Oy, you with the arthritic mare ......


Well-Known Member
17 January 2014
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Haven't read the entire thread, skipped after around page 13.

When I read thread title, I thought someone had said this to OP, so was initially confused when reading OP's initial post.

OP, have to admit I was confused as to whether this was targeted at someone you knew but were not specifically naming or about your frustration that a deteriorating elderly horse appears to be suffering under the care of a stranger. You obviously feel very upset about this horses quality of life and condition. The manner in which you have expressed it has upset others re: 'that awful descision' and the public manner.

In your shoes, I'd be upset about the horse but not wanting to personally confront the owner (as this can severely aggrievate (sp)situation) and call relevant people that may be able to help, as you are doing. If I was as upset about it as you are, then I may have also put a post on here about it too. It is an upsetting situation that is out of your control and I appreciate you are pretty peed off.

If I was the owner and read this thread and suspected it was me, I'd be devastated and really hurt.

I have my views on when to PTS but don't expect everyone to agree with me. However, please keep us updated re: results of your phonecall.

To everyone; having an opinion is fine, getting personal is not.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Well I can guess you don't know from your views .
I saw horses so arthritic they could not have laid down in years hardly able to put one foot in front of the other living in awful conditions to be told he's thirty like it was an good excuse .
No welfare organisation is interested in micromanaging the retirement of peoples horses but if you get a call you go you have no idea ( although often you can form a view ) what you will find .


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28 March 2011
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And again Goldenstar your like Cptrayes arrogance comes through. don't judge people you really don't know.

But it's ok for you to judge people .
I really fail to see arrogance in my views your the person saying I should be ashamed of the work I did .
And you call me arrogant priceless .


Well-Known Member
17 January 2014
Probably on my way to A&E
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Well I can guess you don't know from your views .
I saw horses so arthritic they could not have laid down in years hardly able to put one foot in front of the other living in awful conditions to be told he's thirty like it was an good excuse .
No welfare organisation is interested in micromanaging the retirement of peoples horses but if you get a call you go you have no idea ( although often you can form a view ) what you will find .

Who was that aimed at?

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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I'm not saying you should be ashamed of the work that you, me and many others do. But the way you put your views over do come over as arrogance and no I don't judge people I don't know, but you are judging people that you don't and never will know and what makes you think we haven't see horrendous things over the years. I take each case as it comes.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I'm not saying you should be ashamed of the work that you, me and many others do. But the way you put your views over do come over as arrogance and no I don't judge people I don't know, but you are judging people that you don't and never will know and what makes you think we haven't see horrendous things over the years. I take each case as it comes.

As did I .
However I should be ashamed of it according to you .


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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Well what a marathon thread this has been, and started by the Queen of the forum too, with huge support from her belly crawlers. If you see a problem cptrayes just report it to the welfare organisation that you think can deal with this situation and be done with it. I have done this with success and the situation was resolved. I never felt the need to discuss my reason for doing so on a public forum.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2013
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Wow... this thread is probably next in line with onesies for a holy war award...

...and how is it started? OP wrote concerns about elderly horse on a horse forum... *jaw hits the floor*


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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I would love to know how passers-by know who the horses they see from the road belong to, whether the horse lives on the owner's land or at livery or where the owner lives. I pass many horses at various times, except for my neighbours, I have no idea where the owner of those horses lives, or even how to get to the entrance of the yard that the horses are on at that time. Apart from the inadvisability of doing so, I wouldn't know where to start to be able to approach the owner of many of them.

Either A) Ask around, someone is bound to know (remember OP Knows this owner OR B) Call the RSPCA there and then as horse is on 3 legs, not come here and post about it and wait til Monday to call someone


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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Wow... this thread is probably next in line with onesies for a holy war award...

...and how is it started? OP wrote concerns about elderly horse on a horse forum... *jaw hits the floor*

No, OP did not just write 'concerns' about an elderly horse, she wrote a very blunt message directed straight at the horse's owner, who may or may not have ever seen this forum - which makes it, at worst, ineffective in solving the problem and at best a very insensitive way of dealing with a potentially difficult issue. Had the post been along the lines of 'I've been seeing this horse for years, I'm now very concerned and planning to seek help on Monday' I doubt it would have got past a couple of pages.
Even some people who basically approve of the OP's concerns have said that they felt the initial post required more tact.

