My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I hope you are takin whole herd pics! Alice would be gutted to hear that she was left out!

Of course. Ted wanted to come with me to meet the nurses. He got upset when he couldn't squash himself into my Ford Focus.

Time to go for the roasting session, medium rare no doubt. E45 cream
ready and waiting in the fridge. Wonder how long it will be before dozy OH thinks it is mayonnaise and puts it on his sandwiches .


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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Ted fell into a dustbin tonight. I took a steel bin over the field to replace the plastic trugs being used for water. He followed right behind me trying to investigate the bin, tripped up and smacked his nose in the bottom of it.

Somehow I think Ted might be a liability with a few million quids worth of hospital equipment !

Oh dear lol! Teds adventures do make me laugh :)

I to couldnt imagine life without my horses and other animals, i went through a bad time a while ago and honestly think my horses are what kept me half sane! ;)


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
It's frightening how little some town people actually know about the countryside and animals so I hope you can give them the run down and enlighten them after you've been char grilled today but do tell them not all horses are of Ted's proportions else they'll never come near.

Mayonnaise, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Home, done to a crisp.

Alice was the favourite, the nurses were very taken with her enormous brown eyes and luxurious eyelashes. Ted was thought to have a naughty face. Probably something to do with me cutting his forelock with scissors and giving him a pudding bowl hairstyle.

Only one of the three knew that horses eat grass. I suppose the world would be a boring place if we all had the same interests.

Now where is that cold E45. Wonder if I can climb on the cob this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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What did they think they ate? Intrigued by these nurses now.

And I know you don't want to hear it but............................ you REALLY shouldn't be riding mrs!!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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What did they think they ate? Intrigued by these nurses now.

And I know you don't want to hear it but............................ you REALLY shouldn't be riding mrs!!

Spoilt sport ! I have had conflicting advice really. One doctor said I could on a quiet one but another one said not to because the top few ribs are affected by the treatment and might break if I came adrift.

I will watch the racing instead.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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Home, done to a crisp.

Alice was the favourite, the nurses were very taken with her enormous brown eyes and luxurious eyelashes. Ted was thought to have a naughty face. Probably something to do with me cutting his forelock with scissors and giving him a pudding bowl hairstyle.

Only one of the three knew that horses eat grass. I suppose the world would be a boring place if we all had the same interests.

Now where is that cold E45. Wonder if I can climb on the cob this afternoon.

Nurses sound a tad strange, i to wonder what they thought they eat hehe, have visions of my lad eating pie and chips now ;)

I agree with them Alice has lovely eyes however i am a huge fan of the lovely Ted and think he has a very expressive face :)

Watching the racing sounds like a good plan, its cold outside anyway hehe ;)


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Don't tell them that milk comes from cows rather than produced by supermarkets: they'll have a fit, lol.

Well done re the hospital cooking sessions: not long to go now. If it affects the ribs, how long does that effect last?

Love the story of Ted managing to tip himself face first into the new container.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2013
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AA just noticed you had dropped Ted at Worcester forgate street, I live in Worcester as well and I assume you must be fairly local especially as Ted won't fit in your focus so I assume you put him on the bus into town


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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AA just noticed you had dropped Ted at Worcester forgate street, I live in Worcester as well and I assume you must be fairly local especially as Ted won't fit in your focus so I assume you put him on the bus into town

Yes, he went on the 144 and even paid his fare. He is home now feeling very abandoned and wet, we had a terrific storm at 5 this evening, ruined Alice's hair do.

I have a guilty secret to admit, I have ridden, I just couldn't resist it. Only in walk and with someone with me. Had to park up when I felt sick but the cob is patient and just stood on the verge for a while. The end is in sight and I cannot wait to get back to normal.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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Now I should say how silly it was of you to ride, and how anything could have happened. But I know if I was in your shoes I wouldn't be able to resist either! First steps towards being back to normal. :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Now I should say how silly it was of you to ride, and how anything could have happened. But I know if I was in your shoes I wouldn't be able to resist either! First steps towards being back to normal. :)

I did have handle bars on the cob and my minder had a lead rope on his saddle just in case. The hospital tells me radiation should not make me feel sick so no idea why it does !

