Paranormal activity???

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
Safely tucked away...
A few years ago we lived in a house that was known to have "someone else living there" The "someone else" was the doctor who lived there and was responsible for the TB hospital down the valley. The patients used to come up to the house to work because the air was supposedly so clean up there. One of the things they did was to build the walls surrounding the land. It was really unusual because it looked like a castle wall with big topping stones. My OH and I couldn't move one of those together as fit healthy people so the mind boggles if you were not totally sound of wind!!!!:eek: :eek:

When we first moved in I had a strange feel about the house. Not uncomfortable exactly, just different. The cat we had then WOULD NOT settle. He was petrified. (This was before I knew anything about the house - not being from the local area) Just as a long shot, one evening, I sat i the kitchen and "had a chat" Basically saying that if there was anyone there, not to worry. We loved the house as much as they must have. That we were a family and that included the cat. Please could they leave the cat alone. That night the OH remarked how much calmer Sam was... I never felt scared or worried. The next door neighbour (what used to be the servants cottage) used to tell me that they used to hear children playing upstairs as though they were playing with wheeled toys across a wooden floor. She would go upstairs ad her own kids were asleep.

You would also regularly feel a cold draught go through a blocked up doorway (in what was the lounge) into the cottage.

One day when me and OH were sitting in the lounge, on 2 different chairs, we both looked over to the door at the same time and I even said "Oh so you have come down to join us then" thinking it was the cat that we had recently taken in. He had been a very anti-social as had been through a lot before he came to live with us.

There was nothing there. But we both swore that we saw a black cat come in the door and walk behind the sofa! We concluded that it must have been Cleo, my little (also black) cat that I lost a year before to FIV. OH said he saw her a few times after that. It was almost like she was just checking on Milo and that once she knew things were ok, she left. :(


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Okay, I have a few spooky things.

My Mum says she has seen a few things.
An ex-boyfriend of mine died from a heart defect, we had split up a few years before, were both young, nothing serious, but I went to his funeral. The day after he died I think (long time ago) my Dad and I went out. When we returned, Mum was really upset and in tears. She said she had seen him. She had heard the back door, and turned to look thinking it was us arriving, then had seen the figure of him walk past the frosted glass panel that seperated the lounge from the dining room. That really freaked me out, as she went and investigated and there was no-one there!

She has heard the cat's bell a few times, and so have I, and when we lost our first cat a few days later I felt him jump on the bed, which was really comforting.

Apart from hearing the cats bell and feeling him on the bed, I have not really seen anything, but have in the corner of my eyes, If you know what I mean, but I have predicted deaths/illness through dreams. I dreamt of our cat and knew it was not good. I phoned my Mum and asked her what was wrong with the cat, and she said how do I know, and I said I dreamt about her. Mum said she had gone to the vets and they think she may have kidney problems. A few weeks later she was pts :-(
The other one was our shetland. I dreamt about him and he had to be pts the next day :-(
I don't normally dream about any of our animals, so know when I have had a bad dream and that it may mean something.

I will try to think of more spooky stuff.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2003
East Sussex
A few years ago I lived on the tiny Italian island of Procida, on the island there is an old prison that was abandoned. Me, my boyfriend and an italian guy we were mates with managed to get in through the fence and have a look around.
It was so eerie, there was definitely a horrible atmosphere there, we went to the old chapel and looked in the guards hut at the end of the exercise area, there still was the book where they signed out the guns and stuff and I'm sure the last date was 1988.

We went into the cells, and I was terrified. I had this awful feeling that the door would shut and lock us in there. I was too scared to stay in there but too scared to wait outside, never been so scared in my life.
We were someone's cell that had pictures of horses on the wall and letters that had been written to him on his bedside table along with his knife, fork and spoon! It was like someone just said one day everybody out and they left all their things behind!

Nothing happened but the whole place was spooky and the lads wanted to go there at night!!
We went back again but where we got in the fence had been repaired.