There are people I come across who are exceedingly blunt & are actually proud of it, often using phrases such as 'I tell it like it is' as a sort of justification. Personally I don't like this approach. But as the saying goes, don't give it unless you can take it. To say something as blunt as 'Oy you...get your horse put down' and then object to a backlash is a bit rich.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2013
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......Had the post been along the lines of 'I've been seeing this horse for years, I'm now very concerned and planning to seek help on Monday' I doubt it would have got past a couple of pages.....

mmm... my skeptical mind is in doubt after reading from page 1.

In my short life on the forum I havent made strong opinions about peeps here. Yes, a few already struck sort of "if you say dear, just dont get your knickers on a twist", a few I mostly disagree (but lately seems Im constantly agree...), some who I really enjoy reading, some with really striking nicknames...rest is just a crowd like l am. And honestly there are quite a few pretty arrogant users IMHO but not OP. And reading the thread, I would say its more personal "we have got a chance! get her!!!" thing than the thread itself. I have read threads about yards, YO, somebodys horses, etc. etc. etc... where in some cases you dont have to be a real genius to put 2 and 2 together as to location or specific place. And may be OP is being blunt naming the thread "oi..!" but not everyone is "would you please be so kind to have a slight glance at you dear horsy in his late years..."

ooop-s... and now Im late for work. Gone.


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5 April 2010
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It's ten years plus now since I was involved and then going around nudging owners of old horses was something we did regularly.

Wow!!! what a lovely thing to do:( something we need to think about everyone with older horses once they reach 20's get the bullet out.

No one would ever get anywhere like that with me, they would need to book dental appointment.

I think OP knew this would spark reaction and is now sitting back gloating and enjoying all the replies.

Its one thing to air views of a certain type on a public forum, but they have done nothing to speak to the owner or find out what actually is being done for this poor horse, so dragging this through the mire when the owner is not able to reply. To post this on a large forum like this when they have no knowledge if this owner reads this forum or not is not wise, as If the owner is a member here and reads this they would find out who this is bad mouthing her on the internet and tell H&H and give the OP a well deserved holiday again.

Its one thing a neglected horse without a caring owner, but I gather this horse is on livery in a yard where knowledgeable people are to keep an eye on the situation.

Op should have gone to the yard and spoken to the owner or YO as previously mentioned if she has those concerns and found what exactly is the situation. I have experience of well meaning / interfering people who drag a very stressful / upsetting time into a very distasteful time. Start rumours which tarnish someones reputation, which go from bad to worst and then report someone to WHW. When they know Jack **** what was going on and done for the horse
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
8 May 2014
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Wow!!! what a lovely thing to do:( something we need to think about everyone with older horses once they reach 20's get the bullet out.

No one would ever get anywhere like that with me, they would need to book dental appointment.

Not very tasteful thinking all old horses should be PTS. The way society is going humans will be PTS when they get old.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Not very tasteful thinking all old horses should be PTS. The way society is going humans will be PTS when they get old.
No one has said that ALL old horses should be put to sleep, though some posters seem to be convinced that someone has.

My dear old dad begged to be pts as he approached his end of life. Despite being a doctor himself, and having numerous medics in the family, no one could give him the peace he craved. He had to hang on for his final miserable few months, age 103.

Thank goodness we are able to call time on our animals, at least.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2014
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No one has said that ALL old horses should be put to sleep, though some posters seem to be convinced that someone has.

My dear old dad begged to be pts as he approached his end of life. Despite being a doctor himself, and having numerous medics in the family, no one could give him the peace he craved. He had to hang on for his final miserable few months, age 103.

Thank goodness we are able to call time on our animals, at least.

I am not against people making the choice to end a suffering. It was wrong to use a social media site to attack someone who for all we know could be treating the horse.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Let's assume (dangerous I know), that the call has been made to the relevant authorities by now.

Let's hope the owner has not seen this disrespectful thread, let's hope the owner is in need of guidance rather than elderly, ill or challenged in any other way and let's hope the animal can have it's needs met quickly.

neddy man

Well-Known Member
23 June 2013
south yorkshire
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Let's assume (dangerous I know), that the call has been made to the relevant authorities by now.

Let's hope the owner has not seen this disrespectful thread, let's hope the owner is in need of guidance rather than elderly, ill or challenged in any other way and let's hope the animal can have it's needs met quickly.

superb quote !!!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2012
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If the OP had came on here asking for advice about how to deal with the situation or expressing concerns- I could understand.

But it is unfair to publicly announce such a strong and clearly accusing opinion/thread, when 1, only the OP knows this horse and owner and 2, if the OP is unaware of how the horse is being treated (IF it is), then essentially they could find themselves in hot water (defamation of character, slander etc), particularly if said owner does see the page, and if people on this thread were to become aware of who it was. Sometimes I feel this forum is used as a place for witch hunts.

