience and embarrassment compared with the alternative?

Thinking of you as you have your last few radiation treatments.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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Hey Mrs glad to see you have been keeping your chin up whilst ive been away!

Last stretch now! Hope you have planned a treat for yourself!

Bridgette is envious of any male company as all she has is one broodmare and a pony for company!

And where can I purchase the book please?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Hey Mrs glad to see you have been keeping your chin up whilst ive been away!

Last stretch now! Hope you have planned a treat for yourself!

Bridgette is envious of any male company as all she has is one broodmare and a pony for company!

I don't know about chin up, but I have my arm up at the moment because it is too sore to put against my side. Burns and blisters are so painful. Three to go now.

A friends helpful child offered to ride my cob yesterday. Wonderful as the cob is so short of work it is worrying. Cob is a seriously big and powerful bird, 16st would be a walk in the park for her. Child is 6st max but rides well and is not fazed by the grumpy mare who was becoming unimpressed with the child climbing on a box to get the saddle high enough.

She went out with another horse and told me where they were going, normally hour and 45min route. They were back in an hour and ten, cob bounces into the yard with a smile nearly as wide as the child had. Apparently the cob found a walk we did not know she possesses and produced an excellent extended trot up the hills. I had to hide a smile when the this petite little girl got off a scruffy, unclipped barge of a horse and announced the cob was 'awesome'. I did whisper to the cob not to get used to lightweights !!, things will change soon.

I attended the hospital this morning sporting a half closed and very red right eye. The staff asked me about it and wandered off in a bemused state after being told a carthorse had come galloping down a very wet field to meet me this morning, had brake failure and showered me in xxxx, one clump of which hit me square in the eye. They definitely don't know what to make of me. My washing machine is dealing with the plastered clothes. We could do with this rain stopping.

I think the book will happen when the breaking process starts, not sure why but I can see Ted being unconventional to put it mildly.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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Hey Mrs glad to see you have been keeping your chin up whilst ive been away!

Last stretch now! Hope you have planned a treat for yourself!

Bridgette is envious of any male company as all she has is one broodmare and a pony for company!

I don't know about chin up, but I have my arm up at the moment because it is too sore to put against my side. Burns and blisters are so painful. Three to go now.

A friends helpful child offered to ride my cob yesterday. Wonderful as the cob is so short of work it is worrying. Cob is a seriously big and powerful bird, 16st would be a walk in the park for her. Child is 6st max but rides well and is not fazed by the grumpy mare who was becoming unimpressed with the child climbing on a box to get the saddle high enough.

She went out with another horse and told me where they were going, normally hour and 45min route. They were back in an hour and ten, cob bounces into the yard with a smile nearly as wide as the child had. Apparently the cob found a walk we did not know she possesses and produced an excellent extended trot up the hills. I had to hide a smile when the this petite little girl got off a scruffy, unclipped barge of a horse and announced the cob was 'awesome'. I did whisper to the cob not to get used to lightweights !!, things will change soon.

I attended the hospital this morning sporting a half closed and very red right eye. The staff asked me about it and wandered off in a bemused state after being told a carthorse had come galloping down a very wet field to meet me this morning, had brake failure and showered me in xxxx, one clump of which hit me square in the eye. They definitely don't know what to make of me. My washing machine is dealing with the plastered clothes. We could do with this rain stopping.

I think the book will happen when the breaking process starts, not sure why but I can see Ted being unconventional to put it mildly.

My gallant lad did exactly the same to me this morning! here i was all smug nipping down in my work clothes and wellies to turn out, usually he goes in and gets straight down to eating, ... not today... while i went back to fetch the old man to turn out big lad decided he was a race horse and was lapping the field, just as me and the old man reached the gate he hurtled towards us put in a massive spectacular skid stop in the wet muddy puddle at the gate and splattered us both with very wet mud!!! ( on a good note at least he stopped before hitting the gate!!!!) cue lots of swearing and a mad rush home to change into yet more clean work clothes!!! horses .. who'd have em!!!

On another note hope your laste week isnt to bad. have a lovely break xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Hi AA, have just read this whole thread from start to finish (whilst i should have been writing my biochem assignment...) It has had me in fits of giggles but also near tears, especially reading the part about your illness. Ted is a credit to you and i second what others have said about the book - you have an amazing way of putting the words down! I am actually not that far from you i don't think, i am at uni in Worcester and can see Foregate Street station from my bedroom window! (didn't see Ted there though, must have missed him ;)) So if you ever need that crash test dummy let me know!