Despite having ridden for years I have no core strength left after being so idle for most of the year. It is frightening how quickly fitness and strength disappears. I can't even lift a 20kg bag of feed now.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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Maybe your body is so knackered that the radiation just tips you over the edge and makes you feel sick? (I'm no doctors so could be talking out of my arse!)

And it'll come back to you. Could you maybe get one of those Swiss balls and practice balancing on that at home in front of the tele? They are meant to be really good for core strength, I'm thinking of getting one as I'm a bit of a jelly at the mo.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Maybe your body is so knackered that the radiation just tips you over the edge and makes you feel sick? (I'm no doctors so could be talking out of my arse!)

And it'll come back to you. Could you maybe get one of those Swiss balls and practice balancing on that at home in front of the tele? They are meant to be really good for core strength, I'm thinking of getting one as I'm a bit of a jelly at the mo.

My OH has just fallen out of his armchair laughing at the idea of my fat arxx on a ball. He said I would fall off it and head butt the log burner. He eats for two and remains like a lath. We do have an exercise bike, that might be an idea. GP said having chemotherapy and radiation is like running a marathon every other day in terms of what it takes out of the body. I struggle to run up the stairs !


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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Oh dear! Maybe don't use the Swiss ball in his company, although you could always challenge him to balance on it and have a good laugh yourself. Or failing that you could see if Ted is a circus horse in disguise? And I can imagine it's awfully draining on your body. My step brother has just been diagnosed with liposarcoma but the doctors are hoping it'll just be a case of surgery and radiotherapy, no chemo if all goes well, which I understand is the really awful part.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Alice has finally found a use for Ted.

I found them this morning with her huddled under the hedge and him shielding her from the horizontal rain. He was soaked and she was toasty. Ted is a hero at last. He still nicked the last polo though.

Can someone turn the tap off please, we have had enough for a while.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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We have a crisis in Ted and Alice land. He has only gone and dumped her for another woman. Poor Alice has gone through boxes of tissues, all her mascara has run and she is constantly on her mobile to marriage guidance.

The tart who has pinched Ted is a striking red head of impeccable breeding with legs up to her armpits, flowing silky locks, a pert bottom and movement like Darcy Bussell. Ted took one look at her and swooned, he is following her around with his tongue out and is begging me to give him a shave just in case his luck is in.

Poor Alice is just beside herself, she did go and ask the red head what she was playing at trying to pinch Ted, but the red head is 9 years old and soon told Alice her fortune. I have had a chat with Alice but they only thing that is better on Alice is her eyelashes. Her bottom is built for comfort rather then pertness, her legs are short and hairy and her hairstyle is hedge backwards style. Alice is hoping the red head will dump Ted when all his strange habits appear, I have a feeling all will be well in the morning when the red head has experienced a night in the sack with Ted farting, burping and snoring all night. I hope so because Alice is plotting revenge and is emailing the zoo again to see if the lions are hungry.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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Poor Alice.. the lure of the older woman. Mrs Robinson wins again.. till she gets fed up with the farts, burps and general teenage boy behaviour.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Who is this equine Jolene?

She is on holiday. I did try to explain to Ted about ladies abroad and romance but he would not listen. Alice is his forever lady but the visiting tartlet is not. Ted is young and impressionable so the Kate Moss version of Alice, who is more Dawn French, was always going to make him go off the straight and narrow.

I had better haul my cooked to a frazzle self out of bed and go and see what they have been up to over night. I have reached the half way point in the radiation now, oh yes the end is in sight, normality here I come. What's the betting the tartlet has told Ted to foxtrot oscar, there is no way she will put up with his farting.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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The good news for you and your muscles is that they do actually have something called muscle memory, so it does come back relatively easily. So don't think your core has also packed its bags! I am so glad the end of your treatment is in sight and I too would have stuck a sneaky ride in as well!...tell Alice she will have the last laugh when the flame haired hussy has returned home and Ted returns to normality...


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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The good news for you and your muscles is that they do actually have something called muscle memory, so it does come back relatively easily. So don't think your core has also packed its bags! I am so glad the end of your treatment is in sight and I too would have stuck a sneaky ride in as well!...tell Alice she will have the last laugh when the flame haired hussy has returned home and Ted returns to normality...

How quickly do the muscles recover please.