Carries on creakily
Haven't posted on this thread before but have been following it avidly for a while.
AA, you write with real flair and I definitely agree that there is a book waiting to come out of this. There are the different strands of the tales you tell and it mixes great humour and the darker side of life, which you convey so well. You also allude to your job and might there be more material there too?
I am a good girl about going to breast screening, but you have given me the kick up the backside I needed about going for the smear tests. What's a few minutes of inconvenience and embarrassment compared with the alternative?
Thinking of you as you have your last few radiation treatments.
AA, you write with real flair and I definitely agree that there is a book waiting to come out of this. There are the different strands of the tales you tell and it mixes great humour and the darker side of life, which you convey so well. You also allude to your job and might there be more material there too?
I am a good girl about going to breast screening, but you have given me the kick up the backside I needed about going for the smear tests. What's a few minutes of inconvenience and embarrassment compared with the alternative?
Thinking of you as you have your last few radiation treatments.