Riding has became a chore


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12 July 2010
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Please don't tell me I'm being ungrateful and many people would love to have Andy but honestly I'm struggling to have the motivation to ride him.

I just want to have a nice hack/ schooling session where I don't need to worry he will spook/ buck/ nap/ run off and my mum can feel happy that I'll get back in one piece. I do enjoy the quirkyness sometimes but I'm just struggling with it. The bucking is getting worse and so is the spooking. The jogging is doing my head in although that is getting better.

I feel so bad in writing this but I just wish that sometimes I had something sane and sensible to ride and I honestly think that I have ruined a nice pony. :(

Sorry for very pointless post but what do you do when riding has become a chore?

hunting mad

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19 May 2010
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What you have achieved with Andi in such a short time is very good.Remember that it takes along time to form a bond with a horse.Its taken me a year to feel the trust build up between me and my riding mare.
Maybe you could give yourself some time out from riding....there is no rule to say you have to ride a horse,just because you own one.You can do other things with him....free school him,lunge etc?


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7 July 2007
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I know how you feel Kokopell. Ive lost the enthusiasm too and Im not having a great time with yards at the moment.


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3 September 2010
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OK so we might have different reasons for our horse's 'misbehaving' but i was in the exact same position a few months ago. I was so frustrated and nervous that the thought of riding Mr B out made me cry, although i adored being around him and being near him made me happy, it was just the going for a hack that made me nearly stop. Being around him and getting to know him better, and vice versa, helped. You need to trust each other.
I'm glad i didn't give him up as now it is different. I still get worried that it will start again but try not to let that take over as that can help to cause it.

If you stick with it there will be a day that it all falls into place and you wonder what the fuss was about. It's easy to get fed up with it all but it's so rewarding when you come through the other side.


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Sorry, you don't say how old you are? BUT I think its sounding like you need some help with your horse PDQ.

Don't struggle on alone anymore; these behavioural problems CAN be sorted and there are experts out there who can help you, but first (if you haven't done it already) I'd be inclined to firstly have some investigations as often bucking etc can be a sign that the horse is in pain.

Then, you might like to consider going back to basics and doing some groundwork with your horse rather than riding where you're both getting in an argument; some groundwork in a rope halti will do far more good and help you both to bond, but again, I think you need some help with this and some pointers as to how to go about it.

TBH - and to be brutally blunt; if you're not either prepared or in a situation to get some help with your horse, you'd be better off getting rid and finding something more suitable. I don't think however that you've "ruined" your pony/horse, its simply that you haven't get found a right way of getting the best out of him, and this is where skilled help comes in, to look at both of you and way you react and find a way forward for both of you.

Good luck.


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2 January 2009
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Take a step back and see if it really is getting worse or if you are just having a bad couple of days.

Also, are you getting into a bit of the 'testing each other out' stage? There is a point where you will start to ask each other questions to test the boundaries in a new partnership.

I do feel for you, I struggled with a spooky horse and it really didn't work out for me, but you should take a moment to really piece together what is going on, you have posted some really positive things about Andy.


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24 May 2010
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I'm sure you'll have had him checked but are you sure he's not in pain anywhere? I thought Gerry was being awkward but it turned out he had PSD.


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29 May 2010
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first of all you have done really well with this horsey so well done for that.

Secondly you dont have to ride to keep him fit or happy. You need to spend time with him so why not try loose schooling, playing games in the school or do a bit of join up and get him to follow you over little jumps or even get him to go next to you without you leading him. Just do something different.

Thirdly we used to do riding to music a few of us in the school synchronised riding where we would ride in pairs it was so much fun on a winters night and we have even done pony club games yes on a clydesdale and the kids on their ponies.


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25 October 2006
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Koko this just does not sound like you at all, and I saw your post about not being able to do Ciren fun ride because you are revising. Are you sure it's not actually study and study worries getting on top of you? Andy will only benefit from a bit of time off until your exams are out of the way if it helps you, and then you (hopefully - like me :D) will have a long summer ahead of you to enjoy him xxx


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16 January 2009
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I remember it took me a year and even after found out things about my horse. I had a few battles where I tried to dominate him! I then tried nice friendly approach(which perhaps I should have tried first rather than being firm and firmer and then we had battles).

One year and I cracked it. Even after I found out things he could do (years later).

I wish I had known more about his past then.

I did have some lessons on him as well at the beginning. So perhaps do that if its getting too much try to get a focus or goal etc a bit at a time. My horse became a pain going out so I got someone on their really well behaved mare to meet me at a certain point on the hack where I knew he would play up. It was funny as he was all ready to tank off but the other horse just completely ignored him and walked on as if it had some looney stuck to its backside!! We were glued! But it gave me more confidence to do this. The other rider was really helpful too.


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11 September 2008
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I feel your pain, Major (mostly since he turned 6) has been seriously testing me. He doesn't just spook and nap a bit he stands upright on his back legs when he doesn't get his way (although this is new, bit of a teenage strop :rolleyes:. Last week i had a lesson on the monday during which he nearly flattened my instructor, and ran us both into the fence after which i lost any motivation and didn't ride him all week. I spoke long and hard with my OH whether he was too much for me and to sell him and maybe find a less... er.... sharp project.

However yesterday (fully dosed up on rescue rememdy) i went, got on him and took him out. I was horribly tense, felt physically sick but forced myself to do it. We did 12 miles spooking, napping, leaping before i let him run as fast as he could for a good stretch... i'm not joking it was like an instant transformation to the old Major. Rest of the ride was relaxed, no spooking, napping or leaping. I haven't wanted to get off him since.

