Well quite. Off the subject, please could you remove the adverts from your sig? Admin issued another reminder today and are threatening to withdraw the sig facility.
Well hope all are happy now. Jade is out which in some peoples eyes will just prove they were right i.e. Jade got evicted coz she's a racist (however if Jade had stayed in what's the betting that the whole of Britain would have been branded racists?). Just one question? Why hasn't Shilpa been called into the diary room to discuss if her calling others 'White trash' was a racist comment and been reminded that BB won't tollerate racism? Opps sorry 2nd question Why is the media so influenced by comments from people who haven't even watched BB.
It was never racism just bullying which obviously is bad in itself but call a spade a spade....
My gran is coloured and she faced racism when she came to Britain - and I can tell you she would love to have had just what Shilpa had! lol some people dont know what racism IS! x
I have never watched Big Brother and only know what I see on the news. Jade comes across as thick and as such I think she has been exploited by the media that are now calling her. Shilpa herself says she does NOT think any of it was rascist.
I do think that Jade has the manners of a pig and a mouth the size of a train. The show have put her there to add spice and she certainly did that for them. She is clearly not educated in the sense that she speaks before thinking and says it how it is in her own perspective.
I would have thought after having a good few years in the public eye that Jade would have learnt a few things. Bearing in mind that she has her own agent and staff, I dont feel in the least bit sorry for her. She is a product of her own making and should never have gone on the show again. Her advisers and friends warned her against it, knowing her tendancy to shoot her mouth off and loose her temper at any given moment.
Jade knows what she is doing and is very aware of her big mouth, so in this respect I have no pity for her.
As for the race issue, Jade has been dragged into an arena that has been a public bubbling pot that needed the slightest excuse to boil over. Her comments were not aimed at race, this is clear.l
What is has done has given the media the excuse to flare up a row that has been waiting to happen.
As for Sheilpa, she is an actress. That statement says a lot in itself. Who is the real Sheilpa? none of us would ever know that. She has gone on that show to revive a flagging career and enter into the uk arena. In her defense she has conducted herself well which shows an extremely strong charactor.
I do not like any form of bullying and feel that this particular show has brought out some horrible traits in people. I think a group of adults who cant behave themselves is a disgrace. The row over food was pathetic and demoncracy was called for. Who cares as long as you get fed, its short term and no cause for huge rows.
I feel that Jade has been used, we are all aware that she is of low IQ, however she had her advisers and now she will have to reap what she has sown.
If she had been white this would not have made the news. It is definitely not racism, and to call it such demeans the serious issue that real racism can be.
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Sorry...havnt got time to read the whole thread of replies, but this is exactly what i wanted to say! I totally aggree...if it was, for example, a black man or woman saying things to a white man or women it would be classed as racism. It buggs me. Its not racism, just happens to be that the person who is disliked by the group of girls is not white or british. If Shilpa was white, it wouldnt be called racism, it would be ignored and put down to the fact that they simply dont get along.
Its a farce IMO..Jade has done no more than than plenty of other CBB contestants. Barrymore/Jodie Marsh, Pete Burns/Tracey Whatserface. Now she'll be paraded about to grovel and apologise for the next goodness knows how long..people coming out of the woodwork to say what a nasty, racist person she is in real life blah, blah, blah...even her own grandmother... sad how so many jump on the bandwagon...
What was in C4s best interests: to stoke the publicity or call Goody to order??
A cynical solution - of sorts - was found: mainpulation. making a mockery of the pretence that there is no direction of the contestants from outside, it appears Goody was warned off camera to rein in her vitriol. Shetty was lure into denying she was the victim of racist attacks. A ghastly hug was acted out; and Goody was voted out of the house by 82% of vierwers on friday might.
That was not all, however. Derek laud, a popular black former contestant on BB, says he was asked by a senior exec at Endemol to say publicly that Goody had not been racist. laud is furious at the way C4 manipulated Goodys exit. "It was completely contrived and the antithesis of reality TV" he said.
Another former contestant added: "It is absolutely disgraceful. I doubt we can trust the honesty of C4 any more. Their morals are in doubt"
Tomorrow the board of C4 will discuss the future of the show. Lord Puttnam, the deputy chairman, and other board members are said to want it shut down. They feel its appeal has diminished to such an extent that it is only managing to retain viewers by courting controversy. "Left to its own devices.....it seems to be dying on its feet" one board member told the Sunday Times yesterday.
Reality may at last have caught up with Big Brother.
If she had been white this would not have made the news. It is definitely not racism, and to call it such demeans the serious issue that real racism can be.
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Sorry...havnt got time to read the whole thread of replies, but this is exactly what i wanted to say! I totally aggree...if it was, for example, a black man or woman saying things to a white man or women it would be classed as racism. It buggs me. Its not racism, just happens to be that the person who is disliked by the group of girls is not white or british. If Shilpa was white, it wouldnt be called racism, it would be ignored and put down to the fact that they simply dont get along.
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yes, I agree there too. Jade was put in that house because she is one of those people who will say what they think. danielle, Jo and Jade, all the same age, same celebrity friends, of course shilpa was going to be a bit of a goosberry. But BB wanted that, they wanted the arguments, and the 'bullying', but it has just blown up in their faces.
Jade has been well and truly used by BB. Afterall, it was they who 'made' her, and now her demise.
I haven't seen BB as I live abroad but have heard all about it. Aparently there was a Dispatches ?? programme on Ch 4?? with secret cameras in mosques and that was mega racism - promoting jiihad etc etc but was given absolutely no promotion or discussion. Oh dear, am I being discriminatory cos I mentioned mosques?
PS if you want un-PC be one of only 3 girls in a large racing yard with 20 or so lads - if you want to survive the job then you dont whinge sexual harrassment or whatever - and then they learn to respect you and its great as they all look after you like a sister
In the UK you can say what you want about white people in as discriminatory fashion as you want, and nobody will raise an eyebrow. Say something which could, if you twisted it out of all context, possibly be insulting to anyone of colour or who is a Muslim, and the PC mob are down on you like a ton of bricks. Abu Hamza was known to be making anti-British and anti-establishment speeches, yet was left alone for months to get on with it. There is no doubt that racism is a serious issue, and nobody should be insulted, threatened or denied work or housing because of their colour - but that should apply equally to all colours.