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7 September 2009
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First my mum has always said to me that I must never ever do a ouija board and I never have but she refused to tell me why when I was younger. I could tell it was something bad as she was genuinely petrified and begged me not to do it.

Mine too, but I didn't listen :(

A group of girls at my secondary school made one and took it out onto the school playing fields one lunchtime. We were lying belly down playing with it and contacted someone called Julie. We all agreed not to ask when/how we would die or who would die first, that sort of thing.

One girl asked her "where are you now?" and I swear, we watched it spell out 'underneath you' :eek:

We have never ran so fast or screamed so loud. A few of the girls had a really hard time mentally after this - would never touch one again.

Mums know best! :(


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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Whan I was about 13 (maybe a bit younger I'm not sure) the courtyard where the horses stables were were behind the house. I'd popped out, pretty late, to check they were OK for hay before going to bed, and I was convinced our horse Twit (yes, his name was Twit) said 'hello' to me. I could swear that he whispered quite loudly 'hello'.

I ran into the house, and my parents came out to check, but no one was there.

This worried me for years, as it was so clear. However now I think about it, and look back more logically, I think the night it happened was windy, and we kept the hay behind Twits stable, which would have been covered by a tarpauling. I think the wind must have rustled the tarpauling and made it sound like the horse was whispering to me. LOL :D

Usually there's a rational reason for everything :D


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Not Ghostly but Sometimes i think of stuff and it happens!!! Same as my mum and gran!

In February i was getting on great in a job and loved it, one night i had a dream i was made redundant...the next day i was made redundant!

I hadnt spoken to a school friend for years and years, a couple of days later she added me on Facebook and moved back from Australia.

This time last year I had a horrible feeling Ayla was going to injure herself...when i went up the stables the next day she had torn her hock to bits.

There`s lots more just nothing really big....just little stuff like seeing someone i havent seen for a while, a certain letter coming etc
Its not like a think of something and it happens, i just have random dreams or something will pop into my head all of a sudden and that happens!!!

A few weeks ago my mum had a dream that a cousin in Ireland was taken Ill, she had a phonecall the next day to say he`d died in the night!

My nan seen her mothers face in a cross in church and had a phonecall to say her mother was seriously ill.

I dont tend to think of good things happening which i quite win would be awesome!!!

My OH calls me a witch lol


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7 February 2008
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We live in a fairly "interesting" house. I suppose it does not help that both my husband and myself are a bit prone to this kind of thing anyhow, but this house has really amplified it. Before we moved here I woke up one morning panicking that it was not safe for him to go to work as it was not safe to travel. I just had a bad feeling and was worried he would have a car accident. As it turns out I was fairly far off the mark, but not completely wrong as this discussion took place at 8am on 9/11. At that point we were open minded sceptics, & then we moved house.

We moved here about seven years ago. On the first day our elderly neighbour said that she was so glad the other people had moved out as they had been terrorizing her. They were very odd and played tricks on her, sneaking in the house to change all the times on her clocks, messing with her car radio so it turned on as she went past our house (still does this in her 3rd car she has now had), and moving things in her house. She also said that both sons camped out in the garden when back from uni and did not sleep in the house "that tent was an eyesore". Needless to say I no longer think they were the ones playing the tricks. As we were decorating that first week the paintbrushes kept leaving the pots and landing at my feet. At that point my OH joked if "they" towed the line and did not scare us they could stay...

They seem to be kind of caretakers of the house. One house sitter left two empty drinks cans out in the lounge and went to bed without tidying up. In the morning he found his cans lined up on landing windowsill right outside his room. TBH if it was my OH I would have done the same so they know my "tidy rules"! Another who we had ask them to be "nice to" as a kind of joking parting when we left for holiday. She arrived and unpacked and there was nothing unusual. When she went back to her room later in the evening she found the bedside light on and a comb and rosary set out for her on the table...

