Please please sign


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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Can anyone please sign the attached petition. I know a lot of happy hackers are on this forum. Hacking isn’t great where I live. And a popular route which I have used for 20 years has been closed due to the new out of town owners. Their house sits next to an ancient lovely lane. They have put shingle over lane entrance and blocked with gates and locked them. CCTV cameras up. The council are aware but 16 months on .. have done very little. The owner is very aggressive and has even tried to run dog walkers over in her car. The local paper are now involved and are taking photos next week of me on my horse. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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Even if it's not a bridleway or a footpath on a map is it down as a boat (byway open to all traffic) on the councils highways website, have you looked on the highways website, on the land register it would show on the deeds if the owners have to allow access.
The land registry shows her boundary ends outside her front door. So the lane is not hers. At the bottom of the lane which goes on for a long way .. there used to be a house. Which burnt down yonks ago. The lane was missed off the 1970’s register to be a byway. No one knows who the lane belongs to. Council put up yellow notices but Michelle tore them down. Twice. The school used to ran it for cross country in the 1960’s to 1980’s. It’s been used for generations. The council are dragging their heels. The local paper ran an article last week to high light. If you try and climb over the gate she comes out and uses some very colourful language. And will chase you. Sometimes in her car. It’s so awful.

Merry neddy man

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23 June 2013
south yorkshire
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The land register must show who it is registered to. Could a solicitor issue a letter to the council to get her to remove the gates (could they be removed when she is out? == check for cameras) if she is physical towards you when riding on land she does not own it needs videoing and presenting to the police as well as reporting to them at the time. More local papers local radio and local TV. Is there a local pony /riding club that can do mass rides on it with local papers radio and TV present.what is your parish council doing about it?


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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The land register must show who it is registered to. Could a solicitor issue a letter to the council to get her to remove the gates (could they be removed when she is out? == check for cameras) if she is physical towards you when riding on land she does not own it needs videoing and presenting to the police as well as reporting to them at the time. More local papers local radio and local TV. Is there a local pony /riding club that can do mass rides on it with local papers radio and TV present.what is your parish council doing about it?
it doesn’t appear to belong to anyone. Hence the yellow notices the council put up. Which she turned down. The police were called when she tried to run Laura over. They have her a warning. Council are dragging heels. Local councillor Peter Beer won’t get involved. Hence why we contacted the local paper. They ran a piece in the Suffolk free press. The council are sitting in October apparently but if she objects. Which she will. It then apparently goes to Secretary of State. Yes .. cameras up everywhere. She doesn’t work and think there is a trip as she comes flying out as soon as you ride down. I was able at a push to lean over and push the gate open while she shouted ‘hope you fall off and die’. But last week it was chained up.


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27 July 2010
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I have signed, but I think for your meeting you need written evidence, so go to as many people as possible and get them to write how and when they used it, it will have more value than people who do not know the area. It's better, than just saying X has used it.
Also have a look on google earth, you can go back in time look at past photos, you may be even lucky and find a shot of someone riding or walking the byway.
It cost very little to look on the Land Registry, property that has been held by the same person from before the Register may not be on, so it may be worth contacting people who you may think own the surrounding land, local Church Trusts are ones that own pockets of land, and see if they have any documents.
You may have already done this, but contact the local BHS bridleways officer or even form your own bridleways group and get insurance, the more official you can make yourself look the better. Look how if fits in with their local plan, if they are keen on cyclists, see if you can enlist their help.
We have the same sort of neighbour, and we have a drainage bank at the back of our houses that everyone uses, for walking and riding, and she doesn't like certain people using it, has put chains across, which were cut, and even though it's owned by the Drainage Board and has Bylaws governing its use she seems to think its part of her garden. The police have been called, on one occasion, always wear a body cam and go in twos, keep yourself safe. Start fundraising, because it could end up in court.


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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Have you tried getting hold of everyone on the council? Town, Parish and County (if you have all of those)?
Nadine from the council was unformed 16 months ago. They said the wheels turn very slowly. They did put notices up asking who owned the lane. But Michelle ripped them down. Local MP Peter Beer said not getting involved ! Local paper taking photos of myself and other riders on Wednesday standing on the main road. We dare not go to the house as she is very aggressive. And will drive her car at you.


