Alec Swan
Well-Known Member
Who are these professional film makers Alec?
They are in storage, for another day!
Who are these professional film makers Alec?
They are in storage, for another day!
Oh and of course the Heythrop being banned from National Trust land
Has it occurred to you how strange it is that the NT have banned all hunting from their land (Not just the Heythrop), but they still allow driven game shooting to go ahead, where there is the guarantee of injured game being left for days or weeks to die?
Do you wonder why this is? Let me tell you, those who shoot pay vast amounts for the privilege to do so, so you needn't think that the NT were acting in any sort of altruistic fashion, when they banned hunting. They did so because firstly, hunting brought in no revenue, and secondly, and in the light of that, they were appearing to do the right thing which appeased those of a certain set who leave them near obscene bequests.
I was going to make the point that NT land has banned hunting for yonks.
Alec et al, you are never going to change the minds of some of the people on here. It was common knowledge that Richard Sumner & Julian Barnfield had decided not to face huge costs & plead guilty.
What I'm still quite amazed about, is that so called animal lovers on here, would rather have their association spend £326,000 on a stupid hunt prosecution than spend that money on real help.
That one really confounds me, as the good old RSPCA have undoubtedly lost street cred with donators & that actually saddens me for any lost or distressed animal that may well now have to be destroyed because of a chairman with his own political agenda. Shame on him.
Pathetic attempt to blame people who support the RSPCA for the failings of others. Any problem with I guess you are suggesting over breeding is for the government to address not for the RSPCA to ever increase its homing centre sizes leaving animals awaiting homes that will NEVER be found. Grow up hunters!
SarahC, I come at this from a slightly different perspective. We all agree(probably) that cas4es such as Spindles farm were justified. But where hunting is concerned, those of us 'in touch' with wildlife and the natural world, KNOW that hunting is not 'cruel' in any real sense of the word. Many years ago the veteran left winger Tony Benn made a speech in which he pointed out that most progress in this country has been made by people deciding to break absurd laws. Well, I know nothing about the Heythrop case,and it does seem extremely unlikely that they were breaking the law, knowing, as they did, that a bunch of fascist 'monitor' thugs were filming them, but the Hunting Act most certainly comes under the category of 'absurd law'!
I think I hit a nerve lol.
I wasn't aware I'd given any excuses for the Heythrop. Not sure I could.
As I have repeatedly stated, regardless of whether it was a hunt or not £300,000 is a heck of a lot of money to spend on any prosecution.
But you are never going to change your mind & neither am I.
No animal welfare laws were broken. The Hunting Act has nothing to do with animal welfare, it doesn't exist to reduce cruelty.
I think the fact that the Charities Commission felt they had reason enough to write speaks volumes.
But no doubt they too will be castigated into being pro- hunt nutters.
It's all about accountability.