RSPCA with out photos


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1 June 2014
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I will answer the same questions again for you so it sinks in this time

you say on facebook that your solicitor was told back in mid March (a few days after it died) that your dog was killed in a fight. Later you say you weren't told until late April.
I had a local solicitor at the time i did not have Clive Rees. It was the local solicitor that the rspca called and told that the dog was dead they gave no reason !!

Your dog was killed three months ago. Yet the very same photo was on a selling page selling the same terrier, also three months ago.
I asked my son for photos of the dog and that is the one i chose the dog was in perfect health and same condition be for it was killed in rspca care

Your dog was killed, then, in mid March and your solicitor "Clive" has been involved from the start. Your online campaign (which didn't start until the end of April) should surely have been advised against by any solicitor?
At no point have i sad Clive was involved from the start But he is now and has been for a few weeks
The on line face book page is full of facts no lies have been told from me I have nothing to hide

You still haven't answered peoples' reasonable questions about what you and your dogs were doing when they were seized.
I was sat watching the morning news as it was 9.15 am i had been up fed the dogs and cleaned them out was getting ready to take the for a run when they knocked on the door

if any of this is real and you're really making a case through your solicitor, the truth will come out in court where the facts (and not the baffling jumble of allegations on here)
I do apologize if you are confused ill try and make it more simple for you
( i had a dog and it was torn to bits in an rspca kennel ) hope you can understand that
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1 June 2014
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For those of you convinced of the truth of the OP's story and allegations, you are able to contribute directly to the 'fightforstellafund' via PayPal on the 'RSPCA did this' Facebook page.

That's handy.

Thanks for posting the donate link as you no your self it costs a lot to bring the rspca to court. I do not mind doing it all on my own . But i had a lot of people ask about donating to bring them to justice if like me you work then you have to pay for everything your self. I do not have 140,000000 like the rspca sat in the bank too wast
If you look here you will see anther forum doing an auction to help raise funds to help cover the costs as well
I never asked for any help people offered it as they know what the rspca are capable of doing and at any moment in time it could be any one of you next in my shoes !


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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I really don't understand this thread! You were just sitting , watching tv and the R.S.P.C.A took your dogs away for no reason?!?! I thought they were known for being really useless at seizing dogs in any condition as long as they have basic food, water and shelter! Yet your dogs were seized for no reason at all?! Sorry, don't believe a word of it!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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LOL ! There's always a donate button with these stories.:D:D:D
I am sure you have lots stashed in the bank I work hard for mine !!
I really don't understand this thread! You were just sitting , watching tv and the R.S.P.C.A took your dogs away for no reason?!?! I thought they were known for being really useless at seizing dogs in any condition as long as they have basic food, water and shelter! Yet your dogs were seized for no reason at all?! Sorry, don't believe a word of it!
The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal, if your going to comment at least read some of the thread thanks

I was sat watching the morning news as it was 9.15 am i had been up fed the dogs and cleaned them out was getting ready to take the for a run when they knocked on the door was an answer to a question from some one else !
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14 March 2010
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I am sure you have lots stashed in the bank I work hard for mine !!

The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal, if your going to comment at least read some of the thread thanks

I was sat watching the morning news as it was 9.15 am i had been up fed the dogs and cleaned them out was getting ready to take the for a run when they knocked on the door was an answer to a question from some one else !

I have read the thread and it doesn't make any sense. They can't just remove a dog like that without evidence or anything. They have very limited powers when it comes to seizing dogs.


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3 August 2012
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LOL ! There's always a donate button with these stories.:D:D:D

That's just perfect.

OP...just one sure to account fully for every last penny as you are asking for so much attention, you need to be absolutely above reproach.

As for your comment that it could be any one of us in this position, couldn't. Not all of us control pests and those that do, generally are so very good and correct that they never have any worries or troubles or accusations of wrong doing.

I don't believe a word of it, have stayed quite for pages and pages of this thread, but knowing that people are giving their money is too much.

If there was any truth to any of this, even a little bit...the RSPCA's vast legal department would have had it removed a long time ago. They managed to see my thread within 30 minutes....they will know this is here and the fact that they have not had it removed when it is an ongoing case, speaks volumes to me.

Dymented, you are in danger of ruining your own campaign.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I know I said I'd done posting here but I have to reply to this nonsense:

I had a local solicitor at the time i did not have Clive Rees. It was the local solicitor that the rspca called and told that the dog was dead they gave no reason !!

The point isn't which solicitor, it's that you said you weren't told until late April what had happened to your dog, yet you say the solicitor was told after a few days.

