My next equine project horse

Foxy O

Well-Known Member
13 March 2013
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Congratulations AA, I only found this thread 10 days ago and have been reading it in every spare moment I have had. At one point my OH had closed down my computer and I couldn't find this thread for a while and I panicked as I hadn't got to the end. I have laughed and cried in equal amounts and am so glad you have got through it. I think your book should be written in the Bridget Jones diaries style (1st book), that way it wouldn't lose your character shinning through it. Mind you I can't see Alice smoking and drinking heavily when she is fed up but I can picture her with a large tub of Ben and Gerry's trying to cheer herself up ;) I can't wait for the next sequel :)

Can't wait to hear about the wedding and am wondering if Ted will be an usher with Alice as a bridesmaid :D


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It has been an exciting Saturday. The hunt was local so the rabble all came indoors. Sound carries well on a still sunny day which resulted in the big horse spending the afternoon break dancing in box one and the ginger tartlet having a dizzy fit in box 5. Ted and Alice were parked between the stressed out pair. Alice looked a bit wide eyed but as usual her stomach took over and the haynet had to be demolished, Ted went to bed but even he could not sleep through the strange noises so he came to the door. Sleep took over again but this time with his head over the door and his lip so droopy I considered getting a broom to balance it on.

With time on our hands I decided to do some Ted taming so we disappeared into the barn and Ted was introduced to some driving harness. Nice jangly harness which Ted viewed with suspicion but allowed me to drape it on him, eventually I did it up, including the balance strap and he was soon lunging, in walk with excellent halts and walk ons. He is not mouthed so it is all done off a headcollar. I even managed to get behind him and manage a reasonable attempt at long lining him on the single line.

Now our barn has yorkshire boarding on the top half and the sun was sinking and putting shiny strips on the floor which Ted was huffing and puffing at. I told him to get a grip and reminded him that when Carl Hester is on him at some far flung world championships he would be required to ignore distractions. Hmmmm, an unconvinced Ted suddenly launched into a carthorse capriole and the driving harness had a good old creak and crack, good job I had the breast girth on ! He landed, all four feet jammed together trying to avoid stepping on a shiny bit and then had a good bronc before trying to get behind me to hide. God help him when he sees a flower pot, Carl is going to need super glue.


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7 June 2009
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I have only just found this thread last night but read from beginning to now, and loved every minute. Congratulations, really pleased for you, love hearing the adventures of Ted too!! xx


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It's tough being Ted.

Excuse me, you are all supposed to be on my side not his !

He spent the night inside, I told him it was so we could do more Ted training this morning. In reality I just could not be xxxed to walk over the field to turn him out last night. His straw bed was totally undisturbed this morning apart from a large Ted shape in the middle. He must have a sleeping disease of some kind. I reckon he grows when he is asleep, he is around 16.2 now and the string tells me there is loads to go yet. I have to use 2 hands to measure his bone now and my fingers only just meet. He sure would make a lot of sausages.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Wonderful news AA, so very pleased for you. Talk about being a stubborn old bird, lol. Hunting next year on Mrs Cob then?

Well it's funny you should mention that, I have had an invitation from the Masters. Diet needed for coat and boots though.

Master and huntsman called in the other day and were very taken by Mrs Cob, muttering about not seeing proper boned cobs very often. Bet they don't think the same when they realise she is a go through rather than over type of girl.


Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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Haven't commented for a while but still reading. So glad you are over the worst, you are very brave. As for Ted, I read that Seabiscuit used to sleep a lot - maybe he's dreaming he's a race horse! Please do continue with your story, I can't wait to see how Alice and Ted progress :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Haven't commented for a while but still reading. So glad you are over the worst, you are very brave. As for Ted, I read that Seabiscuit used to sleep a lot - maybe he's dreaming he's a race horse! Please do continue with your story, I can't wait to see how Alice and Ted progress :)

Thank you. Annoyingly I am not recovering as quickly as I want to. The radiation has burnt me big time and even though I am a week on from the final session it keeps working for 14 days before any improvement is seen. Still cannot ride and all my horses hear me say is 'put your head down' or 'head still, don't bump me'. I cannot reach up because under my arm is burnt and tight. A plus is the vast amount of Flamizine I have persuaded the doctor to prescribe, it's the same stuff as we use for mud fever - could be useful just now.


Well-Known Member
16 November 2013
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Have just sat and read this thread. Loved it!! Scared the life out the cat on my lap as I spat tea all over laughing (when Ted got chased by the Ginger Heifer!)
Well done on finishing treatment. keeping up with your tribe whilst going through it all, so inspirational!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Just heading for a glass of wine and a Sunday afternoon snooze, phone call to tell me Alice has cut herself in the field. It is all post and rail for heavens sake. Heaving myself off the sofa.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Well done Alice, that is your pocket money gone and you are going to need to apply for a loan from Ted.