I undersand that sometimes you have to be the eyes and ears for animals when others turn a blind eye. BUT a well written letter, a call to appropriate BHS/WHW officer etc, or a knock on the door to say 'sorry I don't mean to intrude or alarm you, but I notice your horse is hobbling on three legs- is it ok?' rather than a 'you're horse is arthritic why are you not doing anything- you should be PTS' approach may be worth it.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Wow!!! what a lovely thing to do:( something we need to think about everyone with older horses once they reach 20's get the bullet out.

No one would ever get anywhere like that with me, they would need to book dental appointment.

I think OP knew this would spark reaction and is now sitting back gloating and enjoying all the replies.

Its one thing to air views of a certain type on a public forum, but they have done nothing to speak to the owner or find out what actually is being done for this poor horse, so dragging this through the mire when the owner is not able to reply. To post this on a large forum like this when they have no knowledge if this owner reads this forum or not is not wise, as If the owner is a member here and reads this they would find out who this is bad mouthing her on the internet and tell H&H and give the OP a well deserved holiday again.

Its one thing a neglected horse without a caring owner, but I gather this horse is on livery in a yard where knowledgeable people are to keep an eye on the situation.

Op should have gone to the yard and spoken to the owner or YO as previously mentioned if she has those concerns and found what exactly is the situation. I have experience of well meaning / interfering people who drag a very stressful / upsetting time into a very distasteful time. Start rumours which tarnish someones reputation, which go from bad to worst and then report someone to WHW. When they know Jack **** what was going on and done for the horse

I am curious by what you think I mean by nudging .
Nudging to me means trying to get owners to make changes that made horses lives better .
Nudging them to get proper veterinary advice when a horse was lame and had had no veterinary input for a long time .
Nudging to get owners to follow the advice given by that vet.
Making suggestions like say providing straw to give a dryer standing area little stuff often to make life easier for an old horse.
I would not have made the original post on this thread ,when I was exactly in the same situation earlier this year I called the RSPCA they made they the owner get her vet out and then checked up that horse was being medicated twice afterwards .
The horse was moving about and looking much happier within twenty our hours of the vet coming .
I was glad I called them , loads of people where complaining and talking and saying someone should do something so I did .


Well-Known Member
7 August 2012
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Post a >>>>>>>>> that advert over there post, and you can criticize until the cows come home, post about a genuine welfare concern and your shot down in flames.... HHO never ceases to amaze me!!!

OP I agree with what you have done, and I personally feel that 'personal attack' is the correct term, it or should I say 'they' follow you around like a bad smell!

Kudos for standing up for what you believe in, not many people do in this day and age!


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I would bet my last pound that if this thread was about a travellers horse in that condition, most of the responses would have been a whole lot different.


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30 November 2005
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I would bet my last pound that if this thread was about a travellers horse in that condition, most of the responses would have been a whole lot different.

I don't condone horse cruelty on ANY level, be it a traveller or a famous eventer, I think we all know that wrong is wrong. However, there are ways and means of getting a point across, and this particular approach doesn't seem particularly compassionate.

Had it been me, I would have made an attempt to speak to it's carer in a pleasant and understanding way and express my concerns. How can we expect people to behave with such compassion and kindness to animals when we act in such a vile manner ourselves?


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I don't condone horse cruelty on ANY level, be it a traveller or a famous eventer, I think we all know that wrong is wrong. However, there are ways and means of getting a point across, and this particular approach doesn't seem particularly compassionate.

Had it been me, I would have made an attempt to speak to it's carer in a pleasant and understanding way and express my concerns. How can we expect people to behave with such compassion and kindness to animals when we act in such a vile manner ourselves?

I don't doubt that RTE as you usually come across level headed. However I bet many more of the posts on this thread would have been very different. It does make me laugh how a lot of posters are so quick to jump to the defence of 'normal' horse owners yet be it a traveller then they would be up in arms and setting up a FB 'rescue' appeal and finding out who has a lorry and stable to go and 'collect' it...

That being said, I am not saying I don't agree with many points made on this thread - interesting points from both side of the coin


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Blimey, I'm surprised at the number of people who would go wandering around on private land, up lonely lanes to knock on the door of a house in the middle of nowhere. For a start, I would be worried about large dogs that may not take kindly to strangers just wandering around, not to mention the not too welcoming reception you might get!

I agree that reporting to the correct authority would be the best option, but I really do understand why the OP decided to tackle it in the way that she did.