At no point have i sad Clive was involved from the start But he is now and has been for a few weeks
The on line face book page is full of facts no lies have been told from me I have nothing to hide

Again, it doesn't matter who the solicitor is, I just can't believe they think it's alright to post details (including your solicitor's name and posting in your own name on Facebook) of an ongoing case. It also doesn't matter if you think it's all true and you have nothing to hide. It's a legal case. :rolleyes3:

I do wonder, as you're going for maximum publicity why none of the newspapers (currently quite keen on anti RSPCA stories) haven't picked it up? I can't believe you haven't tried. ;)

I do apologize if you are confused ill try and make it more simple for you
( i had a dog and it was torn to bits in an rspca kennel ) hope you can understand that

I understand perfectly that's what you claim happened. I just don't believe you.

Right that's it. I will not post on this ridiculous thread again.


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3 July 2013
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any legal adviser with any brain would advise you to keep quiet about everything until you have a successful prosecution (if they feel you have a case) otherwise you risk a counter claim on many levels and the whole case could get thrown out of court.
sorry but I don't believe a word of it.

they say 'fools and their money are easily parted' I don't claim to be Einstein but I shall not be sending any money your way OP


Well-Known Member
21 March 2014
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The RSPCA cannot just seize dogs, they require a warrant signed by a Magistrate, one of a panel of three, who have to be given evidence that the warrant is justified. Evidence is carefully and precisely graded and no JP would sign a warrant based on only one call from an aggrieved member of the public.

Also, it is not for the CPS to judge whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute, OP, these cases are nearly always prosecuted by the RSPCA and you will likely receive a summons in due course.

I too would love to know exactly what vermin the OP believes they are legally hunting.
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Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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I know I said I'd done posting here but I have to reply to this nonsense:

The point isn't which solicitor, it's that you said you weren't told until late April what had happened to your dog, yet you say the solicitor was told after a few days.
The solicitor was told a dog was dead after 3 days in there care at no point did they contact me or offer an explanation as to what had happened officially till the 18th may
Please read it right if you want to bash the thread

Again, it doesn't matter who the solicitor is, I just can't believe they think it's alright to post details (including your solicitor's name and posting in your own name on Facebook) of an ongoing case. It also doesn't matter if you think it's all true and you have nothing to hide. It's a legal case. :rolleyes3:
I have nothing to hide everything posted was fact ( the dog was killed in there care they will not or cannot deny it )

I do wonder, as you're going for maximum publicity why none of the newspapers (currently quite keen on anti RSPCA stories) haven't picked it up? I can't believe you haven't tried. ;)
Theres is a few new papers that have the story that have contacted the rspca and they refuse to comment ( what are they hiding ? )
I understand perfectly that's what you claim happened. I just don't believe you.

Right that's it. I will not post on this ridiculous thread again.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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Can I just point out that the RSPCA cannot just seize dogs, they require a warrant signed by a Magistrate, one of apanel of three, who have to be given evidence that the warrant is justified. Evidence is carefully and precisely graded and no JP would sign a warrant based on only one call from an aggrieved member of the public.

Also, it is not for the CPS to judge whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute, OP, these cases are almost always prosecuted by the RSPCA and you will likely receive a summons in due course.

I too would love to know exactly what vermin the OP believes they are legally hunting.
page one of the thread
The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal, they did not show me or leave a copy
I think you will find that the cps decide what they do if there is no evidence
The rspca take it upon them selves to take out a privet prosecution if the cps say no as its no cost to the cps
I do believe you can still legally hunt with dogs have a read here to clarify this matter


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3 August 2012
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OP, I get that you are passionate about resolving this, I really do. But I would ask yourself has your son told you the whole truth, could there be things that have happened that you don't know about?

I fully understand your desire for justice, but none of it makes any sense, even to those of us that understand the RSPCA and/or the legal system in this country.

It's like car crash telly and you're putting so much effort into it, I would hate to think you are not yourself, in receipt of the whole truth.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Ah, the campaign for donations on Facebook and publicised further on various forums. Nice one, glad we can be of service.

I have a sight and hearing impaired, rickety old dog. She'd like to spend her last days somewhere hot and sunny, like Cannes, to warm her arthritic bones. Donations, anyone ?


Well-Known Member
21 March 2014
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page one of the thread
The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal, they did not show me or leave a copy

And it would not have been signed if three magistrates had not seen sufficient evidence.

I think you will find that the cps decide what they do if there is no evidence
The rspca take it upon them selves to take out a privet prosecution if the cps say no as its no cost to the cps

You are wrong. The decision to prosecute animal cases like yours is not made by the CPS.

I do believe you can still legally hunt with dogs have a read here to clarify this matter

I know you can hunt with dogs dymented. But what I am confused about is your apparent reluctance to tell the forum what pests you believe you legally hunt with your dogs.
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1 August 2013
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i know you can hunt with dogs dymented. But what I am confused about is your apparent reluctance to tell the forum what pests you believe you legally hunt with your dogs.

Yep I asked that too. I also asked with how many dogs. OP just got all red, bold and rude and basically called me an idiot. Still didn't answer my questions.