We have seen teaspoons whizzing round in cups like someone is making a drink, I have had a hoover pulled backwards sharply when it was about to fall down the stairs on my head (not a flex cord one so no real explanation there), things move generally, things we are looking for can be put out in very prominent places such as the middle of the floor when we next enter a room, window blinds fixed, showers turn on, pages left open in books, people talking in our room waking us both up at the same time, low whispers in your ear. It never has felt threatening though. My dog plays with someone, we often enter the kitchen as she is putting her toy down at "someone's" feet and is looking up at them to get them to play. The cats also stare at things that are not there often at about the time we feel funny drafts or see kind of fuzzyness on the landing.

About a year ago when decorating I noticed some funny symbols carved in one of the beams. I looked them up and got a result for wicca at that I stopped looking as I was not sure I wanted to know...I am just happy to live with them while they cause no trouble and not rile them. I think TBH on some level I'd miss them if everything went quiet. My Mum has always been a bit funny discussing anything like this as she is Catholic and has been brought up to be scared. However a couple of years ago she admitted the reason we had moved house when I was four was that I had told them about an old lady that came and tucked me up in bed, seemingly I had described the elderly neighbour who had died a few years prior. Makes me wonder if it is the houses or just some people who are prone to it???


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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Not spooky as such, but a few years ago I dreamt about my gran who used to take my hand when I was wee, the press 50p in my hand once she got me home safely. In my dream I was grown up and my gran took my hand and told me I'd be safe then pressed 50p into my hand, two days later the nursing home called, my gran had died. I'm sure it was her coming to say cheerio.

I'm sure my flat is haunted too, nothing specific just sometimes you get a feeling someone is watching over everything. I have been told by a psychic I have someone called John looking after me but for some reason I think the ghost in my flat is an old women, I think is fairly stern with me too, sometimes it feels bad, other times more comforting. or maybe I'm just mental!


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1 December 2006
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Ok, here's another of my experiences. While I was buying my house I dossed at a friend's for a few weeks. She had a glass door from the lounge into the kitchen (frosted glass). I kept thinking, while I was watching TV, that out of the corner of right eye I had seen a shadow passing by the glass door. At first I assumed it was a reflection from the TV but I also saw it when I was just reading the paper and the TV was switched off. One day I said to her, I know this is silly but is this house haunted? She said have you been seeing the person who walks by in the kitchen? The house was only built in the 60s or 70s and it would have been open fields before then. It wasn't frightening and we didn't notice anything else that seemed odd. The cats didn't seem to notice anything at all. I suppose it could have been caused by cars driving past outside but the blinds of the kitchen windows were usually closed and it didn't happen often enough to tie in with traffic.


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5 April 2007
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I used to live i an old pub when I was a child - it dated back to Oliver Cromwell times. That place scared the life out of me on a regular basis. I used to see figures shoot acorss the landing, I would feel hands on my shoulders in bed at night, one night they were around my neck so i shouted at it to leave me alone, and whatever it was did. Loud footsteps would reverberate off the public bar walls complete with an icy cold wind. Glasses and chairs would move and I would sense a darkness there. I hated it.

Consequently my first response is to be very afraid about stuff like this! My Dad felt stuff too. When my Granddad died, at the cremation, his daughter jumped up and touched the coffin before it was taken behind the curtain, at that point I got a blinding pain in my head and a voice said 'tell her I am alright'.

I have lived in a house that had a wonderful feeling about it, which was such a relief after being afraid for so long in the pub.

I know my Dad protects me now.


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18 October 2009
Tipperary, Ireland
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I blame the time of year. spooks are coming out for halloween!!!

I was watching tele on saturday night and nipped to kitchen to put kettle on when i came back the tele was on pause, Hmmm Strange as i dont remember pausing it. Went back into kitchen 2-3 mins later and know that the tele was still on as i was listening too it as walked to kitchen came back in a few mins later and it was paused again!! Decided to leave the cuppa and opened a bottle of wine as was in on my own.

Thats exactly what I would have done, I have shivers now, just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!


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23 June 2008
The independant state of Yorkshire
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We've had loads of stuff happen in our current house....its not very old....1940's. OH's family are very psychic, and I've been told I have the ability...I am very intrigued but I do get a bit scared and shut it off so I guess I'm not very 'open' really.