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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I have signed, but I think for your meeting you need written evidence, so go to as many people as possible and get them to write how and when they used it, it will have more value than people who do not know the area. It's better, than just saying X has used it.
Also have a look on google earth, you can go back in time look at past photos, you may be even lucky and find a shot of someone riding or walking the byway.
It cost very little to look on the Land Registry, property that has been held by the same person from before the Register may not be on, so it may be worth contacting people who you may think own the surrounding land, local Church Trusts are ones that own pockets of land, and see if they have any documents.
You may have already done this, but contact the local BHS bridleways officer or even form your own bridleways group and get insurance, the more official you can make yourself look the better. Look how if fits in with their local plan, if they are keen on cyclists, see if you can enlist their help.
We have the same sort of neighbour, and we have a drainage bank at the back of our houses that everyone uses, for walking and riding, and she doesn't like certain people using it, has put chains across, which were cut, and even though it's owned by the Drainage Board and has Bylaws governing its use she seems to think its part of her garden. The police have been called, on one occasion, always wear a body cam and go in twos, keep yourself safe. Start fundraising, because it could end up in court.
hi. Yes .. locals wrote to the council. Think over one hundred saying they have used the lane for generations. We have video evidence of her behaviour. The council are bloody useless.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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hi. Yes .. locals wrote to the council. Think over one hundred saying they have used the lane for generations. We have video evidence of her behaviour. The council are bloody useless.

You need someone with a tractor….

Anyway, this is just the sort of thing your local mp should be getting involved in. Tell them to get their backside in to gear!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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hi. Yes .. locals wrote to the council. Think over one hundred saying they have used the lane for generations. We have video evidence of her behaviour. The council are bloody useless.
This is why you support of the BHS, they have the knowledge to format the information, so it's more difficult for the council to ignore, and how to present the case.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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If it is a byway as stated on the petition, you could report it as an obstruction on your local highways reporting webpage. If you can get several people to do it, that will help speed things along.

If you can prove 20 years of continuous use, you should be able to get it reopened anyway. I would speak to the BHS Access team (they can forward it to the appropriate access officer) to help you tackle the right people, they know what they're doing and are quite tenacious. Really, if it is being blocked by gates and is a PRoW, highways have a responsibility to get it unblocked.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2014
The wild west.
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Nadine from the council was unformed 16 months ago. They said the wheels turn very slowly. They did put notices up asking who owned the lane. But Michelle ripped them down. Local MP Peter Beer said not getting involved ! Local paper taking photos of myself and other riders on Wednesday standing on the main road. We dare not go to the house as she is very aggressive. And will drive her car at you.
Go to her house making sure you take the local reporter with you next wednesday.....make sure he gets lots of pictures and audio.

Also signed.


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Nadine from the council was unformed 16 months ago. They said the wheels turn very slowly. They did put notices up asking who owned the lane. But Michelle ripped them down. Local MP Peter Beer said not getting involved ! Local paper taking photos of myself and other riders on Wednesday standing on the main road. We dare not go to the house as she is very aggressive. And will drive her car at you.

Which council? County council? If you have a Parish or Town council you will generally get a much better response


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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have you contacted these? ie the link (statute law part way down the page)
It sounds as if you need more than locals sending letters to the council more a body with knowledge of the law and procedures to represent you. BHS, bike organisations and any others. You need representation at the council meeting. Is there anyone in your community who could do this? There was a objection to planning in our area and one of the objections came from a resident land agent. It was amazing the detail and structure in his objections. Act, chapter and verse. Anyone similar in your area? solicitor with a horsey wife? :D

what are farmers doing if they want to drive down to their fields?
she is blocking the lane but what is she claiming? that she owns the lane? all of it? on what grounds is she claiming there is no access.

I wouldn't have a mass trespass but small groups all with body cams to make sure they are kept safe and call the police for each incident. One group every couple of hours. Even if they have been called before the message clearly needs reinforcing that she cannot threaten to harm people.

if you put her name and address on here someone may be able to find out if she has "form" on google. Always good to know your enemy. :D


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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have you contacted these? ie the link (statute law part way down the page)
It sounds as if you need more than locals sending letters to the council more a body with knowledge of the law and procedures to represent you. BHS, bike organisations and any others. You need representation at the council meeting. Is there anyone in your community who could do this? There was a objection to planning in our area and one of the objections came from a resident land agent. It was amazing the detail and structure in his objections. Act, chapter and verse. Anyone similar in your area? solicitor with a horsey wife? :D

what are farmers doing if they want to drive down to their fields?
she is blocking the lane but what is she claiming? that she owns the lane? all of it? on what grounds is she claiming there is no access.

I wouldn't have a mass trespass but small groups all with body cams to make sure they are kept safe and call the police for each incident. One group every couple of hours. Even if they have been called before the message clearly needs reinforcing that she cannot threaten to harm people.

if you put her name and address on here someone may be able to find out if she has "form" on google. Always good to know your enemy. :D
. The lane was used by various farmers for over one hundred years. It’s quite over grown. You can’t drive down there. Billy does .. to feed his horses. Think he’s going the other end if the lane now. Mrs M Barker Knott. The owners have been using the lane in their off road dirt bike! So they can use it. But no one else. D386BA59-E300-4F60-869E-351F5D7B4A2C.jpeg84E23E34-E8F4-4F2E-8DDD-86A1A2C59F59.png