I think these horses are sent to test us and they are never going to be easy, but that's what makes them fun :D


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12 July 2010
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Thanks for all the advice I'm 18 and have loads of help from my parents very good instructors and pony club.
I've been trying to do things totally different with him I took him to the beach a couple of weeks ago and we play mounted games occasionaly. I have various schools to ride in so try and keep it mixed up that way and try to make sure he is doing something different everyday.

I honestly don't want to sell him, he is an amazing little horse who can make me so happy. I love him to pieces and could never part with him, the thought makes me well up.

At competitions he is such a different horse he behaves is really chilled and is a pleasure to ride but at home/ instructors he is a complete arse. After being an arse though he works really nicely but if you give him a rest he goes through arseness again and then settles down.

He is absolutly fine physically, we've had various saddlers, back people, physios and the vet has come out a few times and they have all found nothing wrong and say he's just feeling well.

Exams aren't stressing me out honestly I'm quite relaxed about them (but not too relaxed) I can honestly say I'm a lot happier now then I have been in a long time so I don't understand where this lack of motivation is coming from.


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15 September 2009
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Have to say if it is a stressful experience for you everytime-what is your horse feeling stresswise?
Is mounted games really a good idea for a stressy pony that finds life stressful?


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1 August 2005
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k .my daughter has a horse like yours. spooky,silly, when shes good shes amazing when shes bad shes horrid.

not a nasty horse just very sharp and simple things can be an issue.

our worst nightmare,box rest and controlled exercise for last 2 months and controlled exercise has been a test and sometimes a chore.

no words of wisdom im afraid but sometimes the quirky ones are the best ones....


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12 July 2010
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He's on a calmer I didn't think it was doing anything took him off it and he was worse so put him back on it.

I did mounted games when he was calmer there is no way I could get him to do it with the mood he's in now.

debsflo the only thing that is keeping me going is the fact he will be/ is a special pony once you get past the naughtiness.


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15 September 2009
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Isn't he older as well? Have you tried just hacking for a while, like 2 weeks, no competing, no travelling, just chilling at home?


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19 August 2008
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Have to say if it is a stressful experience for you everytime-what is your horse feeling stresswise?
Is mounted games really a good idea for a stressy pony that finds life stressful?

This... Variety is the spice of life and all, but you have to decide what you want. For example Reg doesn't do group dressage, would never participate in mounted games or polo, and his fast work is varied so he doesn't anticipate.

For the jogging- it never killed anyone! Just chill and sit back and let him do it. He'll either get bored, or you'll get good at sitting trot- buy a seat saver first though. If you leave him alone, he'll get less wound up than if you're constantly nagging at him... If he's not stressed, then he'll end up slowing down.


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12 July 2010
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He's 13 this year. Even if I did want to sell no one would want to buy him he has health problems and is a right arse to ride but he's also little so he needs someone small and capable. Not that I want to sell him but I just don't think anyone would want him.

He doesn't enjoy hacking at all, he's getting better and will go on very small hacks not in a huge stress but he is the same with/ without company. He is the most relaxed when we take him out to competitions/ rallies which is why I enjoy and I think he enjoys doing them the most.

With the jogging if I just sit there and do nothing he'll take off up the road. The reason he jogs is beacause I'm stopping him cantering off. He only does when he gets stressed out hacking and he is getting better hacking.


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8 February 2009
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If you were closer, you could come and ride Len for a break from jogging :)

Other than that, I don't really know what to say, except maybe take a break? Ground work and stuff might be nice for a change, and nobody has to stress then :D



Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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Are you comparing him to Koko do you think?

You must be as it would only be natural and you are human with a human heart arn't you?

Perhaps you and Andy need to take a step back, forget competitions and what you should be doing and instead try moving on slowly with him. He brings you such joy at times whichperhaps makes you feel a little guilty? He will never be Koko and can never be. Tell him about Koko, talk to him, just be quiet ith him, but don't expect him to be the same.

Koko can never be replaced and so he shouldn't.

Andy can help your wounds to heal, he'll want to, but only if you let him.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Koko.... give yourself and Andy a holiday. You need to go off for a week either off riding someone elses horse and lying on a beach.

Let Andy chill out for a week too. Then get back on and go off for a gallop or something...

You never know, you might both get some inspiration... horses get bored too and I know when mine needs a chillout break. It'll do you both good xxx


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15 September 2009
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Yes, how much turnout? What is he ridden in? How does he behave in fields when ridden e.g riding round them? A reschooling session might be in order with someone experienced in dealing with fizzy horses, just to put things in a different light, perhaps 3weeks and then a lesson or series of lessons with them. Expensive? Yes-but just knock the competing on the head for a bit to get this sorted.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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He's 13 this year. Even if I did want to sell no one would want to buy him he has health problems and is a right arse to ride but he's also little so he needs someone small and capable. Not that I want to sell him but I just don't think anyone would want him.

He doesn't enjoy hacking at all, he's getting better and will go on very small hacks not in a huge stress but he is the same with/ without company. He is the most relaxed when we take him out to competitions/ rallies which is why I enjoy and I think he enjoys doing them the most.

With the jogging if I just sit there and do nothing he'll take off up the road. The reason he jogs is beacause I'm stopping him cantering off. He only does when he gets stressed out hacking and he is getting better hacking.

If he's that much of an arse out hacking, don't bother! Just go for a potter round the school or chuck him out in the field for an extra hour.

And we'd have him in a heartbeat!


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7 June 2007
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Maybe upping the calmer could be a good idea, its another idea :)

Could he be turned out 24/7?

Something is causing him to be stressed - could be as simple as you being stressed about exams which has in turn stressed him out? :)