Our daughter is now 8.....from her being very young she has 'seen' family members come and visit us...people she has never met or seen pictures of but can describe quite clearly. We used to have a little girl come and see my daughter- we don't know who she is but apparantly was attracted to my daughter because she knew she could be seen. It did get bothersome though....we would hear footsteps on the landing, quite loudly- running about. When you would go up to tell the kids asleep and dribbling lol. Electrical stuff would switch on and off- new wiring as well. Doors open and close - no amount of jumping on floorboards or wafting of windows could reproduce it. Daughters lightshade would get all tangled up ( it has dangly flowers on and cannot be reached by a small child, even standing on her bed)...daughter used to get fed up of this, apparantly the little girl would come and fiddle with it. Daughter used to have loads of beads hanging from her bedroom door-knob and you could hear someone quite clearly jangling and fiddling with them. She ( the 'ghost') would also stand behind my son sticking her tongue out and pulling faces at him and laugh because he couldnt see her......Eventually I had to stand in my daughters bedroom and ask her to stop coming so often .....the visits did tail off and we havent heard her for a while.

Both me and OH used to feel something at the bottom of the stairs- neither said anything to the other for a was a feeling of being watched. The lounge door was a very old fashioned one with glass panels and we would see quite clearly the shape of a man walking down the there:eek:

Daughter came into the kitchen one day to say that Auntie P had just come in through the front door.......she had died a few days prior to that. Daughter is very matter of fact about it.....for a long while she didnt realise that we didn't see what she was seeing:)

Also......when I was doing my nurse training on a night shift on a old ward, we saw one of the patients going into the loo ( a man). He wasn't supposed to be up and about as he was on a cardiac monitor. So I went to tell him to get into bed and I would bring him a wee-bottle. Only he wasn't in the loo.....the monitor alarmed at the moment I realised he wasn't there ....he had had a cardiac arrest and was still in his bed:eek:


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1 December 2006
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I can't help but say, that to the sceptics who say it is all down to overimagination, draughts, mass hysteria, attention-seeking, auto-suggestion, downright lies, there are an awful lot of perfectly sane, ordinary people,many of whom are almost too embarrassed to relate their experiences to others for fear of ridicule, who clearly have heard or seen, felt or otherwise sensed something which logically cannot be. A lady I met in hospital told me many stories of her life as a locum publican, running pubs when the usual publican was on holiday, or had left and not yet been permanently replaced. On one occasion she heard the old-fashioned overhead toilet cistern flush when she was completely alone. She went upstairs and the chain was gently swinging. ANYONE who has ever used such a toilet knows what an utterly distinctive sound they make. You just couldn't mistake it for something else. In the same pub she was using the washbasin when she saw in the mirror a man standing behind her. She was so scared she didn't move to turn around to confront him but as she looked at his reflection she said it was as if someone took a thick black pen and scribbled over him and he disappeared. Why would anyone make that sort of statement up? Interestingly, quite a few years later I read an account of someone who saw an soldier in old-fashioned uniform walking along a dark country lane. He was thinking of offering a lift as the weather was very bad when he described the soldier as being like an image in a puddle and fragmenting and disappearing as if someone had disturbed the water. Can you see the similarity? A girl I used to work with did evenings in a very ancient pub with Civil War connections. They had awful problems with the gas to the barrels in the cellar being turned off. She said they would go downstairs, turn the gas back on and it was off again before they had got back to the bar!
Finally, one more of my own experiences. I used to live in a ground floor flat which had been built on to the back of an Edwardian house, the whole house being divvied up into flats and bedsits. I regularly would misplace things like my wallet, keys etc, usually when I was in a hurry to go out (typical!) and they would turn up in really odd places, or somewhere I had already checked 5 minutes before. One day I was due to drive to a particular field to go camping in Wales and being a lone traveller, I wrote down the route so that I could stick it to the steering wheel and glance at as and when. I'd done all but the very last stage and put the piece of paper and the big book I was using to lean on, down on the floor beside my foot, with the pen on top, so that I could watch the TV news. When I leaned down to pick up the paper etc to finish the job the pen was completely gone. I looked under the chair, under the seat cushion etc but there was no sign of it so I got another pen and carried on. Then I put it all down on the floor again when I was finished. A while later it was bedtime so I went to pick up the paper and there it was with both pens sat side by side on top! I regularly used to speak out loud to my "Boggart" and ask it to d*mn well give me back what it had nicked and in fact it accompanied me on that trip as it hid my car keys at the bottom of my sleeping bag one day while I was away from my tent. I had the last laugh though as I'd taken a spare set! Fortunately it obviously didn't like me THAT much as when I moved a few miles away, it didn't move with me!! I would be insulted if someone said I was mistaken, lying or whatever. I have a science degree and while I can't see any good reason why ghosts should exist, I also know that we don't have the answers for everything and am proud to say I have an open mind.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2006
there are an awful lot of perfectly sane, ordinary people,many of whom are almost too embarrassed to relate their experiences to others for fear of ridicule