Smack on the fetlock joint and bleeding well, although no yellow fluid to be seen I don't take chances with joints. Naughty girl needed some happy juice and once she was away with the fairies the vet found a nasty wound, luckily the flap is above the wound so it will drain well. Too wide to stitch so she has a smart green bandage on, pain relief and anti b's. Doesn't look like the joint is involved but time will tell and fingers crossed. Blooming horses.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2012
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Alice! We need to have a little chat about self harming! It is just not the right thing to do. Seriously though, hope the wound heals cleanly and the anti b's do their job!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Alice is officially on the sick. Ted went to Tesco earlier and bought her grapes, flowers, and the Jungle Book DVD. She was not impressed and wanted a box of Thorntons, a tube of Pringles and Fifty Shades of Grey.

She has been seen this morning and was very polite which was a relief because she was very wary with last nights duty vet. This morning, when asked if she had a poorly leg, she picked it up and handed to the vet.

Thankfully the joint does not seem to be compromised, I have had a sleepless night worrying about joint flushes etc. I have walked and re walked her paddock and cannot find anything she could have done it on. Typical isn't it, I am OCD about field safety. I just hope her lightweight show cob career has not ended before it began. I have gone soft in my old age and just bought her some toys, she is going to be in for a while.


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26 February 2007
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Bridgette can send up her mirror that she had when she was on box rest if alice would like it? Of course Bridgette would like to deliver it but have pointed out that ted is alice's and not to be pinched- and which point she lost interest at travelling im afraid!

Get well soon alice!


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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So glad that the patient is as well as can be expected.

I am afraid to tell you, though, that you are bringing her up wrong :). She is too mollycoddled. Extensive experience has shown me that horses who are kept in fields full of barbed wire, galvanised sheets and ragwort seem to escape scot free. Those owners who scrutinise their property for any possible hazards get all the aggro, it seems.

All the best and I hope her future showing career is unaffected.

ETA. Another item to add to the 'how much does it cost to breed a foal thread' is that it also depends on how many times it decides to act on the built in death wish that all young horses seem to possess.....
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Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Bridgette can send up her mirror that she had when she was on box rest if alice would like it? Of course Bridgette would like to deliver it but have pointed out that ted is alice's and not to be pinched- and which point she lost interest at travelling im afraid!

Get well soon alice!

I have just googled stable mirrors. Will pm you.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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So glad that the patient is as well as can be expected.

I am afraid to tell you, though, that you are bringing her up wrong :). She is too mollycoddled. Extensive experience has shown me that horses who are kept in fields full of barbed wire, galvanised sheets and ragwort seem to escape scot free. Those owners who scrutinise their property for any possible hazards get all the aggro, it seems.


That is exactly what the vet said this morning. We use a UK chaser ride locally and go past a farm full of horses grazing amongst every obstacle known to to man. Rusty machinery, slack pig wire, scrap cars etc, I break out into a cold sweat every time I see them.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ted has been immensely brave today and wants to tell everybody how macho he is. He didn't move when a nice lady pushed a needle into his stuffing muttering something about a health check. No tears or tantrums and even Alice was impressed at Ted's manliness, she did omit telling him that she cried when hers was done though.

Alice's wound is healing beautifully and her showing career is still on track thanks to her wonderful vet. Ted is relieved his girlfriend is not blemished and bought her another get well present, a Likit Tongue Twister toy complete with two candycane flavour licks, (what - who thinks of these things !)

It is bright red and Alice was not impressed, it clashes with her bright bay coat and is childish. She actually wanted a Birkin handbag and nude Jimmy Choos's. She compromised and has a himalayan salt lick instead.

Ted told her she was ungrateful and put the likit toy into his stable but despite me explaining that he needed to lick it gently he could not quite grasp the idea so he resorted to giving it an almighty shove and getting it spinning flat out, he then just stuck his tongue out in the hope he would make contact with the furiously spinning ball. Somehow I cannot see him troubling MENSA any time soon.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Ted told her she was ungrateful and put the likit toy into his stable but despite me explaining that he needed to lick it gently he could not quite grasp the idea so he resorted to giving it an almighty shove and getting it spinning flat out, he then just stuck his tongue out in the hope he would make contact with the furiously spinning ball. Somehow I cannot see him troubling MENSA any time soon.

This has had me laughing so much that the dog got up from beside the fire to check that I was alright!

Great news too that Alice is mending well.


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Oh bless Ted. He reminds me of my way into a treat ball.......smash it with your foot! Glad Alice is on the mend and you are sounding very much back on your feet x