Not long now until the end of your radiation, i bet you can't wait! All the best and please keep writing! x


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Hi AA, have just read this whole thread from start to finish (whilst i should have been writing my biochem assignment...) It has had me in fits of giggles but also near tears, especially reading the part about your illness. Ted is a credit to you and i second what others have said about the book - you have an amazing way of putting the words down! I am actually not that far from you i don't think, i am at uni in Worcester and can see Foregate Street station from my bedroom window! (didn't see Ted there though, must have missed him ;)) So if you ever need that crash test dummy let me know!

Not long now until the end of your radiation, i bet you can't wait! All the best and please keep writing! x

Crash test dummy..............and in writing oh might just regret that comment in the spring !!! do you have a parachute, life insurance, padding on your bottom, a warped sense of humour, all your own teeth ( I will buy you a gum shield), are you frightened of heights ? Ted grows a hand a week you know. Pay will be all the sloe gin you can drink and chocolate biscuits. I will save the extra pain killers the hospital gave me, we can mix them with the gin and you should be oblivious to any break dancing Ted might do. They do work, I downed them with a bottle of Bulmers and a takeaway on Saturday, woke up 12 hours later ! naughty but blissful all the same.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Crash test dummy..............and in writing oh might just regret that comment in the spring !!! do you have a parachute, life insurance, padding on your bottom, a warped sense of humour, all your own teeth ( I will buy you a gum shield), are you frightened of heights ? Ted grows a hand a week you know. Pay will be all the sloe gin you can drink and chocolate biscuits. I will save the extra pain killers the hospital gave me, we can mix them with the gin and you should be oblivious to any break dancing Ted might do. They do work, I downed them with a bottle of Bulmers and a takeaway on Saturday, woke up 12 hours later ! naughty but blissful all the same.

Deal! Where do I sign? :D


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Join me raising a glass or three, I have done it, finished, the relief is massive and I am not, must not, will not, worry about the next scan. They have fixed me. Not for nothing have I spent almost a year being hacked at, poisoned, exhausted, in bed or head down the toilet, depressed and bald. I have endured so many IV's I am no longer water tight. I am now toasted, burnt and blistered. I am in love with Flamazine cream, it is so soothing and yes it is the same stuff we use for mud fever so if I run out I will raid the back of the vet's truck.

Two weeks and I will be climbing onto the cob, six weeks and I will need a comb, wish the head hair would grow as quickly as my blooming gorilla legs are. Back to work in the new year, there will be two 5.30's in a day, that will be a shock to the system ! Come to think about it I have had plenty of days when I have not seen 5.30 of any kind.

Thank you to you all for the kind words, both on the thread and privately. The support has been very special. There was one of you that saw through my post back in March when I asked if anyone had kept riding and looking after their horses whilst going through chemotherapy, I claimed my friend was facing treatment. It was a fib but I was desperate for inspiration. The answer to the question is 'kind of'. I did ride occasionally, I did care for them more than I had expected and being able to get to the horses was a real driver to get me through it all, or was it because I am such a stubborn old bat as my OH calls me !

With luck the winter will be kind and the youngsters will winter out. Spring will arrive and they will be broken and a whole new chapter will begin.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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3 glasses AA.. Even if you won't play ball and share your solider boy...

I have sat back, read your story and followed you, and quietly applauded your courage. Oh I am sure you had days when you didn't feel like that but you did keep going.. On the basis that a couple of days of being properly Ill makes me seriously want to give up the will to live.

So make it bubbly and look forward to a well deserved Christmas...oh and you can have the yak FOC with no swaps..


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Here's to you AA you are an inspirational lady and I wish you all the best from now on. I hope you enjoy a break before you step back into the daily routine of early mornings before work.
I look forward to reading the further adventures of Ted and Alice, and hope you have some adventures with your cob this winter. Please winter be kind to us all.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Cheers AA xx hoping all the nasty chemicals leave your system soon and get your energy back.
Two of my brothers were treated for cancer a year ago. One had bladder cancer the other bowel. Happy to report that both are doing well.
Get well soon xx


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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Massive congratulations AA. Your journey has been completely inspirational. And your tales of Ted and Alice are so enjoyable to read.
Just think of all you have to look forward to now- riding your cob again, a fantastic cancer free Xmas, and then backing Ted and Alice. :)
I am so pleased that your treatment is over.