To be honest, reading the replies, the OP doesn't strike me as a very nice person and may have had dealing with people when his attitude aggregated them resulting in a claim to the RSPCA.

Regardless of what I think of the OP it doesn't take away from the fact that the dog died in the RSPCAs care. I would be interested to know just why the warrant was issued - the OP has refused to offer any more information than 'fighting with a wild animal' BUT the question is what wild animal and how many dogs?

I deeply suspect that the OP has been badger baiting or I he would have been more forthcoming with stating which animals he was hunting and with how many dogs.

FWIW I am not anti hunting - I clear my land of rabbits with my lurchers. And mmmm they make a nice stew :)


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23 September 2004
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As the dog died a couple of days after being seized, we do not know that the dog didn't die of injuries that occurred before it was taken away from the OP or his son, particularly as another of the OP's dog's had bites.
We do not know what other dog's the OP owns.
We do not know if he has other dogs used for fighting and what the wild animal on the warrant was.

We only have the deliberately limited information he has fed us.


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6 April 2008
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As the dog died a couple of days after being seized, we do not know that the dog didn't die of injuries that occurred before it was taken away from the OP or his son, particularly as another of the OP's dog's had bites.

The OP claims the terrier was "torn to pieces" whilst with the RSPCA, so if the truth is being told, the dog was uninjured when seized.

We do not know what other dog's the OP owns.

Posts 50 54 62 and 91 clearly show what dogs the OP owns.

We do not know if he has other dogs used for fighting and what the wild animal on the warrant was.

We only have the deliberately limited information he has fed us.

Yes true.

Posters keep asking the OP what the dogs were allegedly doing, and not getting a straight answer. I can only assume that this is because the OP doesn't actually KNOW as s/he wasn't told, but I wish the OP had made that a bit clearer, because it makes it sound as if they're deliberately holding back the main piece of information. What I don't get is, if an inspector knocked my door waving a bit of paper demanding I hand over my animals, I'd sure as hell get hold of that bit of paper and read it, and ask for anything I didn't understand to be explained to me before I'd even let them in, let alone take my dogs, so why didn't the OP?

What a strange story - I honestly don't know what to think.
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Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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The OP claims the terrier was "torn to pieces" whilst with the RSPCA, so if the truth is being told, the dog was uninjured when seized.

Posts 50 54 62 and 91 clearly show what dogs the OP owns.

Yes true.

Posters keep asking the OP what the dogs were allegedly doing, and not getting a straight answer. I can only assume that this is because the OP doesn't actually KNOW as s/he wasn't told, but I wish the OP had made that a bit clearer, because it makes it sound as if they're deliberately holding back the main piece of information. What I don't get is, if an inspector knocked my door waving a bit of paper demanding I hand over my animals, I'd sure as hell get hold of that bit of paper and read it, and ask for anything I didn't understand to be explained to me before I'd even let them in, let alone take my dogs, so why didn't the OP?

What a strange story - I honestly don't know what to think.

All the dogs were sized from the house and were in kennels
All dogs were alive and fit / healthy and in very good condition
The warrant allegedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal ( i have no idea what as i have not seen the warrant ) we have asked for copy's twice and still not got them
The police were in attendance so stupid as it seems i let them in as i had nothing to hide
After speaking to the solicitor he says the warrant will not specify any animal just the word encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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Who are you OP ? You seem very adept at avoiding answering the real questions. All I know is that you are seeking donations and have joined various websites to lamblast the RSPCA.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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Who are you OP ? You seem very adept at avoiding answering the real questions. All I know is that you are seeking donations and have joined various websites to lamblast the RSPCA.
Every Question you asked i answered to the best of my ability and knowledge i can not answer what i do not know .I have been members of various web sites for years. All i am simply doing is seeking justice for the poor dog that was killed in rspca care due to there neglect and cruelty.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
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Every Question you asked i answered to the best of my ability and knowledge i can not answer what i do not know .I have been members of various web sites for years. All i am simply doing is seeking justice for the poor dog that was killed in rspca care due to there neglect and cruelty.

Not quite you haven't there is still the question someone put to you asking what exactly you were doing with your dogs that was "above board and legal". You haven't explained that further.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2014
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I've searched the internet for information about this dymented and I can only find what you've put there yourself. There are only two reasons why this wouldn't be picked up by the press, that they think the story isn't true, or that they have been told that a prosecution is pending.


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3 August 2012
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I've searched the internet for information about this dymented and I can only find what you've put there yourself. There are only two reasons why this wouldn't be picked up by the press, that they think the story isn't true, or that they have been told that a prosecution is pending.

And if a prosecution was pending against the RSPCA, this thread would long have been pulled.


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23 September 2004
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Or perhaps it's just another malicious attack on the RSPCA. There are numerous pages on the net with campaigns, some run by very unbalanced characters with an axe to grind.

Is the OP just another troll ?