I've met several people who seemed to be quite relieved to be able to tell someone their ghost stories, once they realise I'm interested in the subject...

I haven't had that many ghost experiences myself, but a few years ago I moved into a new house and when I was sitting watching TV I would feel a cold spot start to develop near my left arm. I lost a bit of weight and had to buy a belt to stop my jeans falling off, I hung the belt on the hook on the back of my living room door ... in the evening while I was watching TV I'd feel the cold spot, then start to get this urge to wrap the new belt around my neck and hang myself with it - I never did! This went on for weeks, until I threw the belt in the bin. The urge to hang myself stopped, and I didn't notice the cold spot so much.


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18 November 2005
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This might be the perfect postscript for this thread.

I intended to post about a strange experience I had while in Bermuda.

Thing is, I wrote out the anecdote, only to be timed out of the log in - which has never happened before. Then it happened again. Then I tried typing message in Notepad and saving it. When I went back to copy it into the message box, the text was deleted.

So I took the hint.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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OMG I went to see Paranormal Activity 2!!!!! Its FAR better than the first one.... a must see :D lol :D

I watched the first one last night, on my own, oooooohh, so scary! I sleep nearest the door too, and it took me ages to get to sleep, trying to remind myself it was not real.
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Well-Known Member
27 August 2008
Perth, Australia
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My best friend (Katy) grew up in a house with her Mum and 2 sisters which was certainly haunted. From a very young age her older sister would play with a little girl who was scared of the TV and was fascinated by looking at the cars outside as they didn't have them in her time. I have heard childrens footsteps running up and down the second floor corridor and seen the figure of a woman in the house. A photograph which was taken of the family stood on the front doorstep of the house shows a small girl with her hand on the older sisters shoulder.

Whatever these spirits are they acted as protectors to my friend and her family. When Katy was 6 or 7 her mother was in bed asleep. She woke up to a woman whispering, "Fire, fire, fire," in her ear. She got up, went to the childrens room and found Katy had a dangerously high temperature and was very ill. Older sister had an abusive boyfriend in her late teens who awoke to the sensation of a woman lying on top of him with her hands round his throat. He as 6'5" and ran from the house screaming! Alcoholic Uncle described exactly the same thing.

Whilst I am in no doubt the house was haunted I never felt threatened but was very aware something else was in the house. Interesting that the house is on Boggart Lane, an old name for a supernatural spirit. We often wondered whether it was the fact that there were 4 women in the house that attracted these protector spirits.

Can't recall the name of the poster who is thinking about having her house cleansed. My mother is very sensitive and is sure that a house near us is what she calls a "dark house". It seems it is always up for sale, at least every 6 months the sign goes back up, but from the outside is a beautiful house in a lovely area. My Mum won't say any more other than that there are "things" in there that people cannot live with! Poor Mum also gets called a witch! We have viewed many houses before as a family that she has walked in, said no, and walked straight out again just due to the feel in the house.