And if you are getting impatient for your hair to grow there is a shampoo and conditioner you can buy from Boots called Fast. It encourages increased hair growth. And it's main claim to the market is being suitable for cancer patients. Might be worth looking up, I use it and believe my hair has finally started growing after years of doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2011
West Sussex
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I haven't commented on this thread before but I am an avid follower, and a bit of a fan I have to say. Just felt the need to comment this evening to say that I'm so glad for you that this chapter of your life is over! Thank you for sharing your journey with us , it has been so wonderful to feel your positivity through your posts, despite the fact you must have been going through hell - you really are an inspiration. Looking forward to more updates re. Ted and Alice. Here's to the future!! Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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I'm so pleased you are done with all the treatment, AA, I can feel your relief. After all you have been through this year, backing the mighty Ted will be a walk in the park. :)


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
The West Country
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I am another who has followed your story of Ted and your cancer with laughter, tears and huge respect. So very pleased to hear the treatment is finally done and that life can begin to return to normal for you.

You are clearly a very courageous person and I'm sure that your sense of humour and determination will have helped to see off this horrid disease. All the very best and I will continue to look forward to every stage of The adventures of Ted and Alice.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Well done for making it through the treatment. When is that scan?

Those blisters and burnt skin sound so, so painful. Yowzers.

Hope your poor body can begin to heal now - that break in the cottage without appointments sounds like a good start (not your own home, preferably ;) ).

Here's to a better year ahead: <pop!> <clink> (= sound of champagne bottle opening + toast) What was that about a wedding? <g>


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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So please to see this and you being you upbeat!

Im sooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to breaking/backing next year :) we can do show and tell on the bruises :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Well done for making it through the treatment. When is that scan?

Those blisters and burnt skin sound so, so painful. Yowzers.

Hope your poor body can begin to heal now - that break in the cottage without appointments sounds like a good start (not your own home, preferably ;) ).

Here's to a better year ahead: <pop!> <clink> (= sound of champagne bottle opening + toast) What was that about a wedding? <g>

Don't know, guessing 3 months. I need to be a lot more comfortable than I am now to manage any sort of scan ! I see the surgeon just before Christmas so probably be told then. Wedding not until I have downed a few dress sizes, it won't be a white wedding but I refuse to go to Evans for my frock ! and my hair needs to decide what is happending. OH is presently calling me Tufty. I have dark sides and a white streak in the middle at the moment, won't be long before I look like a badgers bottom.

Fitness training started this morning, carried full buckets instead of half filled and loaded the barrow a bit higher. Well, it's a start ! Diet was on track until someone arrived at the yard with a huge box of celebratory chocolates for me this morning. At The Races Review and Terrys All Gold anyone ?

Ted is now living with the Mother in Law from hell, Alice's mum. Interestingly he does not barge the gate as I walk over to see them. The old mare is at the gate and Ted is six paces behind her. I think she might have had 'words'. Can't wait to get started with him and Alice in the spring. Ted will be very willing and keen to please me but will remain befuddled throughout the process. Alice has already downloaded the Employment Rights Act, joined a union and completed her annual leave request card.

Thank you for the lovely messages.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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Gotta love a dominant mare! Might be the making of him!

Nooooooo Alice don't do that! Think of all the parties you will get to go to! Might even have to arrange some sibling meet up- possibly the hunter show next year, girls can show their bums off with pride!


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Tufty the badger, sounds cute...<g>...but ouch, yes, can imagine the thought of a scan would not be a joy.

Re weddings and scrubbing up: there is a great thread somewhere called 'operation polish a turd' or something like it :biggrin3:

Poor Ted: look forward to hearing how the m-i-l is educating him. You could of course tell Alice to concentrate on reading the chapters headed 'written and final warnings', and 'gross misconduct'.


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
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Congrats on getting through treatment and staying so strong throughout!

Can't wait to hear/read more about yours, Ted and Alice's adventures! :) xx


Well-Known Member
21 June 2010
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Congratulations on getting through treatment! Can't wait to read the next chapter. And if your crash dummy.. er.. crashes, I'll stand in as replacement. I doubt he'll know I'm there though.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2012
The flat lands of Yorkshire
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I haven't commented on this thread before but I am an avid follower, and a bit of a fan I have to say. Just felt the need to comment this evening to say that I'm so glad for you that this chapter of your life is over! Thank you for sharing your journey with us , it has been so wonderful to feel your positivity through your posts, despite the fact you must have been going through hell - you really are an inspiration. Looking forward to more updates re. Ted and Alice. Here's to the future!! Enjoy!

I could have written this myself. Followed this from the start but not commented til now. Tears of joy, laughter and sadness have been shed. All for an inspirational stranger on a forum. Thanks AA.