Not sure where I now stand.


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Nah, I just have too much time on my hands!

For all you can accuse me of being a young, naive, inexperienced townie (none of which are true may I add) I can accuse you of being old, stuck in your ways and unable to see the other side of the argument. Thing is Tom this is the way the world is going. More and more people are becoming intolerant of animal cruelty.

You don't seem to listen to others people's points of view by claiming that if they have never hunted stag they dont know what they're talking about. But if someone is against stag hunting it's highly unlikely that they're gonna go out hunting stag, innit?


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"For all you can accuse me of being a young, naive, inexperienced townie (none of which are true may I add)"

How could you possibly be ?

"I can accuse you of being old, stuck in your ways and unable to see the other side of the argument."

Right with the first one. I can see your side of the argument but it is totally illogical.

"Thing is Tom this is the way the world is going. "

Really ?

"You don't seem to listen to others people's points of view by claiming that if they have never hunted stag they dont know what they're talking about. But if someone is against stag hunting it's highly unlikely that they're gonna go out hunting stag, innit?"

But you don't know what you are talking about do you ?

I am against black people.

I think they should be banned.

Is my opinion valid ?

Of course it isn't. It is irrational.

just like you being "against" something you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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It is perfectly logical to reason that you are ignorant to the real issues of stag hunting due to to your long history with it. It has become a way of life for you. You are obviously biased.

You may argue that you are against black people (or any other people) if your argument was based on research and valid points. I have always admitted that I have never been to sab a stag hunt. However, I have been to numerous foxhunts and since most people (even those who hunt foxes) recognise that stag hunting has less redeeming features than hunting small mammals it also seems logical to form an opposing opinion against it. For example, do we need to go to a war zone to form an opinion on war? Do we need to go to Sudan to believe people are in crises? Do we need to witness a mugging to decide it's wrong? The mugger may make a good case that he is poor and to rob a wealthy person is justified. The point is we are all entitled to form opinions IF those opinions are informed.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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I didnt think for a minute that you would Tom.
Cruelty comes in many forms and whats acceptable to one person is unacceptable to another. I dont agree with hunting, others do. I doubt if there will be much change one way or another in the near future. M.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"It is perfectly logical to reason that you are ignorant to the real issues of stag hunting due to to your long history with it. It has become a way of life for you. You are obviously biased. "

Do you also think that the Exmoor National Park Authority (a well known conservation body) are ignorant to the real issues of Stag hunting ?

Do you mean that due to the fact that I, and my family for hundreds of years, have been involved in stag hunting, we can no longer understand it ?

The more knowledge we have the less we know !!??

Strange concept !!!

"You may argue that you are against black people (or any other people) if your argument was based on research and valid points."

I wouldnt myself, but I am aware that research exists that says they are less intelligent than us whitey's.

The research is based on prejudice. And racism. Just like your anti research.

Stephen Harris thinks the deer will stay at the same population levels with no hunting. He has been told to his face they will be shot. There is a lot of extra venison on dinner tables Endy.

I wonder which bit of "shot" you lot don't understand !!!

You can imagine what standing your "research has on Exmoor". About as much as the Ku Klux Klan's.


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24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"I didnt think for a minute that you would Tom."

Thats ok. Remember it is usually suggested that I am a paedophile or that i beat my wife.

"Cruelty comes in many forms and whats acceptable to one person is unacceptable to another."

Yes. This country thinks it is ok to snare foxes but ok to hunt rabbits. Or look at the way old people are treated.

Very few people understand what cruelty is.

Tell you one thing...when there is no deer left on Exmoor there certainly wont be no deer cruelty !!


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Didnt say I was an expert on Exmoor.

I live in the city and see lots of homeless people every day. I'm hardened to it. Thats what happens when you repeatedly do something. Like hunting.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"Didnt say I was an expert on Exmoor."

This is obvious.

"I live in the city and see lots of homeless people every day. I'm hardened to it. Thats what happens when you repeatedly do something. Like hunting. "

A good try Endy but you will have to get some more years in.

I have seen people with their guts hanging out or half there face missing after being shot.

I never completely hardened to it. I think you find normal people don't.

What does going hunting harden you against ?

Jumping beech hedges ?

I kill lambs to eat. Have done since I was about 14. Can't say I am hardened to it. They are just an awful problem on the table if they are still running.

None of this has anything to do with hunting has it?


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Do you think Joe public (town or country) could slaughter a lamb as easily as you do? Didnt it get easier the more you did it?

I used to get upset every time I saw suffering animals but now I've seen so much I only feel sadness and empathy, not the horror and shock I did at first.

Lets not take dead people into this. I think we can both agree that is a bigger issue and not to be compared to this.

Anyway, J's right talking to you is a waste of time because you don't listen to other people.

Oh and your gonna have to try and live without me for a while, it's my xmas hols. Can't say I'll miss ya but have a good one anyway....


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"Do you think Joe public (town or country) could slaughter a lamb as easily as you do?"

Yes. Why not?

"Didnt it get easier the more you did it?"

Its more routine. Not easier. I never like killing anything. People or animals.

"Lets not take dead people into this. I think we can both agree that is a bigger issue and not to be compared to this."

Course it can be compared. Why not?

"Anyway, J's right talking to you is a waste of time because you don't listen to other people. "

No. I do listen. Is it a waste of time only because I think differently to you?

You want to interfere in my life. I don't want to interfere in yours.

That is the difference between us.